- fix coverage button
- code refactoring which changes almost anyting and improves the project maintainabilty
- removes the coupling from the side bar so the extension can run without activating the testing sidebar
- debuging will not execute the debugging for each running
- lot of unstability issues fixes
- performance improvments
- reorder automatically of CodeLences during test editing
- add an option to change debug option by launch setting name
- messages and notifications improvements
- auto mocha binary selection so if will not change the deafult path the extension will take the local
- add eslint
PR merge #127
this PR fixes the partial path issues
thanks for @eramitmittal for the PR
- PR merge #162
- this PR allows you to run your test in paraller theres is a new settings for it with the name
parallel test
- the default is set for run inorder to decrease ambiguty
thanks for @townbully for the amazing PR
- fix issue in case eception in parsing mocha side bar get stuck and Explorer tab stayes in waiting mode.
- PR merge #150 #149 #143 #141
- fix debug issues
- enviroment not passed to vscode debbuger
- fix issue when using realtive mocha with debug
- figured out what caused the stack problem with ts in later node version (ts-node should update to 7.0.1) issue #61
- fix commands not running #102 #135
- update mocha version
- 0.20.12 (28.6.2018)
- fix issue cannot show test suite name like "toString" #119
0.20.1 (18.9.2018)
- add new feature for code coverage
0.19.1 (04.06.18)
0.19.0 (10.5.18)
- add context menu on folders in explorer to set subdirectory (#2).
0.18.2 (9.5.2018)
- merge pr #66 #92 - change readme for the correct settings
0.18.1 (9.5.2018)
- fix #96 - change readme to the correct settings
0.18.0 (9.5.2018)
change expect_error image to https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maty21/mocha-sidebar/master/images/intro/expect_error.gif for supporting showing in vscode marketplace pages
- fix #100 #97 PR - add support for new test view + add configuration for switching back to the explorer menu using config.mocha.showInExplorer=true
- 0.17.7 (22.4.2018)
- 0.17.6 (22.4.2018)
- Show the number of passed and failed tests in the status bar
- fix debugging tests with typescript
add gitter for asking questions
add an option to set different mocha path the the built-in one
clear not needed logs
add mocha.logVerbose option to set verbosity logs true will add logs to mocha output, default is false
remove output window show
-fix detailed error
- add detailed error in case mocha sidebar failed to find tests
Moves old changelog out of README
Fixes #4: broken on Linux due to incorrect case in
call -
Debugging this extension will automatically open
(for developers) -
Adds support for passing custom node CLI options (#6)
option: runs mocha with user-specified cwd (#2) -
option: like mocha's--requires
CLI option (#2) -
command: Runs only the test under the cursor. (#2) -
Fixes #1: When no workspace is open, mocha-latte shows a helpful error message. (via #2)
Fixes #5: spawned mocha process inherits all environment variables of parent.
Fixes #7: Allow tests outside of any containing
call. -
More accurate behavior on Windows to locate node executable. Pays attention to PATHEXT environment variable.
Fixed Mac and Linux support by correctly accessing the PATH environment variable.
Feature: New settings - test files glob and ignore globs
Feature: New settings - environment variables for discovering and running tests
Feature: Run tests by grep pattern
Feature: Rerun failed tests
Feature: Rerun last set of tests
Feature: Dump severe error to output channel
Fix: When selecting tests, it did not use Mocha options in settings
First public release