The TeleporterMessenger
contract is designed to only send and receive Avalanche Warp messages to and from its own address on different chains. We ensure that the contract can be deployed to the same address on every EVM based chain by using Nick's Method. Only allowing messages to be sent and received by the same address guarantees that all messages use the same Teleporter message format because only the same exact contract bytecode could have been deployed to the same address.
This directory contains scripts written in Golang to construct a raw transaction using Nick's method that deploys the Teleporter contract, and determine the keyless address that must be prefunded in order for the transaction to be sent.
There are two supporting subcommands: constructKeylessTx
and deriveContractAddress
go run utils/contract-deployment/contractDeploymentTools.go constructKeylessTx <PATH_TO_CONTRACT_JSON_FILE>
go run utils/contract-deployment/contractDeploymentTools.go deriveContractAddress <DEPLOYER_ADDRESS> <NONCE>
For example:
go run utils/contract-deployment/contractDeploymentTools.go constructKeylessTx contracts/out/TeleporterMessenger.sol/TeleporterMessenger.json
go run utils/contract-deployment/contractDeploymentTools.go deriveContractAddress 0x38545c4b331D8BFb3bee94C62D77a6735b5eF8c0 1
The resulting raw transaction, TeleporterMessenger
contract address, and universal deployer address are written to standard output, as well as to UniversalTeleporterDeployerTransaction.txt
, UniversalTeleporterMessengerContractAddress.txt
, and UniversalTeleporterDeployerAddress.txt
Now that the keyless transaction is constructed, fund the deployer address. For example, using cast
teleporter_deployer_address=$(cat UniversalTeleporterDeployerAddress.txt)
cast send --private-key $my_private_key --value 10ether $teleporter_deployer_address --rpc-url $my_rpc_url
Then, deploy Teleporter by sending the keyless transaction:
teleporter_deploy_tx=$(cat UniversalTeleporterDeployerTransaction.txt)
cast publish --rpc-url $my_rpc_url $teleporter_deploy_tx
Once you've verified that Teleporter was deployed to the address in UniversalTeleporterMessengerContractAddress.txt
, Teleporter is ready to use.