You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 3
configuration file is located in module folder or can be passed to ialarm-mqtt via -c argument:
ialarm-mqtt -c /path/to/my/config
edit config.json and adjust "mqtt" and "server" settings according to your need.
host: alarm web panel ip
port: alarm web panel port
username: alarm web panel username
password: alarm web panel password
pages: optional custom pages for scraping default are ["/RemoteCtr.htm", "/Zone.htm", "/SystemLog.htm" ]
zones: number of zones to publish/handle. Can be a number (40 means all from 1 to 40) or an array of included zones: [1,2,3,4,5,6,15,19,22]
polling status: the milliseconds to poll for status change
polling status: the milliseconds to poll for events change
"server" : {
"host": "192.168.1.x",
"port": "80",
"username": "admin",
"password": "password",
"pages": [
"zones": 40,
"polling" : {
"status" : 30000,
"events" : 10000
host: mqtt server ip
port: mqtt server port
username: mqtt server username
password: mqtt server password
clientId: mqtt client id (unique: if already exists mqtt server will disconnect the first. To autogenerate a random client id remove the 'clientId' property)
"mqtt" : {
"host": "192.168.1.x",
"port": "1883",
"username": "admin",
"password": "password",
"clientId": "ialarm-mqtt"
topics.availability: Last will topic for online/offline
topics.availability: errors
topics.alarm.state: current alarm status
topics.alarm.command: alarm set command
topics.alarm.event: last event string as recorded in the alarm log
topics.alarm.discovery: false=disable discovery (empty /config topics for all entities), true=enable discovery (send new /config topics for all entities)
topics.alarm.resetCache: with empty or any payload (reset the cache and send fresh sensor and alarm data)
topics.alarm.bypass: command to bypass/restore a zone
topics.sensors.topicType: 'state' for publishing only "state" topic, 'zone' for publishing only "zone" topics (alarm, active, lowBattery and fault), '' (or undefined) for both types
topics.sensors.state: array containing all zones data in one payload
topics.sensors.zone.alarm: single zone sensor for movement/alert detection (on or off)
topics.sensors.zone.active: single zone sensor representing the active (on) or bypass (off) state
topics.sensors.zone.lowBattery: single zone sensor for low battery detection (on)
topics.sensors.zone.fault: single zone sensor for fault detection (on)
"topics" : {
"availability": "ialarm/alarm/availability",
"error" : "ialarm/alarm/error",
"alarm" : {
"state" : "ialarm/alarm/state",
"command" : "ialarm/alarm/set",
"event" : "ialarm/alarm/event",
"discovery" : "ialarm/alarm/discovery",
"resetCache" : "ialarm/alarm/resetCache",
"bypass": "ialarm/alarm/zone/${zoneId}/bypass"
"sensors" : {
"topicType" : "state",
"state": "ialarm/sensors/state",
"zone": {
"alarm": "ialarm/sensors/${zoneId}/alarm",
"active": "ialarm/sensors/${zoneId}/active",
"lowBattery": "ialarm/sensors/${zoneId}/battery",
"fault": "ialarm/sensors/${zoneId}/fault"
payloads.alarmDecoder: decode alarmCommand received state (accepting multiple payloads)
payloads.alarm: published payload in "alarmState" command (accepting multiple payloads)
payloads.sensorOn: binary sensor on value
payloads.sensorOff: binary sensor off value
Example with home assistant default payloads
"payloads": {
"alarmAvailable" : "online",
"alarmNotvailable" : "offline",
"alarmDecoder": {
"armAway" : ["armAway", "armedAway", "armed_away", "arm_away", "AA", "AwayArm"],
"armHome" : ["armHome", "armedHome", "armed_home", "arm_home", "SA", "HomeArm" ,"StayArm", "armStay", "armedStay", "arm_stay", "armed_stay"],
"disarm" : ["disarm", "disarmed", "D"],
"cancel" : ["cancel", "canceled", "C"],
"trigger": [ "trigger", "triggered", "T"]
"armAway" : "armed_away",
"armHome" : "armed_home",
"disarm" : "disarmed",
"cancel" : "cancel",
"triggered": "triggered"
"sensorOn" : "1",
"sensorOff" : "0"
Example with mqttthing (homebridge) default payloads
Note: cancel is not used by mqqtthing
"payloads": {
"alarmAvailable" : "online",
"alarmNotvailable" : "offline",
"alarmDecoder": {
"armAway" : ["AA", "AwayArm"],
"armHome" : ["SA", "StayArm"],
"disarm" : ["D"],
"cancel" : ["cancel"],
"trigger": ["T"]
"armAway" : "AA",
"armHome" : "SA",
"disarm" : "D",
"cancel" : "cancel",
"triggered": "T"
Most of the sensors are normally closed but some water leak works as normally open contact, so to correcly report them to home assistant the sensor can configured as "contactType" : "NO" and "statusProperty" : "open" (normally we check "problem" which is related to the status code != 0 and in this case is 16)To report the sensor as a different kind (smoke, gas, door, moisture, etc) just change "device_class" to one of those supported by Home Assistant.
"zones": {
"39": {
"contactType": "NO",
"device_class": "moisture",
"statusProperty": "fault"