- in dev
- add option
for meta analysis[meta/README.md] format/vcf_in_[bimbam,bgen*,impute2].nf
:- add option cut_hwe : limit optional for hwe
- add file ind for impute2
- saige : update of code for last version of saige, add option
: add option to udpate rs id using database- python panda compatibility : minor update
- singularity/docker image : update for plink1.9 last version
are now two news parameter can defined memory for merge process- bug fixed, work with
parameters : change parameter for docker compatibilitymeta/main.nf
: minor change to take account NA in summary statistics for p-value and N- parameters check for file :
- finemapping :
- finemapping/main.nf : when p-value are NA, lines are not considered anymore
- bug deleted in plot for finemaping
- formatdata/plk_in_vcf_imp.nf : add steps to perform michigan quality control as option (see : michigan manual)
- meta : bug fixed when some file do not have chromosome and position.
- finemapping, version 3.3.0 paintor install on docker singularity image, if paintor_bin=0, paintor will be discarded of workflow
- general :
- add nextflow.enable.dsl = 1 to all nf script for compatibility new version of nextflow.
- add control of arguments input of
- association :
- add regenie software for association assoc
- add plink input for saige assoc
- add bgen support for saige,bolt-lmm and gcta and regenie assoc
option to complete bgen for saige, regenie and boltlmm in assocbgen
: for one file- docker :
- image docker/singularity of saige : change by official image from github
- image of rproject : image based by ubuntu 22.04 and R 4.2
- example :
- found example and command line of pipeline in h3agwas-examples
- finemaping :
- finemapping/finemap_region.nf : 1000 genome downlowd if there is no genetics data
- finemapping/main.nf : change script of extraction and algoritm for faster and improvment algoritm
: option work for finemap_region and main [default : 0.01]- qc :
- minor bug fixed for new version of nextflow
- reorganisation of output
- 2022-06-10 : update meta of metasoft, add column for N, Frequencies for each publication in merge result
- 2022-05-04 : preprint manuscript can be found on biorxiv
- 2021-11-04 : association script include saige software
- 2021-10-25 : new script to do a conditional analysis using gemma see finemapping
- 2021-09-15 : add for script in finemapping
, extract positions using plink, do define independant position in function of minimum p-value and for each independant position apply finemapping finemapping - 2021-03-09 : add plot and merge for estimation of heritabilities
- 2021-03-08 : re organise pipeline :
- estimation of heritabilities assoc/esth2-assoc.nf move at heritabilites/main.nf
- do a cojo using gcta : assoc/cojo-assoc.nf move at finemapping/cojo-assoc.nf
- meta association assoc/meta-assoc.nf move at meta/meta-assoc.nf
- meta using mtag association assoc/mtag-assoc.nf move at meta/mtag-assoc.nf
- permutation assoc/permutation-assoc.nf move at utils/permutation/main.nf
- simulation of phenotype using phenosim assoc/simul-assoc.nf utils/build_example_data/simul-assoc.nf
- 2021-02-18: add pipeline to build a example data using gwas catalog and 1000 genome build_example_data
- 2021-02-16: add report to vcf in plink with analyse of frequencies and score formatdata
- 2021-01-22: create utils folder to add Metasoft binary and utils (server down)
- 2020-12-08: add meta analyse with plink assoc
- 2020-12-01: add plink GxE, add estimation of beta and se assoc
- 2020-11-17: add module nf to convert vcf in bgen format formatdata
- 2020-07-27: add covariable qualitatif to fastgwa assoc
- 2020-07-27: News nextflow modules to transform vcf impute format in bimbamformatdata
- 2020-06-03: News nextflow modules to transform plink file in vcf file with check allele for imputationformatdata
- 2020-05-18: fixed bug in gcta to computed heribilities assoc
- 2020-03-27: added a modules to convert position between different genome version formatdata
- 2020-02-20: support for awsbatch
- 2020-02-20 : added fastgwa (software gcta) as assoc software : assoc
- 2019-10-01 : added in transform data a nextflow script to format output of GWAS with added your own rs, frequencies, N etc... (usefull for post analysis) : formatdata
- file
- file
- 2019/09/19 : added in estimation of heritabilites option for Multiple variance components for boltlmm assoc
- 2019/09/17 : added format and analysis by mtag in assoc
- 2019/09/16 : added two news nextflow files to convert data in formatdata:
: format data in vcf for plinkformatdata/vcf_in_impute2.nf
: extract impute2 data from vcf of sanger
- 2019/09/10 : update estimation of heritability in assoc to take account for each software when heritabilities can't be computed