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2018-05-29 |
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{: #monitoring_logging}
{{}}, by default, collects and displays metrics for CPU usage, memory utilization, and network I/O for the {{}}. You can use the {{}} service in {{}} to automatically collect and measure key metrics from your environment and applications. No special instrumentation is required to collect metrics.
For more information, see Monitoring in {{}}.
{{}}, by default, collects and displays logs for your apps, apps runtimes, and compute runtimes where those apps run. {{}} logging capabilities are integrated in the platform and collection of data is automatically enabled for cloud resources.
The {{}} service provides log collection and log search services for the {{}} platform, automatically collecting application and {{}} services’ data from select services. Use the {{}} service to expand your log collection, log retention, and log search abilities when you're working with logs.
For more information, see Logging in {{}}.