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Step 1 Install Openplotter Headless

marcobergman edited this page Mar 11, 2021 · 10 revisions

To install openplotter, just follow the instructions on this link: Installing / Basic. You only need an SD card, a Raspberry Pi, and an SD card reader. ‘Headless’ means that you don’t need to hook up any screen, mouse or keyboard to your raspberry: you access the raspberry through VNC, a remote desktop type of thing.

  • Download ‘Openplotter Headless’ from this link, and unzip it. I got an image file called 2020-12-16-OpenPlotter-v2-Headless.img after unzipping.

  • Burn that file onto the SD card with the Raspberry Pi Imager. In the Operating System dropdown box, scroll all the way down, 'Use Custom', then select the .img file.

  • When the SD card has been written, take it out of the SD card reader, stick it in the Raspberry, and plug the power cord in the raspberry.

  • After no more than 2 minutes, you will see a Wi-Fi access point appear, called ‘openplotter’. Connect your computer to it. The Wi-Fi password is 12345678.

  • Windows has a bad habit of dropping Wi-Fi connections when it cannot ping Bill Gates. So keep an eye on your connection, you might have to reconnect a few times.

  • If it sticks, you will get an IP address in the range and you can ping That is your openplotter raspberry.

  • Now download RealVNC VNC Viewer from here. Open it and connect to The username is pi, the password is raspberry. You will see the desktop and there will be a warning. If you are on Linux, you can use Remmina (ubuntu) or another VNC client.

  • Ok the warning, and hit Next a few times. Along the way you need to give a new password for the user pi. At the end, this is what you see:

  • Don’t forget to treat yourself to something nice! You’ve achieved the first step.

Step 2: Install pypilot >>>

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