Various pieces of music that are sometimes nice to have on in the background while working.
Artist | Title | Year |
Mort Garson | 1976 | Mother Earth's Plantasia |
Stevie Wonder | Stevie Wonder's Journey Through "The Secret Life of Plants" | 1979 |
吉村弘 (Hiroshi Yoshimura) | Green | 1986 |
磯田健一郎 (Kenichiro Isoda) | ナチュラル・トリップ マジエルの星 (Natural Trip: Majel's Star) | 1990 |
吉村弘 (Hiroshi Yoshimura) | Wet Land | 1993 |
助川敏弥 (Toshiya Sukegawa) | バイオシック・ミュージック 「星座」(Bioçic Music: Astrology) | 1993 |
小久保隆 (Takashi Kokubo) | ロアールの古城~中世の夢~ (Loire's Castles ~ Medieval Dreams ~) | 1993 |
しおのみち (Shio no Michi) | ニの巻 (Vol. 2) | 1994 |
Secret Stash | Советский Фанк (Soviet funk vol 1) | 2010 |
Alexandra Stréliski | Pianoscope | 2010 |
Radio Garden remains a favourite for listening to radio stations from places I used to live and/or exploring other parts of the world I haven't been to.