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File metadata and controls

70 lines (58 loc) · 3.12 KB

#MDBSwiftUtils Utility classes for faster development. Files are documented in case you have any questions on how to use certain functions. In order to use, just add MDBSwiftUtils.swift, MDBSwiftParseUtils.swift, and MDBSwiftFacebookUtils.swift to your XCode project.

######How to Call Functions Example #1 - Swift:

let timeElapsed = MDBSwiftUtils.timeSince(oldTime)

######How to Call Functions Example #2 - Swift:

MDBSwiftFacebookUtils.getAllFBFriendsWithIncrementalBlock { 
	(friends) -> Void in
	//Do whatever you need to with the retrieved friends
    	self.friends = friends

###MDBSwiftUtils Includes methods to for common tasks that developers may want to accomplish in their projects.

######Included Functions - Swift:

timeSince(oldTime: NSDate) -> String
randomNumBetween(firstNum: CGFloat, secondNum: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
doubleToCurrencyString(val: Double) -> String
formatMultiLineLabel(label: UILabel)
getMultiLineLabelHeight(content: String, maxWidth: Int, font: UIFont)
startLocationServices(locationManager: CLLocationManager, currVC: CLLocationManagerDelegate) -> CGFloat
getCurrentLocation(locationManager: CLLocationManager) -> CLLocation?
showBasicAlert(title: String, content: String, currVC: UIViewController)
imageWithAlpha(alpha: CGFloat, image: UIImage) -> UIImage
addImageToLabel(label: UILabel, labelText: String, image: UIImage)
setImageViewImageFromUrl(urlString: String, imageView: UIImageView)
centerSubviewInView(subview: UIView, view: UIView)
httpJSONGETRequest(urlString: String, completion: (NSDictionary) -> Void)

###MDBSwiftParseUtils Includes methods to easily accomplish tasks with Parse iOS SDK. Only include this file in your project if you have Parse iOS SDK properly integrated.

######Included Functions - Swift:

setImageViewImageFromFile(file: PFFile, imageView: UIImageView)
setButtonImageFromFile(file: PFFile, button: UIButton)
setImageViewImageFromPointer(pointer: PFObject, imageView: UIImageView)
setImageViewImageFromPointer(pointer: PFObject, imageFieldName: String, imageView: UIImageView)
setButtonImageFromPointer(pointer: PFObject, imageFieldName: String, button: UIButton)
getDistanceString(firstLocation: PFGeoPoint, secondLocation: PFGeoPoint) -> String
getCurrentLocationGeoPoint(locationManager: CLLocationManager) -> PFGeoPoint?

###MDBSwiftFacebookUtils Includes methods to easily accomplish tasks with Facebook iOS SDK. Only include this file in your project if you have Facebook iOS SDK properly integrated. All methods in this class require you to be logged in or connected with Facebook using your app.

######Included Functions - Swift:

setImageViewImageFromFile(file: PFFile, imageView: UIImageView)
getFBDataWithBlock(block: (NSDictionary) -> Void)
getFBProfilePicWithBlock(block: (UIImage) -> Void)
getAllFBFriendsWithBlock(block: (Array<NSDictionary>) -> Void)
getAllFBFriendsWithIncrementalBlock(block: (Array<NSDictionary>) -> Void)

##Authors Akkshay Khoslaa ([email protected]) Connor Killion ([email protected])