+ While we find the best match for you, feel free to explore other games or browse around.
+ Once your match is ready, you'll be automatically redirected.
+ Size: {{ game.width }} x {{ game.height }},
+ Variant: Standard,
+ Color: {{ game.preferredStone|replace({1: 'Red', 2: 'Yellow'})|default('Random') }}
+ Feature not implemented yet.
+ {%- for child in form %}
+ {{- form_widget(child, {
+ required: false,
+ parent_label_class: label_attr.class|default(''),
+ translation_domain: choice_translation_domain,
+ valid: valid,
+ }) -}}
+ {% endfor -%}
+{%- endblock choice_widget_expanded %}
diff --git a/src/WebInterface/Presentation/Http/View/lobby.html.twig b/src/WebInterface/Presentation/Http/View/lobby.html.twig
index 17673b8b..484d87c1 100644
--- a/src/WebInterface/Presentation/Http/View/lobby.html.twig
+++ b/src/WebInterface/Presentation/Http/View/lobby.html.twig
@@ -27,9 +27,21 @@