This document was AI-generated by Cascade on 2025-01-02, based on analysis of the Eliza agent core source code from v.01.6-alpha5. While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, this documentation may contain inaccuracies. Please use with discretion and refer to the original source code for definitive implementation details.
This document provides a deep dive into the handler execution flow within the Eliza framework, specifically focusing on how and when evaluator handlers are called. This analysis reveals implementation details that are not covered in the official documentation.
The evaluation process is managed by the evaluate()
method in the AgentRuntime
class. Here's the detailed sequence:
async evaluate(message: Memory, state?: State, didRespond?: boolean, callback?: HandlerCallback)
All evaluators are validated concurrently:
const evaluatorPromises = (evaluator: Evaluator) => {
if (!evaluator.handler || (!didRespond && !evaluator.alwaysRun)) {
return null;
const result = await evaluator.validate(this, message, state);
return result ? evaluator : null;
Key validation checks:
- Existence of handler function
- Response status (
) oralwaysRun
flag - Evaluator's validate() method result
const resolvedEvaluators = await Promise.all(evaluatorPromises);
const evaluatorsData = resolvedEvaluators.filter(Boolean);
- All validation promises are resolved
- Invalid/skipped evaluators are filtered out
const context = composeContext({
state: {
evaluators: formatEvaluators(evaluatorsData),
evaluatorNames: formatEvaluatorNames(evaluatorsData),
template: this.character.templates?.evaluationTemplate || evaluationTemplate,
const result = await generateText({
runtime: this,
modelClass: ModelClass.SMALL,
const evaluators = parseJsonArrayFromText(result) as string[];
- Context is composed with validated evaluators
- Text generation determines which evaluators to run
- Result is parsed to get final evaluator selection
for (const evaluator of this.evaluators) {
if (!evaluators.includes( continue;
if (evaluator.handler) {
await evaluator.handler(this, message, state, {}, callback);
- Handlers are called sequentially
- Only selected evaluators' handlers are executed
- Each handler receives runtime context, message, state, and callback
participant U as User
participant R as Runtime
participant E as Evaluators
participant A as Actions
participant H as Handlers
U->>R: Message
activate R
R->>A: Process Actions
activate A
A-->>R: Actions Complete
deactivate A
R->>E: Parallel Validation
activate E
Note over E: Filter & Select
E-->>R: Valid Evaluators
deactivate E
R->>H: Sequential Handler Execution
activate H
Note over H: Process Selected Evaluators
H-->>R: Handlers Complete
deactivate H
R-->>U: Complete
deactivate R
[*] --> Registered
Registered --> Validating: evaluate() called
Validating --> Invalid: validation failed
Validating --> Valid: validation passed
Valid --> Selected: chosen by text generation
Valid --> NotSelected: not chosen
Selected --> HandlerExecuting: has handler
NotSelected --> [*]
Invalid --> [*]
HandlerExecuting --> Complete: handler done
Complete --> [*]
title Handler Runtime Operations
dateFormat X
axisFormat %L
section Actions
Process Actions :a1, 0, 2m
section Evaluators
Parallel Validation :a2, after a1, 1m
Text Generation :a3, after a2, 1m
section Handlers
Handler 1 :a4, after a3, 1m
Handler 2 :a5, after a4, 1m
Handler 3 :a6, after a5, 1m
flowchart TD
A[Start Evaluation] --> B{Has Handler?}
B -->|No| C[Skip]
B -->|Yes| D{Did Respond?}
D -->|No| E{Always Run?}
D -->|Yes| F[Validate]
E -->|No| C
E -->|Yes| F
F --> G{Validation Result}
G -->|False| C
G -->|True| H[Text Generation]
H --> I{Selected?}
I -->|No| C
I -->|Yes| J[Execute Handler]
J --> K[Complete]
C --> K
graph TB
subgraph Runtime
R[Runtime Manager]
A[Action Processor]
E[Evaluator Manager]
H[Handler Executor]
subgraph State
S1[Message State]
S2[Runtime State]
S3[Handler State]
subgraph External
T[Text Generation]
R --> A
R --> E
R --> H
E --> T
E --> V
S1 --> R
S2 --> R
H --> S3
P --> R
These diagrams illustrate:
- The sequential flow of handler execution
- State transitions during evaluation
- Timing of parallel vs sequential operations
- Decision tree for handler execution
- Component interactions and data flow
Think of a handler as a specialized worker in a factory. Just like a worker who handles specific tasks on an assembly line, a handler in software:
- Has a specific job to do
- Knows when to start its work
- Follows a defined process
- Reports when it's done
Imagine organizing a dinner party:
- Parallel: Multiple cooks preparing different dishes simultaneously
- Sequential: Following a recipe step by step, where each step must wait for the previous one
In our system:
- Parallel: Validating multiple evaluators at once
- Sequential: Executing handlers one after another
Think of state like a scorecard in a game:
Initial State → Action Occurs → State Changes → New State
Example flow:
// Initial state
state = { messageToSave: null }
// Action occurs
receiveMessage("Save this!")
// State changes
state = { messageToSave: "Previous message" }
Like a restaurant kitchen:
- Order comes in (Event)
- Chef reads ticket (Handler triggered)
- Food prepared (Processing)
- Dish served (Completion)
graph LR
A[User Message] -->|Triggers| B[Runtime System]
B -->|Initiates| C[Processing Chain]
style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333
style B fill:#bbf,stroke:#333
style C fill:#bfb,stroke:#333
// Simplified example of parallel validation
async function validateAll(evaluators) {
return Promise.all( (e) => {
// All these run at the same time!
return await e.validate();
Key Learning Points:
- Multiple validations happen simultaneously
- No validation waits for others
- All results collected at once
// Simplified example of sequential execution
async function executeHandlers(handlers) {
for (const handler of handlers) {
// Each handler waits for the previous one
await handler.execute();
Kitchen Concept | Handler System Equivalent |
Order Ticket | Message |
Recipe Check | Validation |
Cooking Steps | Handler Execution |
Quality Check | State Verification |
Serving | Completion |
Assembly Line | Handler System Equivalent |
Raw Materials | Input Message |
Quality Control | Validation |
Work Stations | Handlers |
Checkpoints | State Changes |
Final Product | Completed Operation |
// Pattern for robust validation
async validate(runtime, message) {
try {
// 1. Check preconditions
if (!message) return false;
// 2. Verify state
if (!runtime.isReady()) return false;
// 3. Validate content
return isValidContent(message);
} catch (error) {
// 4. Safe error handling
return false;
// Pattern for reliable handler execution
async handle(runtime, message, state) {
// 1. State preparation
const initialState = cloneState(state);
try {
// 2. Processing
const result = await processMessage(message);
// 3. State update
updateState(state, result);
// 4. Completion
return success(result);
} catch (error) {
// 5. Rollback on failure
return failure(error);
title Operation Timing
dateFormat X
axisFormat %L
section Critical Path
Validation :crit, v1, 0, 2m
Processing :crit, p1, after v1, 2m
section Optional
Logging :log1, after v1, 1m
Analytics :an1, after p1, 1m
Key Timing Factors:
- Validation Speed: Keep validations light and fast
- Handler Duration: Monitor and optimize long-running handlers
- Resource Usage: Balance parallel operations based on system capacity
Race Conditions
// Bad let shared = {}; handlers.forEach(h => h.modify(shared)); // Good const results = await Promise.all( => h.process()) ); const final = combineResults(results);
State Management
// Bad function updateState(newValue) { state = newValue; } // Good function updateState(newValue) { state = { ...state, ...newValue, lastUpdated: }; }
These concepts and patterns form the foundation of understanding real-time handler operations. By mastering these principles, developers can build more reliable and efficient systems.
Action Handler First
- Action handlers complete before evaluation begins
- This ensures all actions are processed before state evaluation
Evaluations Second
- Evaluator validation runs in parallel
- Results are collected and filtered
Evaluator Handlers Last
- Handlers execute after all validation and selection
- Run sequentially to maintain order and prevent race conditions
A handler will only be called if ALL of these conditions are met:
- The evaluator has a handler function defined
- Either:
is true (indicating a response was generated)- OR
is true
- The evaluator's
method returns true - The evaluator's name appears in the generated text result
- Parallel validation improves performance
- Sequential handler execution prevents race conditions
- Text generation acts as a final filter for handler execution
Implement lightweight validation functions
- They run in parallel
- Should return quickly
Heavy processing should be in handlers
- They run sequentially
- Have guaranteed preconditions
flag judiciously- Affects when handler can be called
- Impacts overall performance
const myEvaluator: Evaluator = {
name: "my-evaluator",
alwaysRun: false,
validate: async (runtime, message, state) => {
// Quick validation
return shouldRun;
handler: async (runtime, message, state, options, callback) => {
// Heavy processing
// Guaranteed to have passed validation
// Implementation of an event emitter for real-time updates
class HandlerEventEmitter {
private listeners: Map<string, Function[]> = new Map();
on(event: string, callback: Function) {
if (!this.listeners.has(event)) {
this.listeners.set(event, []);
emit(event: string, data: any) {
this.listeners.get(event)?.forEach(callback => {
try {
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error in ${event} listener:`, error);
// Usage example
const handlerEvents = new HandlerEventEmitter();
handlerEvents.on('validation.complete', (results) => {
console.log('Validation results:', results);
class HandlerCircuitBreaker {
private failures = 0;
private lastFailure: number = 0;
private readonly threshold = 5;
private readonly resetTimeout = 60000; // 1 minute
async execute(handler: () => Promise<any>) {
if (this.isOpen()) {
throw new Error('Circuit breaker is open');
try {
const result = await handler();
return result;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
private isOpen(): boolean {
if ( - this.lastFailure > this.resetTimeout) {
return false;
return this.failures >= this.threshold;
private reset() {
this.failures = 0;
this.lastFailure = 0;
private recordFailure() {
this.lastFailure =;
graph LR
subgraph Pipeline
A[Input] --> B[Transform]
B --> C[Validate]
C --> D[Process]
D --> E[Output]
subgraph Error Handling
C -->|Error| F[Error Handler]
F --> G[Recovery]
G --> C
// Implementation of a pipeline pattern
class HandlerPipeline {
private steps: Array<(data: any) => Promise<any>> = [];
addStep(step: (data: any) => Promise<any>) {
async execute(initialData: any) {
let data = initialData;
for (const step of this.steps) {
try {
data = await step(data);
} catch (error) {
await this.handleError(error, data);
throw error;
return data;
private async handleError(error: Error, data: any) {
// Implement error recovery logic
console.error('Pipeline error:', error);
// Could implement retry logic, logging, or other recovery mechanisms
// Usage example
const pipeline = new HandlerPipeline();
pipeline.addStep(async (data) => {
// Transform step
return {, transformed: true };
pipeline.addStep(async (data) => {
// Validation step
if (!data.transformed) throw new Error('Invalid data');
return data;
// Example of a handler test suite
describe('Handler System Tests', () => {
let handler: Handler;
let mockRuntime: MockRuntime;
beforeEach(() => {
mockRuntime = new MockRuntime();
handler = new Handler(mockRuntime);
test('should handle valid messages', async () => {
const message = createTestMessage('valid');
const result = await handler.process(message);
test('should handle concurrent requests', async () => {
const messages = Array(5).fill(null)
.map(() => createTestMessage('valid'));
const results = await Promise.all( => handler.process(msg))
expect(results.every(r => r.success)).toBe(true);
// Load test implementation
class HandlerLoadTest {
private readonly concurrentUsers = 100;
private readonly testDuration = 60000; // 1 minute
async runTest(handler: Handler) {
const startTime =;
const metrics = {
totalRequests: 0,
successfulRequests: 0,
failedRequests: 0,
averageResponseTime: 0,
while ( - startTime < this.testDuration) {
const promises = Array(this.concurrentUsers)
.map(() => this.simulateRequest(handler, metrics));
await Promise.all(promises);
return this.calculateResults(metrics);
private async simulateRequest(
handler: Handler,
metrics: any
) {
const start =;
try {
await handler.process(createTestMessage('load-test'));
} catch (error) {
metrics.averageResponseTime =
(metrics.averageResponseTime * (metrics.totalRequests - 1) +
( - start)) / metrics.totalRequests;
class HandlerMetrics {
private metrics: Map<string, number> = new Map();
private timings: Map<string, number[]> = new Map();
recordTiming(operation: string, duration: number) {
if (!this.timings.has(operation)) {
this.timings.set(operation, []);
incrementCounter(metric: string) {
const current = this.metrics.get(metric) || 0;
this.metrics.set(metric, current + 1);
getStats() {
const stats: any = {};
// Process counters
for (const [metric, value] of this.metrics) {
stats[metric] = value;
// Process timings
for (const [operation, durations] of this.timings) {
stats[`${operation}_avg`] = this.calculateAverage(durations);
stats[`${operation}_p95`] = this.calculatePercentile(durations, 95);
return stats;
private calculateAverage(numbers: number[]): number {
return numbers.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / numbers.length;
private calculatePercentile(numbers: number[], percentile: number): number {
const sorted = [...numbers].sort((a, b) => a - b);
const index = Math.ceil((percentile / 100) * sorted.length) - 1;
return sorted[index];
class HandlerHealthCheck {
private readonly checks: Map<string, () => Promise<boolean>> = new Map();
addCheck(name: string, check: () => Promise<boolean>) {
this.checks.set(name, check);
async getHealth(): Promise<{
status: 'healthy' | 'unhealthy',
checks: Record<string, boolean>
}> {
const results: Record<string, boolean> = {};
let allHealthy = true;
for (const [name, check] of this.checks) {
try {
results[name] = await check();
allHealthy = allHealthy && results[name];
} catch (error) {
results[name] = false;
allHealthy = false;
return {
status: allHealthy ? 'healthy' : 'unhealthy',
checks: results
// Usage example
const healthCheck = new HandlerHealthCheck();
healthCheck.addCheck('database', async () => {
try {
return true;
} catch {
return false;
healthCheck.addCheck('messageQueue', async () => {
return runtime.messageManager.isHealthy();
These advanced patterns and implementations provide a robust foundation for building reliable real-time handler systems. The examples cover:
- Event handling with the Observer pattern
- Circuit breaking for failure handling
- Pipeline pattern for data flow
- Comprehensive testing approaches
- Monitoring and health check implementations
Each pattern is accompanied by practical code examples and explanations of their use cases.
Understanding this execution flow is crucial for:
- Debugging handler behavior
- Optimizing evaluator performance
- Implementing correct plugin logic
This deep dive reveals the sophisticated orchestration of handlers in the Eliza framework, providing insights beyond the official documentation for advanced plugin development.