BunnyCDN storage deployer
(1)This action performs 3 operations.
- Uploads files and folders to storage.
- Removes all the files from storage.
- Purges pull zone.
Each operation can be activated with their respective upload, remove and purge flags.
It will upload files and folders if "true" provided. source, storageZoneName and storagePassword inputs should be provided.
It will remove all the files from storage before uploading if "true" provided. storageZoneName and storagePassword inputs should be provided.
It will purge the pull zone if "true" provided. pullZoneId and accessKey inputs should be provided.
The source directory that should be uploaded.
The destination directory that should be uploaded to in the bunny storage zone. (Example: www). The destination should not have a trailing / as in www/.
If you want to upload files to a nested directory, you can specify the path to the directory in the destination parameter. For example, if you want to upload files to a directory called assets inside the www directory, you can set the destination parameter to www/assets.
Note that the nested directory will be automatically created by the CDN if it does not already exist.
The name of storage zone where you are connecting to.
The storage endpoint. Default value is storage.bunnycdn.com
The storage password. It should be read and write capable.
The API key.
Pull zone ID.
- name: Deploy to BunnyCDN
uses: ayeressian/[email protected]
source: "dist"
destination: "www"
storageZoneName: "${{ secrets.STORAGE_NAME }}"
storagePassword: "${{ secrets.STORAGE_PASSWORD }}"
accessKey: "${{ secrets.STORAGE_KEY }}"
pullZoneId: "${{ secrets.ZONE_ID }}"
upload: "true"
remove: "true"
purgePullZone: "true"
BunnyCDN storage deployer is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.