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Upload to Nexus

This GitHub Action upload given file(s) to pointed Nexus instance
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Upload to Nexus


This GitHub Action upload given file(s) to pointed Nexus instance.


- uses: cdqag/upload-to-nexus@v1
    instance-url: ${{ vars.NEXUS_URL }}
    username: ${{ vars.NEXUS_USER }}
    password: ${{ secrets.NEXUS_PASS }}
    repository: my-repository
    default-destination: some/path/or/empty/string
    files: |
      file2.txt => some/other/path/with-other-name.txt
      sub/* => oh/look/it/works/*


  • instance-url Required

    Nexus instance URL.

  • username Default: ''

    Username to authenticate. Set empty string to skip authentication.

  • password Default: ''

    Password to authenticate. This may be an empty string.

  • repository Required

    Repository name.

  • default-destination Default: ''

    Default destination path for uploaded files. If not set, files will be uploaded to the root of the repository.

  • files Required

    List of files to upload. Each file should be on a separate line. If you want to upload a file to a different path or with a different name, use => to separate the source and destination paths. If you want to upload all files from a directory, use * at the end of the path. For more information show examples below.

  • if-local-file-does-not-exist Default: 'fail'

    What to do if a local file does not exist. Possible values: fail, warn-and-ignore or silent-ignore.


Upload single file

This example will:

  • upload ./file1.txt to /my-repository/some/path/file1.txt
  • if ./file1.txt does not exist, it will print a warning and continue
- uses: cdqag/upload-to-nexus@v1
    instance-url: ${{ vars.NEXUS_URL }}
    username: ${{ vars.NEXUS_USER }}
    password: ${{ secrets.NEXUS_PASS }}
    repository: my-repository
    default-destination: some/path
    files: |
    if-local-file-does-not-exist: warn-and-ignore

Upload multiple files

This example will:

  • ./file1.txt to /my-repository/other/name.txt
  • ./file2.txt to /my-repository/some/path/file2.txt
  • find all files in ./sub/ and upload them to /my-repository/oh/look/, keeping original file names
  • if any file does not exist, it will fail
- uses: cdqag/upload-to-nexus@v1
    instance-url: ${{ vars.NEXUS_URL }}
    username: ${{ vars.NEXUS_USER }}
    password: ${{ secrets.NEXUS_PASS }}
    repository: my-repository
    files: |
      file1.txt => other/name.txt
      file2.txt => some/path/*
      sub/* => oh/look/*



This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Upload to Nexus is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


This GitHub Action upload given file(s) to pointed Nexus instance

Upload to Nexus is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.