diff --git a/snapshot/guide/configurationreference.html b/snapshot/guide/configurationreference.html index 9279b4d9e7..2ec34bf821 100644 --- a/snapshot/guide/configurationreference.html +++ b/snapshot/guide/configurationreference.html @@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
-- | Defines which authentication to use. Defaults to null. Possible values bearer, session, cookie, idtoken. Should - only be supplied if the service handles login and logout requests. |
-boolean |
-If Security is enabled. Default value true |
-java.util.List |
-Map that defines the interception patterns. |
-java.util.List |
-Allowed IP patterns. Default value ([""]) |
-boolean |
-Whether the intercept URL patterns should be prepended with context path if defined. Defaults to true. |
-- | Determines how authentication providers should be processed. Default value ANY. Possible values: ANY or ALL. |
+java.lang.String |
+Where the user is redirected to after trying to access a secured route which he is forbidden to access. Default value ("/"). |
boolean |
-Whether the server should respond with 401 for requests that do not match any routes on the server, if you set it to false, it will return 404 for requests that do not match any routes on the server. Default value (true). |
+Whether it should redirect on forbidden rejections. Default value (true). |
-boolean |
-Sets whether the configuration is enabled. Default value true. |
-java.lang.String |
-- | |||
java.lang.String |
-+ | Where the user is redirected to after trying to access a secured route. Default value ("/"). |
-java.lang.String |
-If the entry used for the roles in the Authentication attributes map is a String, you can use the separator to split its value into multiple roles. Default value DEFAULT_ROLES_SEPARATOR. |
+boolean |
+Whether it should redirect on unauthorized rejections. Default value (true). |
-java.lang.String |
-- | |
-java.lang.Boolean |
-- | |
-java.lang.Boolean |
-- | |
-java.time.Duration |
-- | |
-- | Sets the same-site setting of the cookie. Default value null. Value is case sensitive. Allowed values: |
boolean |
-Whether JWT cookie configuration is enabled. Default value (true). |
-java.lang.String |
-Cookie Name. Default value ("JWT"). |
-java.lang.String |
-The path of the cookie. Default value ("/"). |
+Enables the {@link BasicAuthAuthenticationFetcher}. Default value true. |
-java.lang.String |
+boolean |
java.lang.String |
-- | |
-java.util.regex.Pattern |
-- | ||
-java.util.regex.Pattern |
-+ | Path to the LogoutController. Default value "/logout". |
boolean |
-Enables TokenPropagationHttpClientFilter. Default value false |
-java.lang.String |
-boolean |
-Enable HttpHeaderTokenPropagator. Default value (true). |
+java.lang.String |
+Where the user is redirected to after a successful login. Default value ("/"). |
java.lang.String |
-+ | Where the user is redirected to after a failed login. Default value ("/"). |
java.lang.String |
-+ | URL where the user is redirected after logout. Default value ("/"). |
Property | -Type | -Description | +
+boolean |
+If true, the user should be redirected back to the unauthorized + request that initiated the login flow. Supersedes the <code>login-success</code> + configuration for those cases. Default value false. |
-java.lang.Integer |
-Access token expiration. Default value (3600). |
+boolean |
+Sets whether Redirection configuration enabled. Default value (true). |
-java.lang.String |
-Where the user is redirected to after trying to access a secured route which he is forbidden to access. Default value ("/"). |
-boolean |
-Whether it should redirect on forbidden rejections. Default value (true). |
+java.lang.Integer |
+Access token expiration. Default value (3600). |
java.lang.String |
-Where the user is redirected to after trying to access a secured route. Default value ("/"). |
+Set the Subject DN regex. Default value "CN=(.*?)(?:, |
+$)". |
boolean |
-Whether it should redirect on unauthorized rejections. Default value (true). |
boolean |
-+ | Enable HttpHeaderTokenPropagator. Default value (true). |
java.lang.String |
-Path to the LogoutController. Default value "/logout". |
-boolean |
+java.lang.String |
++ | Defines which authentication to use. Defaults to null. Possible values bearer, session, cookie, idtoken. Should + only be supplied if the service handles login and logout requests. |
boolean |
-Enables the {@link BasicAuthAuthenticationFetcher}. Default value true. |
+If Security is enabled. Default value true |
+java.util.List |
+Map that defines the interception patterns. |
+java.util.List |
+Allowed IP patterns. Default value ([""]) |
+boolean |
+Whether the intercept URL patterns should be prepended with context path if defined. Defaults to true. |
++ | Determines how authentication providers should be processed. Default value ANY. Possible values: ANY or ALL. |
+boolean |
+Whether the server should respond with 401 for requests that do not match any routes on the server, if you set it to false, it will return 404 for requests that do not match any routes on the server. Default value (true). |
boolean |
-+ | Enables LoginController. Default value true. |
java.lang.String |
-Pattern the {@link SecurityFilter} should match. Default value |
+Path to the LoginController. Default value "/login" |
boolean |
-Enables LoginController. Default value true. |
+Sets whether the configuration is enabled. Default value true. |
java.lang.String |
-Path to the LoginController. Default value "/login" |
++ |
+java.lang.String |
++ | ||
+java.lang.String |
+If the entry used for the roles in the Authentication attributes map is a String, you can use the separator to split its value into multiple roles. Default value DEFAULT_ROLES_SEPARATOR. |
-java.lang.String |
-Where the user is redirected to after trying to access a secured route which he is forbidden to access. Default value ("/"). |
+boolean |
-boolean |
-Whether it should redirect on forbidden rejections. Default value (true). |
+java.lang.String |
+Pattern the {@link SecurityFilter} should match. Default value |
java.lang.String |
-Where the user is redirected to after a successful login. Default value ("/"). |
+Where the user is redirected to after trying to access a secured route which he is forbidden to access. Default value ("/"). |
-java.lang.String |
-Where the user is redirected to after a failed login. Default value ("/"). |
+boolean |
+Whether it should redirect on forbidden rejections. Default value (true). |
+Property | +Type | +Description | +||
java.lang.String |
-URL where the user is redirected after logout. Default value ("/"). |
+java.lang.Boolean |
++ | ||
+java.lang.Boolean |
++ | |||
+java.time.Duration |
++ | |||
++ | Sets the same-site setting of the cookie. Default value null. Value is case sensitive. Allowed values: |
boolean |
-If true, the user should be redirected back to the unauthorized - request that initiated the login flow. Supersedes the <code>login-success</code> - configuration for those cases. Default value false. |
+Whether JWT cookie configuration is enabled. Default value (true). |
-boolean |
-Sets whether Redirection configuration enabled. Default value (true). |
+java.lang.String |
+Cookie Name. Default value ("JWT"). |
+java.lang.String |
+The path of the cookie. Default value ("/"). |
java.lang.String |
-Set the Subject DN regex. Default value "CN=(.*?)(?:, |
$)". |
+java.lang.String |
++ |
+java.util.regex.Pattern |
++ | ||
+java.util.regex.Pattern |
++ | ||
boolean |
+Enables TokenPropagationHttpClientFilter. Default value false |
+java.lang.String |
Property | +Type | +Description | +
+boolean |
+Sets whether JWT security is enabled. Default value (true). |
-boolean |
-Sets whether SignedRefreshTokenGenerator is enabled. Default value (true). |
-com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm |
-{@link com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm}. Defaults to HS256 |
java.lang.String |
-shared secret. For HS256 must be at least 256 bits. |
-boolean |
-Indicates whether the supplied secret is base64 encoded. Default value false. |
+A path either starting with |
-boolean |
+com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm |
java.lang.String |
-Path to the KeysController. Default value "/keys". |
++ |
+boolean |
boolean |
-Sets whether JWT security is enabled. Default value (true). |
+Sets whether SignedRefreshTokenGenerator is enabled. Default value (true). |
+com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm |
+{@link com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm}. Defaults to HS256 |
+java.lang.String |
+shared secret. For HS256 must be at least 256 bits. |
+boolean |
+Indicates whether the supplied secret is base64 encoded. Default value false. |
+boolean |
++ |
java.lang.String |
-A path either starting with |
+Path to the KeysController. Default value "/keys". |
-com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm |
+java.lang.Integer |
java.lang.String |
+com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.KeyType |
++ |
Property | +Type | +Description | +
+boolean |
+Sets whether this configuration is enabled. Default true. |
Property | +Type | +Description | +
boolean |
+java.lang.String |
++ |
+java.lang.String |
++ |
+java.lang.String |
++ |
+boolean |
+Sets if group search is enabled. Default false |
+java.lang.String |
+The argument to pass to the search filter. |
-java.lang.Integer |
+boolean |
java.lang.String |
-com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.KeyType |
+java.lang.String |
++ |
+java.lang.String |
-boolean |
-+ |
+java.lang.String |
+Sets the domain name of this Cookie. Default value (null). |
-java.lang.String |
-+ |
+java.lang.Boolean |
+Sets whether the cookie is secured. Defaults to the secure status of the request. |
java.lang.String |
-+ | Cookie Name. Default value |
java.lang.String |
-+ | Sets the path of the cookie. Default value ("/"). |
-boolean |
-Sets if group search is enabled. Default false |
+java.lang.Boolean |
+Whether the Cookie can only be accessed via HTTP. Default value (true). |
-java.lang.String |
-The argument to pass to the search filter. |
+java.time.Duration |
+Sets the maximum age of the cookie. Default value (5 minutes). |
-boolean |
-- | ||
-java.lang.String |
-- | ||
-java.lang.String |
-- | ||
java.lang.String |
-+ | The URI used to log out of an OpenID provider. Default value ("/oauth/logout"). |
-boolean |
-Sets whether this configuration is enabled. Default true. |
+java.lang.String |
+The endpoint URL |
-java.lang.String |
-The endpoint URL |
-- | + |
+java.net.URL |
+URL using the https scheme with no query or fragment component that the + Open ID provider asserts as its issuer identifier. |
java.lang.String |
-Authentication Method |
+The configuration path to discover openid configuration. Default ("/.well-known/openid-configuration"). |
-- | The content type of token endpoint requests. Default value (application/x-www-form-urlencoded). |
+java.lang.String |
+The JWKS signature URI. |
-java.lang.String |
-The endpoint URL |
+boolean |
+Enable {@link ClientCredentialsHeaderTokenPropagatorConfiguration}. Default value (true). |
-+ |
+java.lang.String |
java.lang.String |
-Authentication Method |
-java.lang.String |
-Sets the domain name of this Cookie. Default value (null). |
-java.lang.Boolean |
-Sets whether the cookie is secured. Defaults to the secure status of the request. |
-java.lang.String |
-Cookie Name. Default value |
java.lang.String |
-Sets the path of the cookie. Default value ("/"). |
-java.lang.Boolean |
-Whether the Cookie can only be accessed via HTTP. Default value (true). |
+Sets the mechanism to persist the state for later retrieval for validation. + Supported values ("session", "cookie"). Default value ("cookie"). |
-java.time.Duration |
-Sets the maximum age of the cookie. Default value (5 minutes). |
+boolean |
+Sets whether a state parameter will be sent. Default (true). |
java.lang.String |
-The endpoint URL |
+OAuth 2.0 client id. |
+java.lang.String |
+OAuth 2.0 client secret. |
+boolean |
+Sets whether the client is enabled. Default value (true). |
+java.util.List |
+Requested scopes. If not specified for OAuth 2.0 clients using OpenID Connect it defaults to |
++ | OAuth 2.0 grant type. Default value (authorization_code). |
-boolean |
-Whether IssuerClaimValidator - is enabled. Default value (true). |
+int |
+entropy (in bytes) used for the code verifier generation. Default value 64. |
-boolean |
-Whether AudienceClaimValidator - is enabled. Default value (true). |
+java.lang.String |
+Sets the mechanism to persist the state for later retrieval for validation. + Supported values ("session", "cookie"). Default value (PERSISTENCE_COOKIE). |
boolean |
-Whether AuthorizedPartyClaimValidator - is enabled. Default value (true). |
+Sets whether a state parameter will be sent. Default (true). |
-java.net.URL |
-URL using the https scheme with no query or fragment component that the - Open ID provider asserts as its issuer identifier. |
+boolean |
+Set to true if the original JWT from the provider should be included in the Micronaut JWT. + Default value (false). |
-java.lang.String |
-The configuration path to discover openid configuration. Default ("/.well-known/openid-configuration"). |
+boolean |
+Set to true if the original access token from the provider should be included in the Micronaut JWT. + Default value (false). |
-java.lang.String |
-The JWKS signature URI. |
+boolean |
+Set to true if the original refresh token from the provider should be included in the Micronaut JWT. + Default value (false). |
Property | -Type | -Description | -
-java.lang.String |
-Sets the domain name of this Cookie. Default value (null). |
-java.lang.Boolean |
-Sets whether the cookie is secured. Defaults to the secure status of the request. |
-java.lang.String |
-Cookie Name. Default value |
-java.lang.String |
-Sets the path of the cookie. Default value ("/"). |
-java.lang.Boolean |
-Whether the Cookie can only be accessed via HTTP. Default value (true). |
-java.time.Duration |
-Sets the maximum age of the cookie. Default value (5 minutes). |
-boolean |
-Set to true if the original JWT from the provider should be included in the Micronaut JWT. - Default value (false). |
+java.lang.String |
+The endpoint URL |
-boolean |
-Set to true if the original access token from the provider should be included in the Micronaut JWT. - Default value (false). |
++ | |
-boolean |
-Set to true if the original refresh token from the provider should be included in the Micronaut JWT. - Default value (false). |
+java.lang.String |
+Authentication Method |
-int |
-entropy (in bytes) used for the code verifier generation. Default value 64. |
java.lang.String |
-Sets the mechanism to persist the state for later retrieval for validation. - Supported values ("session", "cookie"). Default value (PERSISTENCE_COOKIE). |
+Sets the domain name of this Cookie. Default value (null). |
-boolean |
-Sets whether a state parameter will be sent. Default (true). |
+java.lang.Boolean |
+Sets whether the cookie is secured. Defaults to the secure status of the request. |
Property | -Type | -Description | +
+java.lang.String |
+Cookie Name. Default value |
java.lang.String |
-The endpoint URL |
+Sets the path of the cookie. Default value ("/"). |
-boolean |
-The end session enabled flag. Default value (true). |
+java.lang.Boolean |
+Whether the Cookie can only be accessed via HTTP. Default value (true). |
+java.time.Duration |
+Sets the maximum age of the cookie. Default value (5 minutes). |
java.lang.String |
The endpoint URL |
++ | + |
java.lang.String |
-Code Challenge Method to use for PKCE. |
+Authentication Method |
++ | The content type of token endpoint requests. Default value (application/x-www-form-urlencoded). |
boolean |
-Sets whether the OAuth 2.0 support is enabled. Default value (true). |
-java.lang.String |
-The URI template that is used to initiate an OAuth 2.0 - authorization code grant flow. Default value ("/oauth/login{/provider}"). |
+Whether IssuerClaimValidator + is enabled. Default value (true). |
-java.lang.String |
-The URI template that OAuth 2.0 providers can use to - submit an authorization callback request. Default value ("/oauth/callback{/provider}"). |
+boolean |
+Whether AudienceClaimValidator + is enabled. Default value (true). |
-java.lang.String |
-The default authentication provider for an OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow. |
+boolean |
+Whether AuthorizedPartyClaimValidator + is enabled. Default value (true). |
java.lang.String |
-Sets the mechanism to persist the state for later retrieval for validation. - Supported values ("session", "cookie"). Default value ("cookie"). |
+The endpoint URL |
boolean |
-Sets whether a state parameter will be sent. Default (true). |
+The end session enabled flag. Default value (true). |
java.lang.String |
The endpoint URL |
++ | + | |
+java.lang.String |
+Authentication Method |
java.lang.String |
-Sets the mechanism to persist the nonce for later retrieval for validation. - Supported values ("session", "cookie"). Default value ("cookie"). |
-boolean |
-Sets whether a nonce parameter will be sent. Default (true). |
+The endpoint URL |
Property | -Type | -Description | +
++ | |
java.lang.String |
-The URI used to log out of an OpenID provider. Default value ("/oauth/logout"). |
+Authentication Method |
+boolean |
+Sets whether the OAuth 2.0 support is enabled. Default value (true). |
java.lang.String |
-The endpoint URL |
+The URI template that is used to initiate an OAuth 2.0 + authorization code grant flow. Default value ("/oauth/login{/provider}"). |
-- | + |
+java.lang.String |
+The URI template that OAuth 2.0 providers can use to + submit an authorization callback request. Default value ("/oauth/callback{/provider}"). |
java.lang.String |
-Authentication Method |
+The default authentication provider for an OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow. |
-boolean |
-Enable {@link ClientCredentialsHeaderTokenPropagatorConfiguration}. Default value (true). |
java.lang.String |
-+ | Sets the mechanism to persist the nonce for later retrieval for validation. + Supported values ("session", "cookie"). Default value ("cookie"). |
-java.lang.String |
-+ |
+boolean |
+Sets whether a nonce parameter will be sent. Default (true). |
-java.lang.String |
-OAuth 2.0 client id. |
java.lang.String |
-OAuth 2.0 client secret. |
-boolean |
-Sets whether the client is enabled. Default value (true). |
-java.util.List |
-Requested scopes. If not specified for OAuth 2.0 clients using OpenID Connect it defaults to |
-- | OAuth 2.0 grant type. Default value (authorization_code). |
+The endpoint URL |
java.lang.String |
The endpoint URL |
-- | - | ||
java.lang.String |
-Authentication Method |
+Code Challenge Method to use for PKCE. |