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Reference Implementation for a Debian/Docker Project

This repository contains a reference implementation for a software project which targets Linux (on 64-bit Intel, and 64-bit ARM platforms), and which is distributed as a Debian package, and/or as a multi-platform Docker image.

The repository uses a mix of GitHub's Settings and GitHub Actions to implement, and enforce, a CI/CD development workflow.

This reference implementation can be used as the basis for quickly bootstrapping other similar projects (by following the included guide), or as an inspiration for implementing similar solution targeting different platforms (e.g. Windows), or distribution methods (e.g. other packaging formats).

Implemented Development Workflow


  • The project is developed and maintained from a single, main development branch.

  • The project follows the "semantic versiosing" approach to releases naming:

    • Every release is assigned a 3-components label <major>.<minor>.<patch>.

    • Every release is uniquely associated with a git tag of the same name referencing a commit from the main development branch.

  • New releases are triggered automatically by changes in the repository:

    • Nightly releases are automatically triggered every time new commits are pushed to the main development branch.

    • Stable releases are automatically triggered whenever a tag is pushed to the repository (unless the tag contains a /).

  • The project will release two Docker images named after the repository (<owner>/<repo>):

    • A nightly image, built from the HEAD commit of the main development branch, and tagged as <owner>/<repo>:nightly, and <owner>/<repo>:<main-dev-branch>.

    • A stable image, built from the most recently pushed git tag (expected to follow the scheme <major>.<minor>.<patch>). This image is tagged on the Docker registry as <owner>/<repo>:latest.

      The image also receives "semantic" labels derived from the git tag: <owner>/<repo>:<major>.<minor>.<patch>, <owner>/<repo>:<major>.<minor>, and <owner>/<repo>:<major>.

    • The images are pushed both to DockerHub, and to GitHub's Container Registry, as a "container" package.

    • Images are first built with a "pre-release" tag to undergo testing, and they are pushed with their final release tags only after successful validation.

    • The "pre-release" tags can be pushed to a different registry than the final one, so that access to them may be restricted to only authorized users (and CI infrastructure), and to prevent unsuccessful processes from polluting the release repository.

  • The project provides architecture-specific Debian packages for every stable release.

    • The packages follow the naming scheme <repo>_<deb-version>_<arch>.deb, where:

      • <deb-version> takes the form A.B.C-N, from the concatenation of the upstream version (i.e. A.B.C) with the debian release increment (i.e. N).

      • <arch> is the Debian architecture identifier (e.g. amd64, arm64).

    • The packages are made available through the repository's "Releases" page, and from the artifact logs of the builder workflows.


  • All changes to the main development branch must be submitted through a pull request (PR).

    • Every PR must receive a minimum number of reviews (1) by a maintainer in order to be accepted.

    • Every commit pushed to a PR branch will invalidate previously received reviewes.

    • A PR must be in sync with the main development branch (via merge or rebase) in order to be accepted.

    • The "auto-merge" feature can be used to automatically merge PRs after review by requiring that all expected checks are successful.

    • Every PR must undergo two levels of automatic validation in order to be merged:

      • A basic validation, which is triggered every time a new PR is opened, or whenever an existing PR is updated (by new commits, or by transitioning to "ready for review" state if opened as draft). The basic validation is expected to build and test the project's image for a selected reference platform (e.g. linux/amd64).

      • A full validation, which is triggered every time a PR transitions to the "accepted" review state. The full validation is expected to build and test the project's image for other targeted platforms (e.g. linux/arm64). It is also expected validate the changes by running the Debian release workflow on a reference platform (e.g. linux/amd64).

    • All workflow runs associated with a PR will be automatically pruned once the PR is closed:

      • If the PR was closed without merging, all runs will be deleted.

      • If the PR was merged, all runs will be deleted except for the most recent "basic validation", and "full validation" runs.

Project Bootstrap Guide

The guide assumes that the repository will be owned by a GitHub organization (of which you are an administrator). Some adjustments might be required to use it for a personal repository.

Repository Initialization

  1. Create your repository (e.g. my-org/my-repo) if it doesn't already exist.

  2. Import files from the reference repository into your repository:

    # Clone the reference repository
    git clone
    export REF_PROJECT=$(pwd)/ref-project-docker
    # Clone your repository
    git clone
    cd my-repo
    # GitHub Action workflows and the helper Python scripts
    mkdir -p .github/
    cp -a ${REF_PROJECT}/.github/* .github/
    # Makefile
    cp -a ${REF_PROJECT}/Makefile ./Makefile
    # Docker compose configuration
    cp -a ${REF_PROJECT}/compose.yml ./compose.yml
    # Docker build files
    mkdir -p docker/
    cp -a ${REF_PROJECT}/docker/* ./docker/
    # Helper scripts
    mkdir -p scripts/
    cp -a ${REF_PROJECT}/scripts/* ./scripts/
    # Debian packaging files
    mkdir -p debian/
    cp -a ${REF_PROJECT}/debian/* ./debian/
    # pre-commit and ruff configuration
    cp -a ${REF_PROJECT}/.pre-commit-config.yaml ./.pre-commit-config.yaml
    cp -a ${REF_PROJECT}/ruff.toml ./ruff.toml
  3. Edit .github/workflows_pyconfig/settings.yml with your preferred settings.

    • Replace all references to mentalsmash/ref-project-debdocker with your repository. Using sed if you want:

      sed -r -i -e "s:mentalsmash(.)ref-project-debdocker:my-org(\1)my-repo:g" .github/workflows_pyconfig/settings.yml
    • Common settings:

      • release.base_image: the base image for the generated images (e.g. ubuntu:22.04).

      • release.build_platforms: list of Docker build platforms (supported values: linux/amd64, linux/arm64).

      • release.prerelease_repo the "pre-release" image tag that will be used for testing and to derive the release images after validation (e.g.

      • release.repo: a list of image repository that will be used to publish the "release" image after validation.