This repository contains three R Script, one shapefile and two csv to perform and reproduce all the analyses of 'Ice age, current climate, habitat availability, and the diversity of European dragonflies and damselflies'.
The data used for the statistical analysis are stored in the ‘Data’ folder. This folder contains 2 files in CSV format and the sub-folder ‘shp’ which contains the shapefile, For CSV files, the delimiter is ";" and the decimal separator is ".". The available files are:
- df_odonata.csv: The dataset has been named ‘da’ in the R code. Each record in the dataset refers to a geographical grid, of the 50x50 km grid. The dataset contains a total of 16 variables.
- table_devianza.csv: The dataset has been named ‘devianza’ in the R code. These dataset contains the results obtained with SAM for Partitioning of explained deviances. In R we use these results to make Venn diagrams to display the results graphically.
- Sub-folder ‘shp’: This folder contains the shapefile Grid_Richness.shp.