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343 lines (312 loc) · 9.58 KB

File metadata and controls

343 lines (312 loc) · 9.58 KB


Licensed under the MIT License

Slim managed any cpu (x86/x64) .net wrapper of Microsoft.ChakraCore (

How to use

  • Install SharpChakra nuget
  • Install SharpChakra.Json nuget (Json Interop)
  • Install SharpChakra.Extensions nuget (Extensions)


  • Any cpu (auto proxy to x86/x64)
  • Slim (no extra logic, only Api)
  • Module API support (es6 import/export)
  • Diagnostic API support (breakpoints, evals)
  • Memory limitation
  • JSON interopability
  • Object proxy

Chakra binaries

Microsoft.ChakraCore 1.8.4

The binaries can be found in the directory src\SharpChakra\runtimes.


using (var runtime = JsRuntime.Create())
  var context = runtime.CreateContext();
  var fn = new JsNativeFunctionBuilder();

  // Register run function
  context.Global.SetProperty("run", fn.New(() =>Console.WriteLine("hello from script!")), true);

Output: 'hello from script!'

Newtonsoft.Json Interopability example

using (var runtime = JsRuntime.Create())
  var context = runtime.CreateContext();
  var fn = new JsNativeFunctionBuilder();   
  // register dump function
  var dumpFunc = fn.New(_x =>
    Console.WriteLine("-- dump --");

    return JObject.Parse("{status:'ok',error:-1}").ToJsValue();

  context.Global.SetProperty("dump", dumpFunc, true);

  Console.WriteLine("-- executing --");
  var res = context.RunScript("dump({id:4,name:'chakra'});");

  Console.WriteLine("-- result --");


-- executing --
-- dump --
  "id": 4,
  "name": "chakra"
-- result --
  "status": "ok",
  "error": -1

Object proxy example

var builder = new JsNativeFunctionBuilder();
using (var runtime = JsRuntime.Create(JsRuntimeAttributes.EnableExperimentalFeatures, JsRuntimeVersion.VersionEdge))
   var context = runtime.CreateContext();
   var jsCtx = JsValue.CreateObject();

      .SetProperty("ctx", jsCtx, true)
      .SetProperty("proxy", JsProxy.New(new TestProxy(), builder), true);


where TextProxy:

   struct ComplexType
      public int X { get; set; }
      public int Y { get; set; }
   class TestProxy
      private int p_callCount;
      public string Name => $"TestProxy Object [{p_callCount++}]";
      public void EchoHello() => Console.WriteLine("Hello");
      public void Echo(string _s) => Console.WriteLine(_s);
      public ComplexType ConstComplex { get; } = new ComplexType { X = 1, Y = 5 };
      public void EchoComplex(ComplexType _x) => Console.WriteLine($"X:{_x.X}, Y:{_x.Y}");
      public string TestArgs(int _a, string _s, double _d)
         var t = $"int:{_a}, string: {_s}, double: {_d}";
         return t;


int:100, string: string, double: 0,333333343267441
int:100, string: string, double: 0,333333343267441
X:1, Y:5
X:100, Y:500

Module Api

N host Dir chakracore.dll Comment
1. Load top level script
2. ----> JsInitializeModuleRecord for root module
3. ----> JsParseModuleSource parse root module
4. FetchImportedModuleCallback <---- optional for imported module
5. -----> JsInitializeModuleRecord for nested module
6. load additional script
7. -----> JsParseModuleSource for nested module
8. NotifyModuleReadyCallback <-----
9. -----> JsModuleEvaluation for root module
using (var runtime = JsRuntime.Create(JsRuntimeAttributes.EnableExperimentalFeatures,JsRuntimeVersion.VersionEdge))
  var context = runtime.CreateContext();
  var fn = new JsNativeFunctionBuilder();   

  // register echo func
  context.Global.SetProperty("echo", fn.New(_x => Console.WriteLine(_x.Arguments[1].ToString())), true);

  var mainModule = JsModuleRecord.Create(JsModuleRecord.Root, JsValue.FromString("")); // 2. JsInitializeModuleRecord
  var fooModule = JsModuleRecord.Invalid;
  JsErrorCode onFetch(JsModuleRecord _module, JsValue _specifier, out JsModuleRecord _record) // 4. FetchImportedModuleCallback
    fooModule = JsModuleRecord.Create(_module, _specifier); // 2. JsInitializeModuleRecord (foo.js)                   
    _record = fooModule;
    return JsErrorCode.NoError;

  var rootSrc = 
    import {test} from 'foo.js';
  mainModule.Parse(rootSrc); // 3. JsParseModuleSource(root)
  fooModule.Parse("export let test = function(){return 'hello';}"); //3. JsParseModuleSource(foo.js)

  mainModule.Eval(); // 9. JsModuleEvaluation(main)->import {test}->test()->echo(test())->echo('hello')-> hello

Output: hello

Api coverage

Function Status
JsSetObjectBeforeCollectCallback done
JsCreateRuntime done
JsCollectGarbage done
JsDisposeRuntime done
JsAddRef done
JsRelease done
JsCreateContext done
JsGetCurrentContext done
JsSetCurrentContext done
JsGetContextOfObject done
JsRunScript done
JsGetUndefinedValue done
JsGetNullValue done
JsGetTrueValue done
JsGetFalseValue done
JsBoolToBoolean done
JsBooleanToBool done
JsConvertValueToBoolean done
JsGetValueType done
JsDoubleToNumber done
JsIntToNumber done
JsNumberToDouble done
JsNumberToInt done
JsConvertValueToNumber done
JsPointerToString done
JsStringToPointer done
JsConvertValueToString done
JsGetGlobalObject done
JsCreateObject done
JsCreateExternalObject done
JsConvertValueToObject done
JsGetPrototype done
JsSetPrototype done
JsInstanceOf done
JsGetExtensionAllowed done
JsPreventExtension done
JsGetProperty done
JsGetOwnPropertyDescriptor done
JsSetProperty done
JsHasProperty done
JsDeleteProperty done
JsDefineProperty done
JsCreateArray done
JsCreateArrayBuffer done
JsCreateExternalArrayBuffer done
JsCreateTypedArray done
JsCreateDataView done
JsGetTypedArrayInfo done
JsGetArrayBufferStorage done
JsGetTypedArrayStorage done
JsGetDataViewStorage done
JsHasIndexedProperty done
JsGetIndexedProperty done
JsSetIndexedProperty done
JsDeleteIndexedProperty done
JsHasIndexedPropertiesExternalData done
JsGetIndexedPropertiesExternalData done
JsSetIndexedPropertiesToExternalData done
JsEquals done
JsStrictEquals done
JsHasExternalData done
JsGetExternalData done
JsSetExternalData done
JsCallFunction done
JsCreateFunction done
JsCreateNamedFunction done
JsCreateError done
JsCreateRangeError done
JsCreateReferenceError done
JsCreateSyntaxError done
JsCreateTypeError done
JsCreateURIError done
JsHasException done
JsGetAndClearException done
JsSetException done
JsGetRuntimeMemoryUsage done
JsGetRuntimeMemoryLimit done
JsSetRuntimeMemoryLimit done
JsSetRuntimeMemoryAllocationCallback done
JsSetRuntimeBeforeCollectCallback done
JsGetStringLength done
JsDisableRuntimeExecution done
JsEnableRuntimeExecution done
JsIsRuntimeExecutionDisabled done
JsSerializeScript done
JsParseSerializedScript done
JsRunSerializedScript done
JsParseSerializedScriptWithCallback done
JsRunSerializedScriptWithCallback done
JsParseScript done
JsParseScriptWithAttributes done
JsConstructObject done
JsGetPropertyIdFromName done
JsGetPropertyNameFromId done
JsGetPropertyIdType done
JsGetOwnPropertyNames done
JsGetPropertyIdFromSymbol done
JsGetSymbolFromPropertyId done
JsCreateSymbol done
JsGetOwnPropertySymbols done
JsGetRuntime done
JsIdle done
JsSetPromiseContinuationCallback done


Function Status
JsDiagEvaluate done
JsDiagGetBreakOnException -
JsDiagGetBreakpoints done
JsDiagGetFunctionPosition -
JsDiagGetProperties -
JsDiagGetScripts done
JsDiagGetSource -
JsDiagGetStackProperties -
JsDiagGetStackTrace -
JsDiagGetObjectFromHandle -
JsDiagRemoveBreakpoint done
JsDiagRequestAsyncBreak done
JsDiagSetBreakOnException -
JsDiagSetBreakpoint done
JsDiagSetStepType -
JsDiagStartDebugging done
JsDiagStopDebugging done
JsTTDCreateRecordRuntime -
JsTTDCreateReplayRuntime -
JsTTDCreateContext -
JsTTDNotifyContextDestroy -
JsTTDStart -
JsTTDStop -
JsTTDPauseTimeTravelBeforeRuntimeOperation -
JsTTDReStartTimeTravelAfterRuntimeOperation -
JsTTDNotifyYield -
JsTTDNotifyLongLivedReferenceAdd -
JsTTDHostExit -
JsTTDRawBufferCopySyncIndirect -
JsTTDRawBufferModifySyncIndirect -
JsTTDRawBufferAsyncModificationRegister -
JsTTDRawBufferAsyncModifyComplete -
JsTTDCheckAndAssertIfTTDRunning -
JsTTDGetSnapTimeTopLevelEventMove -
JsTTDGetSnapShotBoundInterval -
JsTTDGetPreviousSnapshotInterval -
JsTTDPreExecuteSnapShotInterval -
JsTTDMoveToTopLevelEvent -
JsTTDReplayExecution -
JsInitializeModuleRecord done
JsParseModuleSource done
JsModuleEvaluation done
JsSetModuleHostInfo done
JsGetModuleHostInfo -
JsInitializeJITServer -
JsCreateSharedArrayBufferWithSharedContent -
JsGetSharedArrayBufferContent -
JsReleaseSharedArrayBufferContentHandle -


Code licensed under the MIT License.