BlackJack JS game for X number of players and the dealer.
I created the following classes:
- Card
- Deck (set of 52 cards which can be easily extended to multi decks)
- Hand (set of cards)
- Player (who has two hands(2nd after the split))
- Dealer class which inherits from Player and has algo for playing decisions
- Game which is an object controlling overall game of one dealer and n-players;
Notes on the initial structure: I could have treated splits as splits of Players into two other players and then the structure could have been modified with one base object which could have been the parrent for both player and dealer objects.
To play the game please "open index.html".
I used AngularJS.
"BlackJack engine" was build using TDD as I was building the structure.
I learned more about AngularJS as it was my first project not a walkthrough so I intend to solve similiar tasks.
I also had fun with some map/reduce functions like Game.prototype.areAllPlayersFinished.
Dealer is not allowed to split at the moment but it can be added. I did small styling using bootstrap.
I have to add that I read about few BlackJack strategies which was also interesting and who knows it may be even beneficial one day :).