- add aria label input for menu
- menu admin css bugfix
- split css for ACF and Carbon fields
- add fix for zip archive in Simply Static plugin
- added a message in admin footer if a proxy is set up
- Add upload image compression ratio settings
- limit term description to 2 lines
- plugin css moved to head
- Add post.template and post.term method for Timber/Post
- Removed Yoast class from structured script
- Update custom post type/taxonomy label default configuration
- You can now allow column property in yml to page in cpt configuration
- Removed WordPress default font size, gradient, layout styles
- Added template slug in body_class
- Include table plugin in mce
- Better css management when using Gutenberg with iFrame
- Added "Optimize" media button to resize all image based on image > resize > max height/max width config
- Added image > max size option, to allow large pdf but restrict image size
- Added upload information
- Added rest api ip whitelist
- Added svg option
- Added Gutenberg block categories configuration
- Removed block customClassName by default
- Better Rest API formating with ACF
- ACF BLock now use API V3
- Added Relevanssi plugin rol configuration
- Fix Yoast primary term resolution priority
- block_editor_style defined in config now removed from main editor if blocks are iframed
- new
- display archive pages when trying to create a link
- remove users from wp sitemap
- Extend timber Post to prevent use of post_content for excerpt generation
- added wp_customize section in config.yml
- Fixed a bug with Contact form 7 used without cf7 antispam
- Fixed a bug with Cache control plugin
- remove_submenu_page was buggy
- vendors updated to latest version
- Switch to acf block api v3
- Fix sidebar bug with WP6.6
- Better cpt name management
- Added "archive" entry group in menu for better ux
- Added "orderby: last_word" option for cpt
- Better ACF link management when cloning post using Multisite language switcher
Prevent cf7-antispam from loading on all pages
Fix sql query not using the right prefix for sticky post
- Remove warning when custom post types or taxonomies is empty in config file
- Added condition to output error on login while debugging
- Fixed error when using page template in Gutenberg
- Multisite post clone option was buggy
- Code refactoring
- Improved method comments to remove warnings
- Added crop selector for images
- Added sticky option for CPT
- Fixed radio type for custom taxonomies
- Block/Post/Term ACF fields can now be added directly in the yml config file
- Added support for the Carbon Field plugin
- Added "Column" type for the menu in the admin area
- Fixed CSS in the admin area
- Added options in General settings to change the default email address and sender name
- Added "convert to jpg" option for png files in the media selector
- Removed "x-redirect-by" on ajax calls
- Improved post and term copy using the Multisite language switcher plugin
- Setting capability_type: true in post_type or taxonomy will now generate the correct capabilities
- Fixed possible SQL injection and unsecured CSV export in list-table.php
- Updated vendors
- Fixed editor roles when using map meta cap on custom taxonomies
- Fixed editor roles typo
- Fixed editor roles when using map meta cap on CPT
- Removed rewrite sanitization introduced in 1.2.0
- Fixed image ID on post/term copy
- Fixed CSS in the admin menu
- Removed rewrite warning
- Allowed translation for inline editor from the acf-extensions plugin
- Allowed privacy page edition for editor
- Improved PHP 8.1 compatibility
- Improved roles
- Cloning using the Multisite language switcher plugin now copies terms
When using 'block_render_callback', call your function directly:
add_filter('block_render_callback', [$this, 'renderBlock']);
- Fixed broken clone when using blocks and the Multisite language switcher plugin
- Removed unnecessary CSS added by WordPress 6.1
- Allowed non-breakable space in the editor
- WordPress link selector now displays term and post archive on search
- Improved post type and taxonomy registration/de-registration
- Bugfix using config getter
- Deepl integration
- Build hook management
- Improved taxonomy capabilities
- Plugins loading optimization
- Added post state to body class
- Transients cleaner in options
- Improved role management
- Bugfix
- Gutenberg block configuration
- Ajax action echo missing translation debug output