Dotnet Test Reporter
(2)- The action can process dotnet test results (a single or multiple
files), if there are any failing tests the action will fail. This allows integrating the action into your CI pipeline to short circuit and prevent further build/deploy operations as well as merging the code that caused tests to fail. - Optionally, test coverage can also be provided (a single opencover or cobertura
file) as well as a minimum coverage percentage threshold. If the threshold is provided and the coverage is not sufficient the action will fail. - The action also generates a workflow summary - a more detailed overview of processed tests and test coverage. For your convenience you can see the summary by following the link in the comment.
- The action allows many configurations to suit your needs, please visit the Inputs and Examples sections.
✔️ Passed | ❌ Failed | ⏱️ Time | |
29 | 3 | 3 | 8.2s |
✔️ eShopWeb.UnitTests.ApplicationCore.Entities.BasketTests.BasketAddItem - 6/6
Result | Test |
✔️ | AddsBasketItemIfNotPresent |
✔️ | CantAddItemWithNegativeQuantity |
✔️ | CantModifyQuantityToNegativeNumber |
✔️ | DefaultsToQuantityOfOne |
✔️ | IncrementsQuantityOfItemIfPresent |
✔️ | KeepsOriginalUnitPriceIfMoreItemsAdded |
✔️ eShopWeb.UnitTests.ApplicationCore.Entities.BasketTests.BasketRemoveEmptyItems - 1/1
Result | Test |
✔️ | RemovesEmptyBasketItems |
✔️ eShopWeb.UnitTests.ApplicationCore.Entities.BasketTests.BasketTotalItems - 2/2
Result | Test |
✔️ | ReturnsTotalQuantityWithMultipleItems |
✔️ | ReturnsTotalQuantityWithOneItem |
✔️ eShopWeb.UnitTests.ApplicationCore.Entities.OrderTests.OrderTotal - 1/3
Result | Test | Output |
IsCorrectGiven1Item | Skipped test 1 | |
IsCorrectGiven3Items | Skipped test 2 | |
✔️ | IsZeroForNewOrder |
✔️ eShopWeb.UnitTests.ApplicationCore.Extensions.JsonExtensions - 3/3
Result | Test |
✔️ | CorrectlyDeserializesJson(json: "{ \"id\": 3124, \"name\": \"Test Value 1\" }", expectedId: 3124, expectedName: "Test Value 1") |
✔️ | CorrectlyDeserializesJson(json: "{ \"id\": 9, \"name\": \"Another test\" }", expectedId: 9, expectedName: "Another test") |
✔️ | CorrectlySerializesAndDeserializesObject |
❌ eShopWeb.UnitTests.ApplicationCore.Services.BasketServiceTests.AddItemToBasket - 1/2
Result | Test | Output |
❌ | InvokesBasketRepositoryGetBySpecAsyncOnce | Error Message Assert.Fail(): Failed test 1 Stack Trace at eShopWeb.UnitTests.ApplicationCore.Services.BasketServiceTests.AddItemToBasket.InvokesBasketRepositoryGetBySpecAsyncOnce() in C:\Users\testuser\Files\Projects\eShopOnWeb\tests\UnitTests\ApplicationCore\Services\BasketServiceTests\AddItemToBasket.cs:line 20 --- End of stack trace from previous location --- |
✔️ | InvokesBasketRepositoryUpdateAsyncOnce |
✔️ eShopWeb.UnitTests.ApplicationCore.Services.BasketServiceTests.DeleteBasket - 1/1
Result | Test |
✔️ | ShouldInvokeBasketRepositoryDeleteAsyncOnce |
✔️ eShopWeb.UnitTests.ApplicationCore.Services.BasketServiceTests.TransferBasket - 4/4
Result | Test |
✔️ | CreatesNewUserBasketIfNotExists |
✔️ | InvokesBasketRepositoryFirstOrDefaultAsyncOnceIfAnonymousBasketNotExists |
✔️ | RemovesAnonymousBasketAfterUpdatingUserBasket |
✔️ | TransferAnonymousBasketItemsWhilePreservingExistingUserBasketItems |
❌ eShopWeb.UnitTests.ApplicationCore.Specifications.BasketWithItems - 3/4
Result | Test | Output |
❌ | MatchesBasketWithGivenBasketId | Error Message System.Exception : Test exception Stack Trace at eShopWeb.UnitTests.ApplicationCore.Specifications.BasketWithItems.MatchesBasketWithGivenBasketId() in C:\Users\testuser\Files\Projects\eShopOnWeb\tests\UnitTests\ApplicationCore\Specifications\BasketWithItemsSpecification.cs:line 24 |
✔️ | MatchesBasketWithGivenBuyerId | |
✔️ | MatchesNoBasketsIfBasketIdNotPresent | |
✔️ | MatchesNoBasketsIfBuyerIdNotPresent |
❌ eShopWeb.UnitTests.ApplicationCore.Specifications.CatalogFilterPaginatedSpecification - 0/2
Result | Test | Output |
Returns2CatalogItemsWithSameBrandAndTypeId | Skipped test 3 | |
❌ | ReturnsAllCatalogItems | Error Message Assert.Fail(): Failed test 2 Stack Trace at eShopWeb.UnitTests.ApplicationCore.Specifications.CatalogFilterPaginatedSpecification.ReturnsAllCatalogItems() in C:\Users\testuser\Files\Projects\eShopOnWeb\tests\UnitTests\ApplicationCore\Specifications\CatalogFilterPaginatedSpecification.cs:line 11 |
✔️ eShopWeb.UnitTests.ApplicationCore.Specifications.CatalogFilterSpecification - 7/7
Result | Test |
✔️ | MatchesExpectedNumberOfItems(brandId: 1, typeId: 3, expectedCount: 1) |
✔️ | MatchesExpectedNumberOfItems(brandId: 1, typeId: null, expectedCount: 3) |
✔️ | MatchesExpectedNumberOfItems(brandId: 2, typeId: 3, expectedCount: 0) |
✔️ | MatchesExpectedNumberOfItems(brandId: 2, typeId: null, expectedCount: 2) |
✔️ | MatchesExpectedNumberOfItems(brandId: null, typeId: 1, expectedCount: 2) |
✔️ | MatchesExpectedNumberOfItems(brandId: null, typeId: 3, expectedCount: 1) |
✔️ | MatchesExpectedNumberOfItems(brandId: null, typeId: null, expectedCount: 5) |
📏 Line | 🌿 Branch |
121 / 263 (46.01%) | 5 / 18 (27.78%) |
✔️ ApplicationCore - 46.01%
File | Total | Line | Branch | Lines to Cover |
CatalogSettings.cs | 0 / 1 | 0% | 100% | 5 |
Entities\BaseEntity.cs | 1 / 1 | 100% | 100% | |
Entities\BasketAggregate\Basket.cs | 18 / 19 | 94.74% | 100% | 9 |
Entities\BasketAggregate\BasketItem.cs | 3 / 4 | 75% | 100% | 8 |
Entities\BuyerAggregate\Buyer.cs | 0 / 11 | 0% | 100% | 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20-24 |
Entities\BuyerAggregate\PaymentMethod.cs | 0 / 3 | 0% | 100% | 5-7 |
Entities\CatalogBrand.cs | 0 / 1 | 0% | 100% | 7 |
Entities\CatalogItem.cs | 2 / 8 | 25% | 100% | 7-10, 12, 14 |
Entities\CatalogType.cs | 0 / 1 | 0% | 100% | 7 |
Entities\OrderAggregate\Address.cs | 13 / 14 | 92.86% | 100% | 17 |
Entities\OrderAggregate\CatalogItemOrdered.cs | 12 / 15 | 80% | 100% | 22, 23, 25 |
Entities\OrderAggregate\Order.cs | 21 / 25 | 84% | 100% | 10, 11, 13, 40 |
Entities\OrderAggregate\OrderItem.cs | 9 / 12 | 75% | 100% | 10, 11, 13 |
Exceptions\BasketNotFoundException.cs | 3 / 12 | 25% | 100% | 11-13, 15-17, 19-21 |
Exceptions\GuardExtensions.cs | 3 / 4 | 75% | 50% | 12 |
Services\BasketService.cs | 17 / 51 | 33.33% | 0% | 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 39-46, 48-51, 58-68, 74-79 |
Services\OrderService.cs | 0 / 22 | 0% | 0% | 17-24, 27-38, 40, 41 |
Services\UriComposer.cs | 0 / 4 | 0% | 100% | 9, 12-14 |
Specifications\BaseSpecification.cs | 11 / 33 | 33.33% | 100% | 17-19, 21, 22, 30-32, 34-38, 40-42, 44-46, 50-52 |
Specifications\BasketWithItemsSpecification.cs | 4 / 8 | 50% | 100% | 13-16 |
Specifications\CatalogFilterPaginatedSpecification.cs | 0 / 5 | 0% | 100% | 8-12 |
Specifications\CatalogFilterSpecification.cs | 4 / 4 | 100% | 100% | |
Specifications\CustomerOrdersWithItemsSpecification.cs | 0 / 5 | 0% | 100% | 8-12 |
Note: despite this action was created specifically for dotnet you can use it with other languages and frameworks as long as you can generate .trx
files. For example, your project can be a C#/dotnet backend with a TS/react frontend, in that case you would use the action twice. For react app you would need to:
- install
package to generate.trx
test result files - add
array in case you would like to include a coverage
Required - GitHub repository token.
Required - Path to the .trx
file(s) containing test results. Supports glob patterns.
Examples: ./TestResults/result.trx
, ./**/*.trx
Optional - Path to the file containing test coverage. Supports glob patterns.
Examples: ./TestResults/coverage.xml
, ./**/coverage.xml
Optional - Coverage file type. Supported types are opencover
and cobertura
Default: opencover
Optional - Minimum allowed coverage. You can provide a coverage percentage ranging from 0.00
to 100.00
Example: 80.42
Optional - Pull Request comment title.
Example: My Custom Title
Default: Test Results
Optional - Boolean flag.
Set to true
to post a new comment after each run.
Set to false
or leave blank to only update an existing comment.
Default: false
Optional - Boolean flag.
Set to true
to prevent failed tests from failing the job.
Set to false
or leave blank to fail the job if there are any failed tests (recommended).
Default: false
Optional - Boolean flag.
Set to true
to show only the failed tests. This is useful if you have many tests and the results exceed the markdown comment limit in github
Set to false
or leave blank to show all the test results (recommended).
Default: false
Optional - Boolean flag.
Set to true
or leave blank to show the output of the tests. (recommended).
Set to false
if there is too much output leading to truncation on the summary
Default: true
Optional - Array of changed files and lines numbers.
Examples: [{"name":"Specifications\\BaseSpecification.cs","lineNumbers":[17,18,19]}]
Default: []
Total number of tests
Number of tests passed
Number of tests failed
Number of tests skipped
Line code coverage
Total lines of code
Lines of code covered
Branch code coverage
Total branches
Branches covered
Note: please, always use the latest version
uses: bibipkins/[email protected]
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
comment-title: 'Unit Test Results'
results-path: ./TestResults/*.trx
coverage-path: ./TestResults/coverage.xml
coverage-threshold: 80
Dotnet Test Reporter is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.