[RapidJson, Taocpp-json, Boost-json, boost-signals2] build failure #19330
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Hi @Aneutronic Thanks for posting this issue. Could you please try to update vcpkg to the latest commit via |
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I tried that originally, and it didn't fix anything, @NancyLi1013 . I just did that again, and tried the command, and it still didn't work. This time, the library yajl wouldn't build, either. |
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For Does |
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Could you please also provide the information after you run |
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@NancyLi1013 No, the directory I already provided the vcpkg output from after I ran |
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Thanks for your reply. |
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When I created a new repository on my local machine and tried to rebuild rapidjson from there, I ran into no issues. I have no other manual changes made to my normal vcpkg repo. I feel like this issue is worth exploring, still, instead of just saying, "well, don't use that other repo"/"just uninstall boost-signals, and you are good." boost-signals has nothing to do with the libraries I was trying to install, yet vcpkg checked for it and threw an error anyway. That to me sounds like a bug. |
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Could you please help provide the output after run |
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The output after running [DEBUG] Feature flag 'binarycaching' unset [DEBUG] Feature flag 'manifests' unset [DEBUG] Feature flag 'compilertracking' unset [DEBUG] Feature flag 'registries' unset [DEBUG] Feature flag 'versions' unset [DEBUG] BuiltinRegistry initialized with: "" [DEBUG] Using vcpkg-root: K:\Bulk_Program_Files\vcpkg [DEBUG] Using installed-root: K:\Bulk_Program_Files\vcpkg\installed [DEBUG] BuiltinRegistry initialized with: "" [DEBUG] Using buildtrees-root: K:\Bulk_Program_Files\vcpkg\buildtrees [DEBUG] Using downloads-root: K:\Bulk_Program_Files\vcpkg\downloads [DEBUG] Using packages-root: K:\Bulk_Program_Files\vcpkg\packages [DEBUG] Using scripts-root: K:\Bulk_Program_Files\vcpkg\scripts [DEBUG] Using ports-root: K:\Bulk_Program_Files\vcpkg\ports [DEBUG] Using versions-root: K:\Bulk_Program_Files\vcpkg\versions [DEBUG] Default binary cache path is: C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\vcpkg\archives Computing installation plan... Error: while loading boost-signals: The port directory (K:\Bulk_Program_Files\vcpkg\ports\boost-signals) does not exist Error: failed to load port from K:\Bulk_Program_Files\vcpkg\ports\boost-signals Note: Updating vcpkg by rerunning bootstrap-vcpkg may resolve this failure. [DEBUG] C:\A\1\60\s\src\vcpkg\registries.cpp(438) [DEBUG] Exiting after 1546907 us (1546849 us) |
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Just in case it is useful, here is the result of atlmfc:x64-windows 0 a stub package that ensures VS has ATL/MFC insta... blas:x64-windows 1 Metapackage for packages which provide BLAS blosc:x64-windows 1.18.1-1 A blocking, shuffling and loss-less compression ... boost-accumulators:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost accumulators module boost-algorithm:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost algorithm module boost-align:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost align module boost-any:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost any module boost-array:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost array module boost-asio:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost asio module boost-assert:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost assert module boost-assert:x86-windows 1.74.0 Boost assert module boost-assign:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost assign module boost-atomic:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost atomic module boost-beast:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost beast module boost-bimap:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost bimap module boost-bind:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost bind module boost-build:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost.Build boost-callable-traits:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost callable_traits module boost-chrono:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost chrono module boost-circular-buffer:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost circular_buffer module boost-compatibility:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost compatibility module boost-compatibility:x86-windows 1.74.0 Boost compatibility module boost-compute:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost compute module boost-concept-check:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost concept_check module boost-config:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost config module boost-config:x86-windows 1.74.0 Boost config module boost-container-hash:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost container_hash module boost-container:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost container module boost-context:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost context module boost-contract:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost contract module boost-conversion:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost conversion module boost-convert:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost convert module boost-core:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost core module boost-coroutine2:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost coroutine2 module boost-coroutine:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost coroutine module boost-crc:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost crc module boost-date-time:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost date_time module boost-detail:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost detail module boost-dll:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost dll module boost-dynamic-bitset:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost dynamic_bitset module boost-endian:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost endian module boost-exception:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost exception module boost-fiber:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost fiber module boost-filesystem:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost filesystem module boost-flyweight:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost flyweight module boost-foreach:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost foreach module boost-format:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost format module boost-function-types:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost function_types module boost-function:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost function module boost-functional:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost functional module boost-fusion:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost fusion module boost-geometry:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost geometry module boost-gil:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost gil module boost-graph-parallel:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost graph_parallel module boost-graph:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost graph module boost-hana:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost hana module boost-heap:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost heap module boost-histogram:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost histogram module boost-hof:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost hof module boost-icl:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost icl module boost-integer:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost integer module boost-interprocess:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost interprocess module boost-interval:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost interval module boost-intrusive:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost intrusive module boost-io:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost io module boost-iostreams:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost iostreams module boost-iterator:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost iterator module boost-lambda:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost lambda module boost-lexical-cast:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost lexical_cast module boost-local-function:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost local_function module boost-locale:x64-windows 1.74.0#3 Boost locale module boost-lockfree:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost lockfree module boost-log:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost log module boost-logic:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost logic module boost-math:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost math module boost-metaparse:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost metaparse module boost-modular-build-helper:x64-windows 1.74.0#2 boost-move:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost move module boost-mp11:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost mp11 module boost-mpl:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost mpl module boost-msm:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost msm module boost-multi-array:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost multi_array module boost-multi-index:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost multi_index module boost-multiprecision:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost multiprecision module boost-nowide:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost nowide module boost-numeric-conversion:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost numeric_conversion module boost-odeint:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost odeint module boost-optional:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost optional module boost-outcome:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost outcome module boost-parameter-python:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost parameter_python module boost-parameter:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost parameter module boost-phoenix:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost phoenix module boost-poly-collection:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost poly_collection module boost-polygon:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost polygon module boost-pool:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost pool module boost-predef:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost predef module boost-preprocessor:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost preprocessor module boost-process:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost process module boost-program-options:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost program_options module boost-property-map:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost property_map module boost-property-tree:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost property_tree module boost-proto:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost proto module boost-ptr-container:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost ptr_container module boost-python:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost python module boost-qvm:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost qvm module boost-random:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost random module boost-range:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost range module boost-ratio:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost ratio module boost-rational:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost rational module boost-regex:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost regex module boost-safe-numerics:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost safe_numerics module boost-scope-exit:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost scope_exit module boost-serialization:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost serialization module boost-signals2:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost signals2 module boost-signals:x64-windows 1.68.0-1 Boost signals module boost-smart-ptr:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost smart_ptr module boost-sort:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost sort module boost-spirit:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost spirit module boost-stacktrace:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost stacktrace module boost-statechart:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost statechart module boost-static-assert:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost static_assert module boost-static-string:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost static_string module boost-stl-interfaces:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost stl_interfaces module boost-system:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost system module boost-test:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost test module boost-thread:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost thread module boost-throw-exception:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost throw_exception module boost-timer:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost timer module boost-tokenizer:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost tokenizer module boost-tti:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost tti module boost-tuple:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost tuple module boost-type-erasure:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost type_erasure module boost-type-index:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost type_index module boost-type-traits:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost type_traits module boost-typeof:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost typeof module boost-ublas:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost ublas module boost-uninstall:x64-windows 1.74.0 boost uninstall port boost-uninstall:x64-windows-static 1.74.0 boost uninstall port boost-uninstall:x86-windows 1.74.0 boost uninstall port boost-units:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost units module boost-unordered:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost unordered module boost-utility:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost utility module boost-uuid:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost uuid module boost-variant2:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost variant2 module boost-variant:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost variant module boost-vcpkg-helpers:x64-windows 7#2 a set of vcpkg-internal scripts used to modulari... boost-vcpkg-helpers:x64-windows-static 7#2 a set of vcpkg-internal scripts used to modulari... boost-vcpkg-helpers:x86-windows 7#2 a set of vcpkg-internal scripts used to modulari... boost-vmd:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost vmd module boost-wave:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost wave module boost-winapi:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost winapi module boost-xpressive:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost xpressive module boost-yap:x64-windows 1.74.0 Boost yap module boost:x64-windows 1.74.0 Peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries brotli:x64-windows 1.0.9 a generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm... bzip2:x64-windows 1.0.8#1 bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, high-q... clapack:x64-windows 3.2.1#16 CLAPACK (f2c'ed version of LAPACK) constexpr:x64-windows 1.0-1 Small MIT License Library of general stdlib func... date:x64-windows 3.0.0#1 A date and time library based on the C++17 <chro... eabase:x64-windows 2.09.12-1 Electronic Arts Base. EABase is a small set of h... eastl:x64-windows 3.17.03 Electronic Arts Standard Template Library. It is... egl-registry:x64-windows 2020-02-20 the EGL API and Extension Registry expat:x64-windows 2020-08-18 XML parser library written in C fastlz:x64-windows 1.0-3 A lightning-fast lossless compression library fftw3:x64-windows 3.3.8-7 FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the... fmt:x64-windows 7.1.3 Formatting library for C++. It can be used as a ... geographiclib:x64-windows 1.51 GeographicLib, a C++ library for performing geog... glew:x64-windows 2.1.0#9 The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW) is ... glslang:x64-windows 2019-03-05-1 Khronos reference front-end for GLSL and ESSL, a... hpx:x64-windows 1.5.1#1 The C++ Standards Library for Concurrency and Pa... hwloc:x64-windows 2.2.0 Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc) libffi:x64-windows 3.3#6 Portable, high level programming interface to va... libjpeg-turbo:x64-windows 2.0.5#1 libjpeg-turbo is a JPEG image codec that uses SI... liblzma:x64-windows 5.2.5#2 Compression library with an API similar to that ... libmad:x64-windows 0.15.1-8 high-quality MPEG audio decoder libogg:x64-windows 1.3.4#3 Ogg is a multimedia container format, and the na... libpng:x64-windows 1.6.37#14 libpng is a library implementing an interface fo... libtheora:x64-windows 1.2.0alpha1-2... Theora is a free and open video compression form... lz4:x64-windows 1.9.2-2 Lossless compression algorithm, providing compre... lzo:x64-windows 2.10-5 Lossless data compression library mpg123:x64-windows 1.26.3 mpg123 is a real time MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 audio pla... ms-gsl:x64-windows 3.1.0 Microsoft implementation of the Guidelines Suppo... openal-soft:x64-windows 1.20.1#5 OpenAL Soft is an LGPL-licensed, cross-platform,... openblas:x64-windows 0.3.10 OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on G... opengl-registry:x64-windows 2020-03-25 the API and Extension registries for the OpenGL ... opengl:x64-windows 0.0#8 Open Graphics Library (OpenGL)[3][4][5] is a cro... openssl-windows:x64-windows 1.1.1h#1 Deprecated OpenSSL port openssl:x64-windows 1.1.1h#4 OpenSSL is an open source project that provides ... opus:x64-windows 1.3.1#5 Totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile aud... pngpp:x64-windows 0.2.10 A C++ wrapper for libpng library. pthreads:x64-windows 3.0.0-6 pthreads for windows python3:x64-windows 3.9.0#1 The Python programming language sdl2-gfx:x64-windows 1.0.4#7 Graphics primitives (line, circle, rectangle etc... sdl2-image:x64-windows 2.0.5#1 SDL_image is an image file loading library. It l... sdl2-image[libjpeg-turbo]:x64-windows Support for JPEG image format sdl2:x64-windows 2.0.12#8 Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform dev... sdl2[vulkan]:x64-windows Vulkan functionality for SDL snappy:x64-windows 1.1.8 A fast compressor/decompressor. speex:x64-windows 1.2.0#7 Speex is an Open Source/Free Software patent-fre... sqlite3:x64-windows 3.33.0 SQLite is a software library that implements a s... tinyxml2:x64-windows-static 8.0.0-1 A simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser tinyxml:x64-windows 2.6.2-7 A simple, small, minimal, C++ XML parser that ca... tinyxml:x64-windows-static 2.6.2-7 A simple, small, minimal, C++ XML parser that ca... vulkan:x64-windows A graphics and compute API that provides high-ef... xxhash:x64-windows 0.8.0#1 Extremely fast hash algorithm yasm-tool-helper:x64-windows 2020-10-12 This port provides helper functions for ports ne... yasm-tool:x86-windows 2020-10-12 A modular assembler. This port is intended to bu... zlib:x64-windows 1.2.11#9 A compression library zstd:x64-windows 1.4.5#1 Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm |
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Seems you installed Could you please try to run |
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I don't want to uninstall boost-signals until I know why it is preventing the installation of a completely unrelated package. I have inspected the other ports I tried to install. I know they do not use boost-signals. The presence of the boost-signals library should not prevent other libraries from being installed. I know I could work around the issue by simply uninstalling boost-signals. If my goal was to simply install taocpp-json, I would have done that. I am not trying to install a library; I am trying to help fix a subtle bug in the vcpkg code that is affecting my use of the software. I am willing to dive into the actual vcpkg source code to try and diagnose this bug myself, if you are not willing to or would like me to. I am simply unfamiliar with the code, and it will take me a while to familiarize myself with it enough to be able to figure out why vcpkg is checking for the presence of unrelated libraries when trying to install new ones. |
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Host Environment
To Reproduce
./vcpkg install rapidjson:x64-windows
./vcpkg install taocpp-json:x64-windows
./vcpkg install boost-json:x64-windows
./vcpkg install boost-signals2:x64-windows
Failure logs
The failure message for all of the ports above are exactly the same:
Additional context
I believe the issue is rooted in the removal of the boost-signals library, (as opposed to the boost-signals2 library, which still exists in vcpkg.)
Checking out the tagged commit "2020.11-1", then rerunning the command
./vcpkg install rapidjson:x64-windows
changes the error message to the following:Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
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