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just saw the CoC for the DevRel Collective Slack community |
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I just read both the Contributor Covenant CoC and the DevRel Collective Slack community CoC. They're both good. So I don't know what to think, if we should choose only one of them (with the risk of lacking details), adapt one of them with what's good coming from the other CoC (it can turn awful), or have a different CoC for GitHub and Slack (brings confusion, could be over-thinking the problem). I would be happy to know what are your thoughts. |
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Hello all, Thanks for all the input and feedback. I tried my hand at writing the first draft of a revamped Code of Conduct. I did my best to utilise the previous code as well as the feedback shared so far. I don't think I managed to include everything, but I hope I coved enough bases while still maintaining a certain level of flexibility. Please feel free to have a read-through and share your thoughts, if there's anything else you think is essential for me to add, don't hesitate to flag it: First draft CoCMeilisearch, and all its employees, is an entity fully committed to building an inclusive, encouraging, inspiring and diverse space for everyone that may want to join our community or our project. Our number one priority is ensuring you have fun and contribute in a way that makes sense to you while navigating in a safe and respectful environment. The community and all contributors are at the core of what we do. Thus it is paramount for Meilisearch that the members feel supported. Our Code of Conduct is an extension of our company vision and values. In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity, and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. Any community member or contributor evolving in one of Meilisearch spaces must be aware of the Code of Conduct and uphold its values. Who will receive any reports of the breach of the Code of Conduct?If you are a victim or a witnesses of a breach of the Code of Conduct, we kindly request you reach out to [email protected] so that we can start an official investigation based on your feedback. We know the situations that may have occurred can be painful to retell. Still, we would be very grateful if you could share as many details or any physical evidence, which would greatly facilitate the investigation. In order to protect the people involved in the investigation, we must maintain anonymity throughout the process. Details of said investigation won't be shared, however, we may communicate separately concerning next steps or sanctions if necessary without sharing any personal or sensitive information. If your complaint is addressed toward a Meilisearch employee that you fear may be a recipient of [email protected], please feel free to use (ALTERNATIVE POINT OF CONTACT) instead. We take your words very seriously. Any abuse of this trust made in a malicious spirit or bad faith could be sanctioned. ScopeThis Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project email address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers. Code of Conduct➡️ Kindness: We all learn from each other and often communicate in a language that isn’t our mother tongue, with no visual or vocal cues to support our messages. Let’s look at each other with kindness when communicating together. We wish to foster a welcoming space where newcomers have a chance to find their own spot and where developers of all backgrounds and levels can support and elevate each other. ➡️ 0 tolerance policy: any form of physical, mental, sexual abuse, harassment, or toxicity occurring on one of Meilisearch safe spaces (our various social media, Github, Slack, conventions, job interviews, etc.) will be met with immediate removal from said spaces and a permanent ban. It is perfectly acceptable to disagree with each other, it’s indeed one of the best ways to improve ourselves and make our experiences grow. However, disagreement must be handled in a mature manner that allows all participants to maintain their safety and dignity.
➡️ Acceptance of each other: The Internet and online communities allow us to connect with people from all over the world and meet people we would never have had the chance to meet otherwise. This also means we will be confronted with world views very different from our own and what is familiar to us. It is essential for Meilisearch that we’re all respectful of each others’ cultures and identities. Discrimination based on nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. will be punished accordingly to the severity of the action, to be determined through our investigation. This principle must coexist with the one around preserving each other safety, so topics such as transphobia, homophobia, ableism, ageism, colourism, etc. do not fall within the remit of this rule. ➡️ Lawful: The safety of our community and our employees is one of Meilisearch highest priorities. As such, we will not tolerate any form of unlawful behaviour on our channels. We will report any illegal behaviour to the appropriate authority of the platform on which the behaviour was perpetuated. Educate yourself on your local laws to respect them and report any illegal or suspicious activities, especially if they can put someone in danger. ➡️ Security: We strongly advise our community members and contributors against sharing personal or account information with anyone else, whether the people are present online or in real life. This includes information that could be used to identify you, like your telephone number, home address, etc., as well as information that could be used to compromise your account, like your email address or answers to your security questions, etc. Meilisearch employees will never ask you for your password. Please help us help you, it is also your responsibility to keep you and your accounts safe. ➡️ We’re in your corner: Don’t feel like you’re alone, Meilisearch employees are also there to roam through our various platforms and ensure the Code of Conduct is enforced. To protect our communities, representatives, and partners, we may remove any and all content published by you that breaches this Code of Conduct or our Terms of Use. The online world is a big place, though, so if you feel like we missed something important, do not hesitate to bring it to our attention ➡️ Was it a breach of the Code of Conduct? Situations aren’t always clear cut, and we can sometimes wonder whether or not the Code of Conduct was breached. Was it an aggressive argument or simply a passionate debate? Was someone being harassed, or is it an inside joke? It is always better to report any ambiguous situation rather than leave someone in a potentially vulnerable position. We will be grateful for your report and will investigate ourselves. ➡️ Meilisearch’s responsibility: Meilisearch cannot be held responsible for the actions or comments made by contributors or community members in the various online and social media outlets. Meilisearch reserves the right to remove any and all content published by a contributor without prior warning or notification. However, Meilisearch and its employees vow to do do their utmost best to foster a positive environment that complies with this Code of Conduct. ➡️ Sanctions: following an investigation that will be led internally, the person(s) in charge of the investigation will decide on a sanction based on the gravity of the offense. All individuals involved in a report will be contacted as to allow everyone to offer their side of the conflict and to defend themselves. The final decision won’t be taken unilaterally by a single person. If a consensus cannot be reached, the final call will be made by the acting CEO of Meilisearch, currently @qdequele. Here are a few example of sanctions that can be taken:
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Hey! thanks @Luna-meili for all this work. It's really complete. However I would make this more synthetic and straight-to-the-point. Since a code of conduct isn't "fun" to read, but is necessary, we should try making this shorter. My suggestions:
Here are my other comments for the current version: First draft of CoC
I agree this should be something that is ensured in some way. Also, in this phrase, maybe we could make it more straightforward that if someone is evolving in one of the Meilisearch spaces, we will assume they have taken knowledge of the CoC. Who will receive any reports of the breach of the Code of Conduct?I would create two sections:
Maybe I would stress the fact that if there's a doubt, there's no doubt? for people who might be disposed to convince themselves that they're exaggerating and they're imagining things. My point is to be reassuring about the fact that this is important for us, and they shouldn't feel like they're bothering us or anything.
If you are a victim of a breach
This address makes me feel like I'd be writing an email to robots. Can we create a specific address?
Yes, very good point. I would say Scope
For me (but maybe it's because I'm outside of the open-source space, so I'm missing some notions), this definition needs clarification. Code of ConductKindness
Would change to 0 tolerance policy
100% agree with the 0 tolerance policy, but I think we should make this a separate section so it stands out. It's probably the most important thing to know for people reading this CoC.
Why not just
mature manner -> respectful manner?
I would erase this sentence, or change the "don't let them take over you" into something less directive. Acceptance of each other Change the title to
I find this a bit vague. Also we speak of a 0 tolerance policy: shouldn't this be punished by immediate ban? Lawful Lawfulness Security I would change this to We're in your corner
I would take out this part of the sentence. I would change the paragraph actually: Meilisearch employees are here to navigate and examinate our various platforms to make sure the Code of Conduct is enforced. To protect our communities, representatives, and partners, we will remove any content that represents a breach in this Code or our Terms of Use. However, if you feel like we missed something important, do not hesitate to bring it to our attention. Meilisearch’s responsibility
Would take this out. Sanctions I would maybe make this a separate section. In the case of an investigation, all parties involved will be given the opportunity to express themselves and give their version of the events. The Meilisearch employees in charge of the investigation will collectively decide on the sanction. If a consensus cannot be reached, the final call will be made by the acting CEO of Meilisearch, currently @qdequele. In the case of a lack of proof or facts, it may not be possible to take action. Sanctions may include but will not be limited to:
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In September 2021, @bidoubiwa @ferdi05 and Morgane Neff (HR manager at MeiliSearch) launched a Working Group. The objective of this group is to add a Code of Conduct where needed to MeiliSearch discussion spaces.
Here's the report from the first meeting. Any comments would be appreciated.
2021-09-21 - Kickoff
Current situation at MeiliSearch
Notes from the meeting
project maintainers
do not apply to Slack.Todo
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