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One brain, one dashboard, four frameworks

NeuroSnippets made-with-python

Using four different frameworks, a dashboard for plotting BOLD timecourses from functional MRI data is implemented. It is realised using Streamlit, Dash, Bokeh and HoloViz. More details available in these posts: part 1 and part 2.

To run the dashboards, you need python (3.7) and the following packages:

  • streamlit (0.79.0);
  • plotly (4.14.3);
  • dash (1.19.0);
  • dash-core-components (1.15.0);
  • dash-html-components (1.1.2);
  • matplotlib (3.1.2);
  • nibabel (3.0.0);
  • numpy (1.18.4);
  • panel (0.11.2);
  • bokeh (2.3.0).

The code was tested on macOS 10.15.7.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • in the HoloViz implementation, the first plotting function uses the image object defined later in the code - the ideal solution would be to pass the reference as a parameter to the function, but it leads to an error when called through panel.interact. If you have solution, please get in touch!