To run the solution inside an ADO pipeline it needs to be on a single .exe file obtained by doing the publish procedure for Windows runtime on Visual Studio. Please follow these steps:
First, the .exe file should be in the repo, so the easiest way to do this is to commit and push it there.
Go the Azure Pipeline that needs to be configured and click on Add a task.
- Select the PowerShell script task and click on Add.
After that, a new task will appear, leave the browser open and lets move to the desktop.
The next step is to create a simple PowerShell script to run the tool. Create a simple text file and change the extension .txt to .ps1. Then open the file and paste the command to execute on the script.
For example:
./tool/PVATestFramework.exe ${env:COMMAND} --tokenEndpoint ${TOKENENDPOINT} --path ${env:FILEPATH} --verbose
Note that since the .exe file is inside a folder, relative paths are used to indicate the location of the .exe from the root of the repository. Also, keep in mind that the --verbose flag is optional and can be removed.
Each of these variables needs to be created from the variables tab in ADO:
This is an example for the first variable creation.
This needs to be done for each of the variables used.
Save the file, commit and push it to the repo.
Now go back to the browser, in the options of the task created, either manually write the path or select it from the three dots explore button on the right "...".
- After the selection of the PowerShell script created, save the pipeline and test it.
To run the solution inside an ADO pipeline it needs to be on a single file obtained by doing the publish procedure on for Linux runtime on Visual Studio. Then, please follow these steps:
First, the file should be in the repo, so the easiest way to do this is to commit and push it there.
Go the Azure Pipeline that needs to be configured and click on Add a task.
- Select the Bash task and click on Add.
After clicking on Add, a new task will appear on the Pipeline, leave the browser open and lets move to the desktop.
The next step is to create a simple Bash script to run the tool. Create a simple text file and change the extension .txt to .sh. Then open the file and paste the command to execute on the script.
chmod +x PVATestFramework.Console
./PVATestFramework.Console $(COMMAND) --tokenEndpoint ${TOKENENDPOINT} --path $(FILEPATH) --verbose
Please note that the name of the tool does not have the .exe extension because the file generated by VS for linux does not have extension either and that the chmod command is also needed in a bash script to make the tool executable. Also, keep in mind that the --verbose flag is optional and can be removed.
Each of these variables need to be created from the variables tab in ADO:
Here its an example for the first variable.
This needs to be done for each of the variables used.
Save the file, commit and push it to the repo.
Now go back to the browser, and in the options of the task created, either manually write the path or select it from the three dots explore button on the right "...".
- After the selection of the Bash script created on Step 4, save the pipeline and test it.
Included with the solution, there is a "Scripts" folder containing some PowerShell scripts that can be used to extend the functionality of the tool. This guide will help you to set up those scripts on the pipeline.
- The
script is receiving the INPUT and OUTPUT variables each one indicating a folder, and converting (with the tool) each .CHAT file on the INPUT folder into a .JSON file on the OUTPUT folder.
These variables can be set up from the "Variables" tab inside the pipeline configuration. The only condition is that these paths need to exist otherwise the tool will return an error.
Also, predefined environment variables can be used, the ones available on Azure Pipelines can be found in this link.
Consider in this example that it was not desired to save the files in a separate folder called ./JSON/. The variables can therefore be set up like the following:
- Then a Powershell task called "PowerShell Conversion" can be created with the path of the PowerShell Script.
- The
script will be executing the tool and test all the transcript files included in a folder.
- This way, the Pipeline will be executing two steps:
- Converting the .CHAT files into .JSON files in a temporal folder
- Running the tool to test each of the converted chat transcripts
NOTE: The temporal folder will be deleted after the JOB has finished.
In your repository, under the actions tab, click on new workflow.
On the choose a workflow window, click on "set up a workflow yourself".
Use one of the following structures to create the file:
To run on windows:
name: run-test-tool on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: tokenEndpoint: required: false description: "tokenEndpoint" path: required: false description: "path" verbose: required: false description: "verbose" jobs: run-test-tool: runs-on: windows-latest name: test steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Execute bot test shell: cmd run: | cd tool .\PVATestFramework.exe test --tokenEndpoint "${{ github.event.tokenEndpoint }}" --path "${{ github.event.inputs.path }}" --verbose
To run on linux:
name: run-test-tool on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: tokenEndpoint: required: false description: "tokenEndpoint" path: required: false description: "path" verbose: required: false description: "verbose" jobs: run-test-tool: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: test steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Make app executable run: chmod +x ./tool/CommandLineApp - name: Execute bot test shell: bash run: ..\PVATestFramework.Console test --tokenEndpoint "${{ github.event.tokenEndpoint }}" --path "${{ github.event.inputs.path }}" --verbose
Note: you can change the command to run the command you want, just make sure to call the required arguments using the ones declared as inputs