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Fortify AST Scan

Find and fix vulnerabilities to build secure software with Fortify Code Security
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Fortify Application Security provides your team with solutions to empower DevSecOps practices, enable cloud transformation, and secure your software supply chain. As the sole Code Security solution with over two decades of expertise and acknowledged as a market leader by all major analysts, Fortify delivers the most adaptable, precise, and scalable AppSec platform available, supporting the breadth of tech you use and integrated into your preferred toolchain. We firmly believe that your great code demands great security, and with Fortify, go beyond 'check the box' security to achieve that.

This GitHub Action allows for easy integration of Fortify Application Security Testing (AST) into your GitHub Action workflows. It provides out-of-the-box support for Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Software Composition Analysis (SCA); support for Dynamic or Mobile Application Security Testing (DAST & MAST) may be added in the future. Apart from utilizing the standard scan workflows provided by this GitHub Action, you may also choose to utilize the various building blocks to implement custom workflows, which can be either customized SAST or SCA workflows, or your own DAST or MAST workflows.

The following sections describe these topics in more detail:


This action assumes the standard software packages as provided by GitHub-hosted runners to be available. If you are using self-hosted runners, you may need to install some of these software packages in order to successfully use this action. In particular, not having the following software installed is known to cause issues when running fortify/github-action or one of its sub-actions:

  • Node.js
  • Visual C++ Redistributable (Windows-based runners only)
  • Bash shell
    If using Windows runners, this must be a Windows-based bash variant, for example as provided by MSYS2. You must make sure that this Windows-based bash variant is used for run steps that specify shell: bash. Actions will fail if the GitHub runner executes bash commands on the WSL-provided bash.exe

Application Security Testing with Fortify on Demand

The standard workflow provided by this GitHub Action allows for running a Static scan and optional open-source scan (software composition analysis) on Fortify on Demand. The following sample snippet demonstrates how to invoke this GitHub Action from a GitHub Actions workflow:

      - name: Check out source code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4  
      - name: Run Fortify on Demand SAST & SCA Scan
        uses: fortify/github-action@v1
          sast-scan: true
          debricked-sca-scan: true
          FOD_TENANT: ${{secrets.FOD_TENANT}}
          FOD_USER: ${{secrets.FOD_USER}}
          FOD_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.FOD_PAT}}
          # FOD_CLIENT_ID: ${{secrets.FOD_CLIENT_ID}}
          # FOD_CLIENT_SECRET: ${{secrets.FOD_CLIENT_SECRET}}
          # FOD_LOGIN_EXTRA_OPTS: --socket-timeout=60s
          # FOD_RELEASE: MyApp:MyRelease
          # DO_SETUP: true
          # SETUP_ACTION:
          # SETUP_EXTRA_OPTS: --copy-from "${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.event.repository.default_branch }}"
          # SC_CLIENT_VERSION: 24.2
          # DO_PACKAGE_DEBUG: true
          # PACKAGE_EXTRA_OPTS: -oss -bt mvn
          # DO_WAIT: true
          # DO_POLICY_CHECK: true
          # POLICY_CHECK_EXTRA_OPTS: --on-unsigned=ignore
          # DO_JOB_SUMMARY: true
          # JOB_SUMMARY_EXTRA_OPTS: --on-unsigned=ignore
          # DO_PR_COMMENT: true
          # PR_COMMENT_ACTION:
          # PR_COMMENT_EXTRA_OPTS: --on-unsigned=ignore
          # DO_EXPORT: true
          # EXPORT_ACTION:
          # EXPORT_EXTRA_OPTS: --on-unsigned=ignore

Action inputs

This section lists the inputs that can be specified in the with: clause for this GitHub Action. Any inputs marked in bold are required.

Action input Description
sast‑scan If set to true, run a static scan. If not specified or set to false, the action will run neither static or open-source scan (independent of debricked-sca-scan setting), as open-source scans are currently only run in combination with a static scan.
debricked‑sca‑scan Configure the static scan to also run an open-source scan. Depending on Fortify on Demand configuration, this may be either a Debricked or a Sonatype scan. Effectively, this adds dependency data to the scan payload, and enables the open-source scan setting in the Fortify on Demand scan configuration. Note that any existing scan configuration will not be updated, so if the scan has already been configured in Fortify on Demand, an open-source scan will only be performed if previously enabled in the existing scan configuration.

Action environment variable inputs

This section lists the environment variables that can be specified in the env: clause for this GitHub Action. Any environment variables marked in bold are required.

Environment variable Description
FOD_URL Fortify on Demand URL, for example Note: Using GitHub Secrets to define this URL may cause links back to Fortify on Demand to be rendered incorrectly, for example in GitHub Action job summaries. It is highly recommended to either hard-code the URL in your workflow, or to use GitHub Variables instead of GitHub Secrets.
Required when authenticating with an API key: Fortify on Demand Client ID (API key) and Secret (API secret).
Required when authenticating with user credentials: Fortify on Demand tenant, user and password. It's recommended to use a Personal Access Token instead of an actual user password.
Extra login options, for example for disabling SSL checks or changing connection time-outs; see fcli fod session login documentation . Note that EXTRA_FOD_LOGIN_OPTS is deprecated; please use FOD_LOGIN_EXTRA_OPTS.
FOD_RELEASE Fortify on Demand release to use with this action. This can be specified either as a numeric release id, <app-name>:<release-name> (for non-microservices applications) or <app-name>:<microservice-name>:<release-name> (for microservices applications). Default value is based on repository and branch name, for example myOrg/myRepo:myBranch. Note that you'll need to explicitly configure FOD_RELEASE for microservices applications, as the default value lacks a microservice name.
If DO_SETUP is set to true (implied if any of the other two SETUP_* variables are set), the application and/or release will be automatically created if they do not yet exist and static scan settings will be configured if not configured already, using the fcli-provided setup-release or, if specified, the custom fcli action specified through SETUP_ACTION. Extra options for the fcli action can be passed through the SETUP_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable. Depending on your Git workflow, it is recommended to have each newly created release copy state from the release representing your default branch by passing --copy-from "${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.event.repository.default_branch }}" through SETUP_EXTRA_OPTS. To allow the GitHub Action to create new applications, you must (also) provide the --app-owner <user> option through SETUP_EXTRA_OPTS if authenticating with client credentials. Note that if setup is enabled, FOD_RELEASE must be configured with a qualified release name; you cannot use release id. Please see the Fcli Actions section below for more details.
SC_CLIENT_VERSION By default, this action uses ScanCentral Client 24.4.1 for packaging. This environment variable allows for overriding the ScanCentral Client version used for packaging.
DO_PACKAGE_DEBUG If set to true, this will enable the -debug option on the scancentral command, and store both ScanCentral logs and the file as job artifacts.
By default, this action runs scancentral package -o to package application source code. Use PACKAGE_EXTRA_OPTS to specify additional packaging options, for example PACKAGE_EXTRA_OPTS: -bt mvn -bf <custom build file>. See Command-line options for the package command for more information on available options. Note that EXTRA_PACKAGE_OPTS is deprecated; please use PACKAGE_EXTRA_OPTS.
Extra SAST scan options; see fcli fod sast-scan start documentation. Note that EXTRA_FOD_SAST_SCAN_OPTS is deprecated; please use FOD_SAST_SCAN_EXTRA_OPTS.
DO_WAIT By default, this action will not wait until scans have been completed. To have the workflow wait until all scans have been completed, set the DO_WAIT environment variable to true. Note that some other environment variables imply DO_WAIT, for example when exporting vulnerability data or generating job summaries. This behavior is documented in the applicable environment variable descriptions.
If DO_POLICY_CHECK is set to true (implied if any of the other two CHECK_POLICY_* variables are set, and implies DO_WAIT), a policy check will be run after scan completion using the fcli-provided check-policy or, if specified, the custom fcli action specified through CHECK_POLICY_ACTION. Extra options for a custom fcli action can be passed through the CHECK_POLICY_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable, which may include fcli options to allow unsigned custom actions to be used. Please see the Fcli Actions section below for more details.
If DO_JOB_SUMMARY is set to true (implied if any of the other two JOB_SUMMARY_* variables are set, and implies DO_WAIT), a job summary listing scan status and issue counts will be generated using the fcli-provided release-summary or, if specified, the custom fcli action specified through JOB_SUMMARY_ACTION. Extra options for the fcli action can be passed through the JOB_SUMMARY_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable, for example to allow an unsigned custom action to be used. Please see the Fcli Actions section below for more details.
If DO_EXPORT is set to true (implied if any of the other two EXPORT_* variables are set, and implies DO_WAIT), scan results will be exported to the GitHub Security Code Scanning dashboard using the fcli-provided github-sast-report action or, if specified, the custom fcli action specified through EXPORT_ACTION. Extra options for the fcli action can be passed through the EXPORT_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable, for example to to allow an unsigned custom action to be used. Please see the Fcli Actions section below for more details.

Note that this may require a GitHub Advanced Security subscription, unless you're running this action on a public repository. GitHub only supports importing SAST results; other results will not exported to GitHub.
If DO_PR_COMMENT is set to true (implied if any of the other two PR_COMMENT_* variables are set, and implies DO_WAIT), a pull request comment listing new, re-introduced and removed issues will be generated using the fcli-provided github-pr-comment action or, if specified, the custom fcli action specified through PR_COMMENT_ACTION. Extra options for the fcli action can be passed through the PR_COMMENT_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable, for example to allow an unsigned custom action to be used. Please see the Fcli Actions and Pull Request Comments sections below for more details.
TOOL_DEFINITIONS Fortify tool definitions are used by this GitHub Action to determine available versions, download location and other details of various Fortify-related tools, as required for action execution. By default, the Fortify-provided tool definitions hosted at will be used.

This environment variable allows for overriding the default tool definitions, pointing to either a URL or local (workspace) file. For example, if GitHub workflows are not allowed to download tools from their public internet locations, customers may host the tool installation bundles on an internal server, together with a customized tool definitions bundle that lists the alternative download URLs.

Fortify on Demand Fcli Actions

As indicated in the Action environment variable inputs section above, this GitHub Action utilizes one or more fcli actions to perform certain activities. These fcli-provided actions are used as building blocks that can be re-used across different CI/CD platforms to provide consistent behavior across those platforms. This GitHub Action also provides the ability to override the default built-in fcli actions with custom fcli actions, allowing for rich customization capabilities. For example, such custom fcli actions could define different default values for some action options, perform some additional activities, and/or provide fully customized behavior.

For more information on fcli actions and custom action development, please see the fcli action documentation. Such custom actions may be hosted either on the local file system (for example stored in your source code repository) or some remote location; the *_ACTION environment variables may point to either a local file or URL. To easily share custom actions across multiple pipelines, you may want to consider hosting these in a dedicated source code repository that's accessible by all pipelines. This provides an easy hosting location, and allows for easy maintenance of such custom actions.

When developing custom actions, please note that the GitHub Action expects certain action parameters to be supported by such a custom action. A common example is the --rel / --release command-line option, which the GitHub Action will automatically pass to most or all fcli actions to specify the release to operate on. What command-line options are automatically passed to the fcli action may also depend on GitHub Action configuration. If the custom action doesn't support those action parameters, the action invocation will fail. You will also need to consider any options explicitly configured through the *_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable; for backward compatibility with existing GitHub Action workflows that have been configured with some extra action options, you should be careful with removing or renaming any action parameters.

Future versions of this documentation may provide more details on what command-line options are automatically passed to fcli actions. Until then, you'll need to review workflow logs and/or GitHub Action source code to identify what action parameters are being automatically passed by the GitHub Action. Alternatively, you may want to consider simply duplicating all action parameters from the fcli built-in action, even if some of those parameters will not be used by your custom action.

Fortify on Demand Pull Request Comments

This section provides more information on Pull Request Comments that will be generated if DO_PR_COMMENT is set to true. This information is based on the fcli-provided github-pr-comment action and may not apply when using a custom fcli action through PR_COMMENT_ACTION.

Important note: Pull Request comments are currently considered preview functionality. Configuration settings, behavior and output may significantly change in future GitHub Action releases as we work on improving and fine-tuning our PR decoration capabilities.

Pull request comments will only be generated under the following conditions:

  • Standard GITHUB_REF_NAME environment variable points to a pull request, which is only the case on GitHub pull_request triggers and not for example manual triggers (even if the branch is associated with a current pull request).
  • All other standard GitHub environment variables like GITHUB_TOKEN, GITHUB_REPOSITORY and GITHUB_SHA are set.

PR comments are generated by comparing scan results from the current GitHub Action run against the previous scan in the same application release; it won't detect any new/removed issues from older scans. For best results, you should configure your workflow as follows:

  • For any branches for which you might want to generate PR comments, have the workflow trigger only on pull_request events. Note that you can have a single workflow that is triggered on both push events for your main branch, and only pull_request events for all other branches.
  • Don't set FOD_RELEASE, to use the default value that corresponds to repository and branch name.
  • Set DO_SETUP to true, to allow a branch-specific application release to be automatically created.
  • Include --copy-from option in SETUP_EXTRA_OPTS to copy state from the release that represents the PR target branch or your main branch into the newly created application release.

With a setup like this, whenever a new PR is created, the GitHub Action will:

  • Create a new application release named <repository owner>/<repository name>:<branch name>.
  • Copy state from the application release identified by the --copy-from option to this new application release.
  • Run a new scan of the branch associated with the current PR, and upload results to the application release created above.
  • Generate a PR comment listing new and removed issues, based on comparing the results of the new scan that was run in the previous step against the scan results that were copied from the application release identified by the --copy-from option.

If any subsequent updates are pushed to the PR and the workflow is also being triggered on PR update events, the GitHub Action will run a new scan of the branch associated with the PR, publish results to the existing branch-specific application release, and generate a new PR comment that shows any new/removed issues in the new scan compared to the previous scan for the same branch/PR.

Application Security Testing with SSC/ScanCentral

The standard workflow provided by this GitHub Action allows for running a static scan on ScanCentral SAST and/or running software composition analysis on Debricked. The following sample snippet demonstrates how to invoke this GitHub Action from a GitHub Actions workflow:

      - name: Check out source code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4  
      - name: Run ScanCentral SAST & Debricked scan
        uses: fortify/github-action@v1
          sast-scan: true
          debricked-sca-scan: true
          SSC_URL: ${{vars.SSC_URL}}
          SSC_TOKEN: ${{secrets.SSC_TOKEN}}
          # SSC_LOGIN_EXTRA_OPTS: --socket-timeout=60s
          # SC_SAST_LOGIN_EXTRA_OPTS: --socket-timeout=60s
          # SSC_APPVERSION: MyApp:MyVersion
          # DO_SETUP: true
          # SETUP_ACTION:
          # SETUP_EXTRA_OPTS: --on-unsigned=ignore
          # SC_CLIENT_VERSION: 24.2
          # DO_PACKAGE_DEBUG: true
          # PACKAGE_EXTRA_OPTS: -oss -bt mvn
          SC_SAST_SENSOR_VERSION: 24.4.0
          # DO_WAIT: true
          # DO_POLICY_CHECK: true
          # POLICY_CHECK_EXTRA_OPTS: --on-unsigned=ignore
          # DO_JOB_SUMMARY: true
          # JOB_SUMMARY_EXTRA_OPTS: --on-unsigned=ignore
          # DO_PR_COMMENT: true
          # PR_COMMENT_ACTION:
          # PR_COMMENT_EXTRA_OPTS: --on-unsigned=ignore
          # DO_EXPORT: true
          # EXPORT_ACTION:
          # EXPORT_EXTRA_OPTS: --on-unsigned=ignore

Action inputs

This section lists the inputs that can be specified in the with: clause for this GitHub Action. Any inputs marked in bold are required.

Action input Description
sast‑scan If set to true, run a static scan. If not specified or set to false, no static scan will be run.
debricked‑sca‑scan If set to true, run Debricked Software Composition Analysis. If not specified or set to false, no software composition analysis will be performed.

Action environment variable inputs

This section lists the environment variables that can be specified in the env: clause for this GitHub Action. Any environment variables marked in bold are required.

Environment variable Description
SSC_URL Fortify Software Security Center URL, for example Note: Using GitHub Secrets to define this URL may cause links back to SSC to be rendered incorrectly, for example in GitHub Action workflow summaries. It is highly recommended to either hard-code the URL in your workflow, or to use GitHub Variables instead of GitHub Secrets.
SSC_TOKEN Required when authenticating with an SSC token (recommended). Most actions should work fine with a CIToken.
Required when authenticating with SSC user credentials.
Extra SSC login options, for example for disabling SSL checks or changing connection time-outs; see fcli ssc session login documentation. Note that EXTRA_SSC_LOGIN_OPTS is deprecated; please use SSC_LOGIN_EXTRA_OPTS.
SC_SAST_TOKEN ScanCentral SAST Client Authentication Token for authenticating with ScanCentral SAST Controller. This environment variable is required when running a ScanCentral SAST scan.
Extra ScanCentral SAST login options, for example for disabling SSL checks or changing connection time-outs; see fcli sc-sast session login documentation. Note that EXTRA_SC_SAST_LOGIN_OPTS is deprecated; please use SC_SAST_LOGIN_EXTRA_OPTS.
DEBRICKED_TOKEN Required when performing a Debricked Software Composition Analysis scan; see the Generate access token section in the Debricked documentation for details on how to generate this token.
SSC_APPVERSION Fortify SSC application version to use with this action. This can be specified either as a numeric application version id, or by providing application and version name in the format <app-name>:<version-name>. Default value is based on repository and branch name, for example myOrg/myRepo:myBranch.
If DO_SETUP is set to true (implied if any of the other two SETUP_* variables are set), the SSC application version will be automatically created if they do not yet exist, using the fcli-provided setup-appversion or, if specified, the custom fcli action specified through SETUP_ACTION. Extra options for the fcli action can be passed through the SETUP_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable, for example to copy state from an existing application version using the --copy-from option, or to allow an unsigned custom action to be used. Note that if setup is enabled, SSC_APPVERSION must be configured with a qualified application version name; you cannot use application version id. Please see the SSC Fcli Actions section below for more details.
SC_CLIENT_VERSION By default, this action uses ScanCentral Client 24.4.1 for packaging. This environment variable allows for overriding the ScanCentral Client version used for packaging.
DO_PACKAGE_DEBUG If set to true, this will enable the -debug option on the scancentral command, and store both ScanCentral logs and the file as job artifacts.
By default, this action runs scancentral package -o to package application source code. Use PACKAGE_EXTRA_OPTS to specify additional packaging options, for example PACKAGE_EXTRA_OPTS: -bt mvn -bf <custom build file>. See Command-line options for the package command for more information on available options. Note that EXTRA_PACKAGE_OPTS is deprecated; please use PACKAGE_EXTRA_OPTS.
SC_SAST_SENSOR_VERSION Version of the ScanCentral SAST sensor on which the scan should be performed; see fcli sc-sast scan start documentation for details.
Extra ScanCentral SAST scan options; see fcli sc-sast scan start documentation. Note that EXTRA_SC_SAST_SCAN_OPTS is deprecated; please use SC_SAST_SCAN_EXTRA_OPTS.
DO_WAIT By default, this action will not wait until scans have been completed. To have the workflow wait until all scans have been completed, set the DO_WAIT environment variable to true. Note that some other environment variables imply DO_WAIT, for example when exporting vulnerability data or generating job summaries. This behavior is documented in the applicable environment variable descriptions.
If DO_POLICY_CHECK is set to true (implied if any of the other two CHECK_POLICY_* variables are set, and implies DO_WAIT), a policy check will be run after scan completion using the fcli-provided SSC check-policy or, if specified, the custom fcli action specified through CHECK_POLICY_ACTION. Extra options for a custom fcli action can be passed through the CHECK_POLICY_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable, which may include fcli options to allow unsigned custom actions to be used. Please see the SSC Fcli Actions section below for more details.
If DO_JOB_SUMMARY is set to true (implied if any of the other two JOB_SUMMARY_* variables are set, and implies DO_WAIT), a job summary listing scan status and issue counts will be generated using the fcli-provided SSC appversion-summary or, if specified, the custom fcli action specified through JOB_SUMMARY_ACTION. Extra options for the fcli action can be passed through the JOB_SUMMARY_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable, for example to allow an unsigned custom action to be used or to specify an SSC filter set. Please see the SSC Fcli Actions section below for more details.
If DO_EXPORT is set to true (implied if any of the other two EXPORT_* variables are set, and implies DO_WAIT), this GitHub Action will will export scan results to the GitHub Security Code Scanning dashboard using the fcli-provided SSC github-sast-report action or, if specified, the custom fcli action specified through EXPORT_ACTION. Extra options for the fcli action can be passed through the EXPORT_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable, for example to to allow an unsigned custom action to be used or to specify an alternative SSC filter set. Please see the SSC Fcli Actions section below for more details.

Note that this may require a GitHub Advanced Security subscription, unless you're running this action on a public repository. GitHub only supports importing SAST results; other results will not exported to GitHub.
If DO_PR_COMMENT is set to true (implied if any of the other two PR_COMMENT_* variables are set, and implies DO_WAIT), a pull request comment listing new, re-introduced and removed issues will be generated using the fcli-provided SSC github-pr-comment action or, if specified, the custom fcli action specified through PR_COMMENT_ACTION. Extra options for the fcli action can be passed through the PR_COMMENT_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable, for example to allow an unsigned custom action to be used or to specify a different SSC filter set. Please see the SSC Fcli Actions and SSC Pull Request Comments sections below for more details.
TOOL_DEFINITIONS Fortify tool definitions are used by this GitHub Action to determine available versions, download location and other details of various Fortify-related tools, as required for action execution. By default, the Fortify-provided tool definitions hosted at will be used.

This environment variable allows for overriding the default tool definitions, pointing to either a URL or local (workspace) file. For example, if GitHub workflows are not allowed to download tools from their public internet locations, customers may host the tool installation bundles on an internal server, together with a customized tool definitions bundle that lists the alternative download URLs.

SSC Fcli Actions

As indicated in the Action environment variable inputs section above, this GitHub Action utilizes one or more fcli actions to perform certain activities. These fcli-provided actions are used as building blocks that can be re-used across different CI/CD platforms to provide consistent behavior across those platforms. This GitHub Action also provides the ability to override the default built-in fcli actions with custom fcli actions, allowing for rich customization capabilities. For example, such custom fcli actions could define different default values for some action options, perform some additional activities, and/or provide fully customized behavior.

For more information on fcli actions and custom action development, please see the fcli action documentation. Such custom actions may be hosted either on the local file system (for example stored in your source code repository) or some remote location; the *_ACTION environment variables may point to either a local file or URL. To easily share custom actions across multiple pipelines, you may want to consider hosting these in a dedicated source code repository that's accessible by all pipelines. This provides an easy hosting location, and allows for easy maintenance of such custom actions.

When developing custom actions, please note that the GitHub Action expects certain action parameters to be supported by such a custom action. A common example is the --av / --appversion command-line option, which the GitHub Action will automatically pass to most or all fcli actions to specify the SSC application version to operate on. What command-line options are automatically passed to the fcli action may also depend on GitHub Action configuration. If the custom action doesn't support those action parameters, the action invocation will fail. You will also need to consider any options explicitly configured through the *_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable; for backward compatibility with existing GitHub Action workflows that have been configured with some extra action options, you should be careful with removing or renaming any action parameters.

Future versions of this documentation may provide more details on what command-line options are automatically passed to fcli actions. Until then, you'll need to review workflow logs and/or GitHub Action source code to identify what action parameters are being automatically passed by the GitHub Action. Alternatively, you may want to consider simply duplicating all action parameters from the fcli built-in action, even if some of those parameters will not be used by your custom action.

SSC Pull Request Comments

This section provides more information on Pull Request Comments that will be generated if DO_PR_COMMENT is set to true. This information is based on the fcli-provided SSC github-pr-comment action and may not apply when using a custom fcli action through PR_COMMENT_ACTION.

Important note: Pull Request comments are currently considered preview functionality. Configuration settings, behavior and output may significantly change in future GitHub Action releases as we work on improving and fine-tuning our PR decoration capabilities.

Pull request comments will only be generated under the following conditions:

  • Standard GITHUB_REF_NAME environment variable points to a pull request, which is only the case on GitHub pull_request triggers and not for example manual triggers (even if the branch is associated with a current pull request).
  • All other standard GitHub environment variables like GITHUB_TOKEN, GITHUB_REPOSITORY and GITHUB_SHA are set.

PR comments are generated by comparing scan results from the current GitHub Action run against the previous scan in the same application version; it won't detect any new/removed issues from older scans. For best results, you should configure your workflow as follows:

  • For any branches for which you might want to generate PR comments, have the workflow trigger only on pull_request events. Note that you can have a single workflow that is triggered on both push events for your main branch, and only pull_request events for all other branches.
  • Don't set SSC_APPVERSION, to use the default value that corresponds to repository and branch name.
  • Set DO_SETUP to true, to allow a branch-specific application version to be automatically created.
  • Include --copy-from option in SETUP_EXTRA_OPTS to copy state from the application version that represents the PR target branch or your main branch into the newly created application version.

With a setup like this, whenever a new PR is created, the GitHub Action will:

  • Create a new application version named <repository owner>/<repository name>:<branch name>.
  • Copy state from the application version identified by the --copy-from option to this new application version.
  • Run a new scan of the branch associated with the current PR, and upload results to the application version created above.
  • Generate a PR comment listing new and removed issues, based on comparing the results of the new scan that was run in the previous step against the scan results that were copied from the application version identified by the --copy-from option.

If any subsequent updates are pushed to the PR and the workflow is also being triggered on PR update events, the GitHub Action will run a new scan of the branch associated with the PR, publish results to the existing branch-specific application version, and generate a new PR comment that shows any new/removed issues in the new scan compared to the previous scan for the same branch/PR.

Building blocks for custom workflows

This GitHub Action provides a lot of flexibility with regards to what operations to run as controlled through the various DO_* environment variables, and also allows for customizing some of these operations by utilizing custom fcli actions through the *_ACTION environment variables. However, there may be situations where the standard workflow provided by this GitHub Action doesn't meet your needs, for example if you need to run Dynamic or Mobile scans.

The modular implementation of this GitHub Action allows for implementing custom workflows based on the various re-usable sub-actions available in this repository. The following sub-actions that can be used as building blocks for custom workflows are currently available for public use:

Action Description
fortify/github‑action/setup This sub-action allows for installing various Fortify tools like fcli or ScanCentral Client for later use in your GitHub Actions workflow. This allows for implementing fully customized workflows that can easily utilize the various Fortify tools to interact with Fortify products and Debricked.
fortify/github‑action/package This sub-action can be used to easily package your source code for static scans, with the action handling low-level details like installation of ScanCentral Client and required Java version.
fortify/github‑action/fod‑export This sub-action allows for exporting vulnerability data from Fortify on Demand to the GitHub Security dashboard, with the action handling low-level details like installing the necessary Fortify tools, exporting the vulnerability data, and uploading this data to GitHub.
fortify/github‑action/ssc‑export This sub-action allows for exporting vulnerability data from SSC to the GitHub Security dashboard, with the action handling low-level details like installing the necessary Fortify tools, exporting the vulnerability data, and uploading this data to GitHub.

The fortify/github-action repository also provides the publicly available sub-actions listed in the table below, but these provide the full scan workflows as provided by this GitHub Action, with the top-level fortify/github-action simply invoking one of these sub-actions based on action inputs and environment variables. As such, these sub-actions are not meant to provide re-usable building blocks, but it may be useful to look at the implementations of these sub-actions if you want to re-use any of their functionality in your custom workflows.

Action Description
fortify/github‑action/fod‑sast‑scan Run a Fortify on Demand SAST scan.
fortify/github‑action/sc‑sast‑scan Run a ScanCentral SAST scan and optional Debricked scan.
fortify/github‑action/ssc‑debricked‑scan Run a Debricked-only scan and import scan results into SSC.

These actions utilize the re-usable building blocks mentioned above, in combination with several sub-actions that are meant for internal use only. However, the source code of these internal-only sub-actions is publicly available, allowing you to gain a better understanding of how these are used to implement the functionality provided by fortify/github-action and potentially re-use some of the ideas or code in your custom workflows. In particular, the bash scripts provided by the fortify/github-action/internal/run-script provide some of the core functionality provided by this GitHub Action.


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Fortify AST Scan is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.