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Reverse Proxy

This example showcases how to map network requests to jbpf LCM unix socket api. It is not meant for production environments.

This example is a companion to first_example_ipc. This proxy app can be started alongside the jbpf agent to load and unload codelets with a REST request.

The example is a boost.beast simple REST server with two methods implemented. POST to load a codelet set and DELETE to unload. The request body for the load request matches the configuration file used in the lcm_cli.

Prerequisites (for Ubuntu 22.04, modify for your development environment):

  • cmake
  • build-essential
  • libboost-dev
  • libboost-program-options-dev


Firstly, run the set up for first_example_ipc without loading or unloading a codelet.

You have ./ and ./ running in two terminals from the first_example_ipc instructions. In a third terminal start the proxy:

$ source ../../
$ ./

If successful you will see the following lines:

Forwarding messages to: /var/run/jbpf/jbpf_lcm_ipc
Listening on:

Now you can load and unload the codelet using a REST request:

# Load the codelet:

You should get the following output:

Loading codelet set: example_codeletset

And you can now observe in the primary and agent terminals that data is being produced.


# Unload the codelet