index 7fe6ea22eb..4d078218a2 100644
@@ -198,6 +198,12 @@ PHP authentication modules
| |the same server | - Hooks into | recommended |
| | | SAML infra | |
+|paia |Users are validated | - If available | |
+| |against Patrons Account | in library, | |
+| |Information API (PAIA). | setup is | |
+| | | simple with | |
+| | | php sessions | |
|idcheck |For use with mod_idcheck| | |
| |idcheck.sourceforge.net | | |
| |Must be used together | | |
@@ -878,22 +884,43 @@ $auth['saml']['authsource'] = 'default-sp';
$auth['saml']['attr']['username'] = 'sAMAccountName';
$auth['saml']['attr']['mail'] = 'mail';
$auth['saml']['admin']['memberOf'] = ['CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com'];
-// Optional access control filter
-$auth['saml']['user']['memberOf'] = ['CN=Calendar Users,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com'];
-This scheme assumes that you've already configured SimpleSamlPhp, that
-you have configured oid2name mapping, and that you have set up aliases
-in your webserver so that SimpleSamlPhp can handle incoming assertions.
-Refer to the SimpleSamlPhp documentation for more information on how to
-do that.
+This scheme assumes that you've already configured SimpleSamlPhp,
+and that you have set up aliases in your webserver so that SimpleSamlPhp
+can handle incoming assertions. Refer to the SimpleSamlPhp documentation
+for more information on how to do that.
+PAIA Authentication
+Patrons Account Information API (PAIA; https://gbv.github.io/paia/paia.html)
+only requires these settings in the config
+$auth["type"] = "paia";
+// Set your server without trailing slash
+$auth["paia"]["host"] = "https://paia.gbv.de/DE-830";
+// Set any format for the display Name with #NAME and #BARCODE; falls back to
+// Barcode if empty.
+// DO NOT CHANGE when productive with reservations (login and entries are
+// connected by this!)
+$auth["paia"]["format"] = "#NAME (#BARCODE)";
+// (Deny user groups access; for example allow reservation only for faculty members and deny it for external users)
+$auth["paia"]["restrict"]= array(29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, 60, 80);
+// As the entered login name
+$auth["admin"][] = "08300173390";
+(only works with default session type ($auth["session"] = "php"))
Wix Authentication
See wix/README
diff --git a/web/lib/MRBS/Auth/AuthPaia.php b/web/lib/MRBS/Auth/AuthPaia.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df665b4196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/lib/MRBS/Auth/AuthPaia.php
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+= 300)) {
+ //echo("No access. HTTP Status: $http_status");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // PAIA token is valid for 3600 seconds
+ $access_token = json_decode($patron, true)['access_token'];
+ if ($access_token) {
+ return $this->getUserData($access_token, $user);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Query user data with valid access token
+ *
+ * PAIA accesss token in GBV hosting are by default valid for 3600 seconds.
+ *
+ *
+ * @note / @todo: Keep track of the token validity (time) yourself.
+ * (But only one query after login should ever be needed usually)
+ *
+ * @param string $access_token - as received by authValidateUser()
+ * @param string $user - The user name (usually a 11-12 digit long library card id)
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * string - The username fomated as set in config ($auth["paia"]["format"] = "#NAME (#BARCODE)";) or only with barcode as default
+ * array - $_SESSION["data"] is populated with name, barcode, email, status and usertype, until (membership end)
+ */
+ public function getUserData($access_token, $user) {
+ global $auth;
+ // Get user data
+ $patron_data_json = file_get_contents($auth["paia"]["host"].'/core/'.$user.'?access_token='.$access_token);
+ $patron_data = json_decode($patron_data_json, true);
+ // Usertype (might be useful to restrict access by patron status)
+ $user_type = explode(':', $patron_data['type'][0])[2];
+ // Deny access for some user types
+ // @todo: needs some feedback other than unknown user
+ if (isset($auth["paia"]["restrict"])) {
+ if (in_array($user_type, $auth["paia"]["restrict"])) return false;
+ }
+ // Membership valid in days (just an example)
+ $today = new \DateTime();
+ $expiry = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $patron_data['expires']);
+ $interval = $today->diff($expiry);
+ //echo $today->format('d.m.Y').'
'. $expiry->format('d.m.Y').'
'.$interval->format('%R%a days').'
+ // Status ($patron_data['status'])
+ // 0 = active,
+ // 1 = inactive (OUS-Status 8 (Ausweisverlust), 9 "Siehe interne Bemerkung"),
+ // 2 = inactive because account expired,
+ // 3 = inactive because of outstanding fees,
+ // 4 = inactive because account expired and outstanding fees
+ //$_SESSION["data"]['name'] = $patron_data['name']; // Try to save as little personal data as possible by default
+ $_SESSION["data"]['barcode'] = $user;
+ $_SESSION["data"]['email'] = $patron_data['email'];
+ $_SESSION["data"]['status'] = $patron_data['status'];
+ $_SESSION["data"]['usertype'] = $user_type;
+ $_SESSION["data"]['until'] = $expiry;
+ // Format display name as given in config (or fall back to barcode)
+ if (isset($auth["paia"]["format"])) {
+ $display_name = $auth["paia"]["format"];
+ } else {
+ $display_name = '#BARCODE';
+ }
+ $display_name = str_replace('#NAME', trim($patron_data['name']), $display_name);
+ $display_name = str_replace('#BARCODE', trim($user), $display_name);
+ $_SESSION["data"]['name'] = $display_name;
+ //return $user;
+ return $display_name;
+ }
+ /*
+ * User Data as of 2020-08-24.
+ *
+ * Always just returns the provided user name (@see https://sourceforge.net/p/mrbs/bugs/481/)
+ *
+ * $username - The user name (barcode)
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * User object
+ */
+ /*
+ public function getUser($username) {
+ $user = new User($username);
+ $user->display_name = $username;
+ $user->email = $_SESSION["data"]['email'];
+ $user->level = $this->getUserLevel($user);
+ return $user;
+ }
+ /* authGetUserLevel($user)
+ *
+ * Determines the user's access level
+ *
+ @param string $user - The user name (usually a 11-12 digit long library card id)
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * The user's access level
+ */
+ public function getUserLevel($user) {
+ global $auth;
+ // User not logged in, user level '0'
+ if(!isset($user)) return 0;
+ // Check whether the user is an admin
+ foreach ($auth['admin'] as $admin) {
+ if(strcasecmp($_SESSION["data"]['barcode'], $admin) === 0) {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ }
+ // Everybody else is access level '1'
+ return 1;
+ }
+// end TUBHH modification