- Remove Python 3.8 support.
- Add Python 3.13 support.
- Issues from pre-commit config version updates.
- Solar altitude over lunar feature calculation
- AltitudeDict class to provide solar altitude for Lunar II features
- Use scriv for history generation
- OS version for readthedocs build
- Updated CONTRIBUTING.rst to add scriv usage
- Internal class cross-references in docs
- Updates to project dependencies
- Updates to project dependencies
- Change types module to pkg_types to avoid shadowing builtin
- Drop support for Python 3.6 and 3.7
- Add Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12 support
- Switch to pyproject.toml
- Internal package updates
- Update docs infrastructure
- Switch back to tox
- Add linting and formatting
- Add mypy and typing
- Add numpydoc and tox.ini checking
- Add phase emoji function
- Add phase ASCII art function
- Add fractional age function
- Updates to API docs
- Infrastructure updates and fixes
- Drop Python 2 and 3.4 and 3.5 support
- Add Python 3.7 and 3.8 support
- Change to 3-clause BSD license
- Switch to pytest from tox
- Add Github workflows for build and package upload
- Remove Travis
- Add changelog updates
- LunarFeature additions
- Latitude and Longitude ranges
- Feature angle
- MoonInfo additions
- Libration phase angle
- Libration visibility check
- Updated is_visible to use libration visibility check
- Corrected moon state after rise/set function call
- Made landing sites always visible once visible
- Added landing sites to feature database
- Expanding LunarFeature content
- MoonInfo object additions
- right ascension and declination
- solar elongation
- earth distance
- rise, transit and set times
- angular size
- magnitude
- sub-solar latitude
- Ensure feature DB included in package
- MoonInfo object additions
- time of day
- is feature visible
- LunarFeatureContainer object changes
- Made constructor club related
- Load call can check if feature is visible using MoonInfo instance
- Changed mechanism to determine phase name
- MoonInfo object additions
- phase name
- time from new moon
- time to new moon
- time to full moon
- MoonInfo object that provides basic lunar information
- age
- altitude
- azimuth
- colongitude
- fractional phase
- libration latitude
- libration longitude
- next four lunar phases