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Heap Allocation and Initialisation Language

HAIL may not be the best tool. The most efficient way to initialise a micro VM is by building a boot image (this is implementation-specific). The most efficient way to load objects from a serialised file is to build the de-serialiser (such as the ".class" file parser) in Mu IR.

The Heap Allocation and Initialisation Language (HAIL) is a Mu IR-like language that allocates heap objects and initialise Mu memory locations with values.

It is designed to initialise language-specific objects, such as class meta-objects (e.g. the java.lang.Class objects and the virtual tables in JVM created during class loading), heap-allocated constant string objects, and language-level constants which are implemented as Mu-level global cells (because Mu does not allow "constant object references").

HAIL should be faster than initialising the memory via the client API, and more space-efficient than a naively implemented Mu function which creates and initialises objects by executing a (usually very long) sequence of NEW and STORE instructions. But keep in mind that is not the only efficient method. A well-written Mu program can read from a serialised file (e.g. the ".class" file in Java) and interpret it in a similar way the Mu micro VM interprets the HAIL script. The client can also rely on object pinning and initialise objects via pointers, bypassing the handle-based API.

A HAIL script has a text format and a binary format. The text format is similar to the text-based Mu IR, and the binary format is similar to the binary form Mu IR.

This document uses EBNF to define the text-form syntax. A non-terminal starts with a capital letter and a terminal starts with a lower-case letter. Literal characters are quoted within pairs of ' or ". * means repeating 0 or more times. + means repeating 1 or more times. ? means optional. | means either its left-hand-side or its right-hand-side. | has the lowest precedence than simple concatenation; unary suffixes have the highest precedence. ( and ) group terms together to override the precedence. [ and ] denote a set of characters.

Lexical Structures

Comments start with two slashes // and ends at the end of the line. White spaces between lexicons are ignored.

In HAIL, a HAIL name, i.e. the name of a heap-allocated object, start with a dollar sign $ followed by one or more characters in the set: [0-9a-zA-Z_-.]:

hailName ::= '$' [0-9a-zA-Z_-.]+

The scope of a HAIL name is within a single HAIL script. In other words, they are temporary, and they become invalid as soon as the HAIL script is fully evaluated. Storing them to global cells is one way to keep references to the allocated objects.

Global name, integer literal, floating point literal and null literal are defined the same way as in Mu IR. They are denoted as globalName, intLit, floatLit, 'NULL', respectively.


An LValue specifies a memory location:

LValue  ::= Name Index*

Name    ::= globalName | hailName

Index   ::= '[' IntExpr ']'

IntExpr ::= intLit | globalName

It is either a component of a global cell (when Name is a globalName), or a component of a newly allocated heap object in the current HAIL script (when Name is a hailName). If the name appears alone, the memory location is the global cell or the heap object itself. Its fields or elements can be selected using indices. The index can be an integer literal (intLit) or a global name of a Mu constant of int<n> type of any n, treated as unsigned integer.

If a memory location l holds a struct or hybrid, then l[n] is its n-th field (n = 0, 1, 2...). Specifically, for hybrid, it means the n-th field in the fixed part. If n equals the number of fixed-part fields, it selects the variable part. In such cases, l[n][m] is the m-th element of the variable part.

If a memory location l holds an array or a vector, then l[n] is its n-th element (n = 0, 1, 2...).

An RValue specifies a Mu value:

RValue  ::= globalName | intLit | floatLit | ``'NULL'``
            | hailName | '&' LValue | '*' LValue | List

List    ::= '{' RValue* '}'

It can be the address of an LValue, in which case the value is one of:

  • A Mu global SSA variable (constant, global cell, function, exposed function) (globalName)
  • An integer literal (intLit)
  • A floating point literal (floatLit)
  • The NULL value of an appropriate type ('NULL')
  • An object reference to an object just created in HAIL (hailName)
  • An internal reference of an LValue ('&' LValue)
  • The current value held at the memory location of an LValue ('*' LValue)
  • A list of 0 or more RValue.

See memory initialisation below for more details.

Top-level Definitions

Top-level definitions in HAIL include fixed object allocation, hybrid allocation and memory initialisation. All object allocations are evaluated before any memory initialisation definitions are evaluated.

A fixed object allocation allocates a fixed-size object:

FixedAlloc  ::= '.new' hailName '<' Type '>'

Type        ::= globalName

where hailName is a HAIL name of the allocated object, and Type is the global name of the type of the object. Type must not be a hybrid type.

A hybrid allocation allocates a hybrid:

HybridAlloc ::= '.newhybrid' hailName '<' Type '>' IntExpr

where hailName and Type are the name and the type. IntExpr specifies the length of the variable part of the hybrid, which can either be an integer literal, or a Mu int<n> constant of any n, treated as unsigned integer. Type must be a hybrid type.

A memory initialisation initialises a memory location:

MemInit     ::= '.init' LValue = RValue

RValue must be appropriate for the LValue type. Specifically, the star notation *LValue copies the value from the memory location of the LValue after the *. It is applicable to all types as long as the type matches the LValue being written to. In addition:

  • If LValue is int<n>, uptr<T> or ufuncptr<sig>, then RValue can be an intLit, a constant of the same LValue type.
  • If LValue is float or double, then RValue can be a floatLit or a Mu constant of the same type as LValue.
  • If LValue is ref<T> or weakref<T>, then RValue can be NULL or a HAIL name of a newly created object.
  • If LValue is iref<T>, then RValue can be NULL, the global name of a global cell, or an LValue (with the & sign). Implicit REFCAST applies.
  • If LValue is funcref<sig>, then RValue can be NULL or the global name of a Mu function. Implicit REFCAST applies.
  • If LValue is stackref or threadref, then the only applicable RValue is NULL.
  • If LValue is tagref64, then RValue can be the appropriate value suitable for double, int<52> or struct<ref<void> int<6>>.
  • If LValue is a struct, hybrid, array or vector, then RValue must be a List of RValue items. Each item will initialise a field or element of the composite type. The entire variable part of a hybrid is treated as one additional field to its fixed part fields, and is treated as an array of the actual length. The list may have less fields/elements of the LValue, in which case only the first fields/elements are initialised, and others remain their old values. (Note: All newly allocated memory locations, including heap objects, stack cells and global cells, have initial values: 0 or NULL.)

When assigning to an LValue of ref<T>, weakref<T>, iref<T>, funcref<sig>, uptr<T> or ufuncptr<sig> types, if the RValue only differs in the T or sig parameter, then implicit REFCAST or PTRCAST are applied. weakref and ref can be assigned to each other. PTRCAST can only change the type/sig parameters T and sig, but not the base type int, uptr and ufuncptr. (Note: This makes sub-class instances assignable to a location that refers to a super-class instance.)

Multiple top-level definitions are applied in the order they appear in the HAIL script. In order to deal with cyclic references, it is advisable to put .new and .newhybrid before .init.

Memory Order

All loads (via *LValue) and stores (via .init) are non-atomic. In .init, it has undefined behaviour if any values in the LValue in the left-hand-side of the = is accessed by the right-hand-side RValue.

NOTE: This is to say, don't load from the memory location being initialised because the implementation may write into the left-hand-side in any order.


Example 1:

// Assume the following definitions in a previously loaded Mu IR bundle.
// .typedef @i8     = int<8>
// .typedef @i32    = int<32>
// .typedef @i64    = int<64>
// .typedef @float  = float
// .typedef @double = double
// .typedef @NakedArray     = hybrid<@i8>           // no fields in the fixed part
// .typedef @LengthedArray  = hybrid<@i32 @i8>      // no fields in the fixed part
// .typedef @JavaStyleArray = hybrid<@TID @i32 @i8> // two fields in the fiexed part
// .typedef @TID = int<64>
// .typedef @SmallFloatArray = array<@float 4>
// .typedef @irefi64 = iref<@i64>
// .typedef @Object = struct<@TID @SmallFloatArray @double @irefi64>
// .typedef @vtable     = hybrid<...>
// .typedef @vtable_r   = ref<@vtable>
// .global  @g_vtable <@vtable_r>
// .typedef @Object2 = struct<@vtable_r @i64>
// .typedef @LinkedList     = struct<@i64 @LinkedList_r>
// .typedef @LinkedList_r   = ref<@LinkedList>
// .typedef @irefi64 = iref<@i64>
// .const   @MAGICAL_NUMBER <@i64> = 42
// .const   @PI <@double> = 3.14d
// .global  @my_global          <@i64>
// .global  @a_global_iref_cell <@irefi64>
// .global  @another_global_iref_cell <@irefi64>
// .global  @my_favourite_linked_list_node <@LinkedList>

.new        $my_long_obj    <@i64>
.init       $my_long_obj    = 0x123456789abcdef0

.newhybrid  $my_array1      <@NakedArray> 4
.newhybrid  $my_array2      <@LengthedArray> 10000
.newhybrid  $my_array3      <@JavaStyleArray> @MAGICAL_NUMBER

.init       $my_array1      = {1 2 3 4}

.init       $my_array2          = {100              // claim length 100, while the capacity is really 10000
                                    {0 1 2 3 4}}    // Only init 5 elems
.init       $my_array2[1][99]   = 99                // Also init the 99-th elem

.init       $my_array3      = {1001 42 {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
                                        9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
                                        7 8 9 0 1 2}}

.new        $my_obj     <@Object>

.init       $my_obj     = {@MAGICAL_NUMBER {1.0f 2.0f 3.0f 4.0f} @PI @my_global}

.new        $my_obj2    <@Object2>

// This object has a pointer to an existing v-table allocated before loading
// this HAIL script. A reference to the v-table is held in the global cell @g_vtable.
// The star notation *@g_vtable loads the value from an LValue and assign it
// to the field.
.init       $my_obj2    = {*@g_vtable 42}

.new        $node0  <@LinkedList>
.new        $node1  <@LinkedList>
.new        $node2  <@LinkedList>

.init       $node0 = {0 $node1}     // All objects are allocated before init.
.init       $node1 = {1 $node0}     // so they can form a ring

.init       $node2 = {2 NULL}       // Isolated node

// Global cells can be initialised, too.
.init       @my_global  = -1

// @a_global_iref_cell will hold an iref<@i64> to the global cell @my_global
.init       @a_global_iref_cell = &@myglobal

// Equivalent. The global variable @myglobal is already an iref.
.init       @a_global_iref_cell = @myglobal

.new        $foo <@i64>

// This refers into the gut of $foo
.init       @another_global_iref_cell = &$foo

// In fact, all objects except $node0 and $node1 will become garbages after
// this HAIL script is fully evaluated.
.init   @my_favourite_linked_list_node = $node0

Example 2: String constant initialisation. In order to keep references to these objects, we need to store them to global cells:

// Assume the following Java code:
// System.out.println("Hello world!");
// We want to create a String object for the string literal "Hello world!".
// In a real JVM, more strings would be created for class names and method
// names for reflection.
// We assume the Java class loader defines the String like this:
// .typedef @RefString    = ref <@String>
// .typedef @String       = struct <@TID @RefCharArray @i32 @i32>  // tid, buf, begin, size
// .typedef @RefCharArray = ref <@CharArray>
// .typedef @CharArray    = hybrid <@ArrayHeader @i16>  // header, elements
// .typedef @ArrayHeader  = struct <@TID @i32>   // tid, length
// It makes a global cell to store a reference to the String:
// .global @const_hello_world <@RefString>
// Then we can create and initialise the string in HAIL:

.new            $hw     <@String>               // The String object
.newhybrid      $hwbuf  <@CharArray>    12      // The underlying array

.init   $hw     = {0xabcd $hwbuf 0 12}
.init   $hwbuf  = {{0x1234 12} {0x48 0x65 0x6c 0x6c 0x6f 0x20 0x77 0x6f 0x72 0x6c 0x64 0x21}}

.init   @const_hello_world = $hw    // Store it to the global cell.

// Then out.println("Hello world!") can be compiled to:
// %1 = LOAD <@RefString> @const_hello_world
//      CALL <@sig1> @PrintStream.println (%out %1) // in the real world it may need dynamic dispatching

Binary Form

A binary HAIL script starts with a 4-byte magic 'x7f' 'H' 'A' 'I', or 0x7f 0x48 0x41 0x49.

HAIL IDs are the counterpart of HAIL names. HAIL IDs are 32-bit integers. 0 is an invalid HAIL ID. HAIL ID has a different namespace from Mu IDs, i.e. they refer to different things even if their values are equal. HAIL IDs only refer to heap-allocated objects in the current HAIL script.

In the following paragraphs, binary types defined in Mu IR Binary Form are used. For convenience, we use "hID" for HAIL ID and "mID" for Mu ID.

A fixed object allocation definition has the form:

opct idt idt
0x01 hID type

hID is the HAIL ID of the object. type is the Mu ID of the type.

A variable-length object allocation definition has the form:

opct idt idt i64
0x02 hID type length

hID is the HAIL ID of the object. type is the Mu ID of the type. length is the length of the variable part.

A memory initialisation definition has the form:

opct LValue RValue
0x03 LValue RValue


Name lent IntExpr ...
Name n IntExpr ...

n is the number of IntExpr following.


opct idt
tag id

If tag is 0x04, id is the HAIL ID; if tag is 0x05, id is the Mu ID.

IntExpr can be intLit or a global name (Name with tag=2)


opct i64
0x12 lit

lit is the literal. There is currently no way to express integer literals longer than 64 bits. lit is truncated or zero-extended to the LValue length.

RValue can be one of the following:

  1. A Mu global SSA variable:
opct idt
0x11 gv

gv it the ID of the global SSA variable.

  1. An integer literal (see intLit above)
  2. A 32-bit float literal
opct float
0x13 value
  1. A 64-bit float literal
opct double
0x14 value
  1. A NULL literal
  1. An object reference to an object allocated in HAIL
opct idt
0x16 id

id is the HAIL id.

  1. An internal reference of an LValue
opct LValue
0x17 LValue
  1. A list of other values of any kinds.
opct i64 RValue RValue ...
0x18 nelems rv1 rv2 ...

nelems is the number of RValues following it. This structure is recursive.

  1. A list of other values of the same kind of literals.
opct i64 opct literal literal ...
0x19 nelems kind lit1 lit2 ...

nelems is the number of literals following. kind can be one in the following table, and kind determines the following literal element type.

opct literal type
0x12 i64
0x13 float
0x14 double
0x1a i8
0x1b i16
0x1c i32

This allows more compact encoding of large arrays of simple elements. The literal type, however, does not need to match the actual type of the LValue, because implicit truncating or zero-extension always happen.

Future Work

The binary format is not the most efficient format possible. HAIL is still an interpreted format, even when it is binary. It is designed to be convenient, reasonably efficient and platform-independent.

There could be implementation-specific ways of serialising data faster than this portable interface.

The native interface can also potentially outperform HAIL. Using object pinning and pointers, Mu IR programs can directly memcpy data from files, such as copying strings from .class files.