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Merge branch 'release-1.3.0'
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Michele Tessaro committed Nov 17, 2018
2 parents 48824ce + 9bd09f6 commit ac86110
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Showing 8 changed files with 138 additions and 26 deletions.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,7 +1,26 @@
# Changelog

## 1.3.0 (2018-11-17)

### New

* Added support for clickable SVGs (closes #17) [Michele Tessaro]

Added two new output formats:
* `svg_object`: generated an `object` tag for displaing svg images
* `svg_inline`: embedded the svg source image directly in the document

### Fix

* Fixed error when the output format is not recognized. [Michele Tessaro]

## 1.2.6 (2018-11-04)

### Changes

* Update documentation. [Michele Tessaro]

### Fix

* Fixed wrong `classes` HTML attribute (fixes #16) [Michele Tessaro]
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10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,14 @@ The GitLab/GitHub block syntax is also recognized. Example:
Options are optional (otherwise the wouldn't be options), but if present must be specified in the order `format`, `classes`, `alt`, `title`.
The option value may be enclosed in single or double quotes.

Supported values for `format` parameter are:

* `png`: HTML `img` tag with embedded png image
* `svg`: HTML `img` tag with embedded svg image (links are not navigable)
* `svg_object`: HTML `object` tag with embedded svg image (links are navigable)
* `svg_inline`: HTML5 `svg` tag with inline svg image source (links are navigable, can be manipulated with CSS rules)
* `txt`: plain text diagrams.

You need to install [PlantUML][] (see the site for details) and [Graphviz][] 2.26.3 or later.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +92,7 @@ To use the plugin with [Python-Markdown][] you have three choices:

You must export `PYTHONPATH` before running `markdown_py`, or you can put the definition in `~/.bashrc`.

After installed, you can use this plugin by activating it in the `markdownm_py` command. For example:
After installed, you can use this plugin by activating it in the `markdown_py` command. For example:

markdown_py -x plantuml > out.html

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
59 changes: 37 additions & 22 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,15 @@
Options are optional, but if present must be specified in the order format, classes, alt.
The option value may be enclosed in single or double quotes.
Supported values for `format` parameter are:
* `png`: HTML `img` tag with embedded png image
* `svg`: HTML `img` tag with embedded svg image (links are not navigable)
* `svg_object`: HTML `object` tag with embedded svg image (links are navigable)
* `svg_inline`: HTML5 `svg` tag with inline svg image source (links are navigable, can be manipulated with CSS rules)
* `txt`: plain text diagrams.
You need to install [PlantUML][] (see the site for details) and [Graphviz][] 2.26.3 or later.
Expand All @@ -48,7 +57,7 @@
import re
import base64
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import logging
#import logging
import markdown
from markdown.util import etree, AtomicString

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,6 +107,9 @@ def run(self, lines):

return text.split('\n')

# regex for removing some parts from the plantuml generated svg
ADAPT_SVG_REGEX = re.compile(r'^<\?xml .*?\?><svg(.*?)xmlns=".*?"(.*?)>')

def _replace_block(self, text):
# Parse configuration params
m =
Expand All @@ -116,39 +128,42 @@ def _replace_block(self, text):
code ='code')
diagram = self.generate_uml_image(code, img_format)

if img_format == 'png':
data = 'data:image/png;base64,{0}'.format(
img = etree.Element('img')
img.attrib['src' ] = data
img.attrib['class' ] = classes
img.attrib['alt' ] = alt
img.attrib['title' ] = title
elif img_format == 'svg':
# Firefox handles only base64 encoded SVGs
data = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,{0}'.format(
img = etree.Element('img')
img.attrib['src' ] = data
img.attrib['class' ] = classes
img.attrib['alt' ] = alt
img.attrib['title' ] = title
elif img_format == 'txt':
if img_format == 'txt':
# logger.debug(diagram)
img = etree.Element('pre')
code = etree.SubElement(img, 'code')
code.attrib['class'] = 'text'
code.text = AtomicString(diagram.decode('UTF-8'))
if img_format == 'svg':
# Firefox handles only base64 encoded SVGs
data = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,{0}'.format(base64.b64encode(diagram).decode('ascii'))
img = etree.Element('img')
img.attrib['src'] = data
elif img_format == 'svg_object':
# Firefox handles only base64 encoded SVGs
data = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,{0}'.format(base64.b64encode(diagram).decode('ascii'))
img = etree.Element('object')
img.attrib['data'] = data
elif img_format == 'svg_inline':
data = self.ADAPT_SVG_REGEX.sub('<svg\\1\\2>', diagram.decode('UTF-8'))
img = etree.fromstring(data)
else: # png format, explicitly set or as a default when format is not recognized
data = 'data:image/png;base64,{0}'.format(base64.b64encode(diagram).decode('ascii'))
img = etree.Element('img')
img.attrib['src'] = data

img.attrib['class'] = classes
img.attrib['alt'] = alt
img.attrib['title'] = title

return text[:m.start()] + etree.tostring(img).decode() + text[m.end():], True

def generate_uml_image(plantuml_code, imgformat):
if imgformat == 'png':
outopt = "-tpng"
elif imgformat == 'svg':
elif imgformat in ['svg', 'svg_object', 'svg_inline']:
outopt = "-tsvg"
elif imgformat == 'txt':
outopt = "-ttxt"
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -7,15 +7,15 @@
with open(path.join(here, ""), "r") as f:
long_description =

with open(path.join(here, 'requirements.txt'), encoding='utf-8') as f:
with open(path.join(here, 'requirements.txt')) as f:
install_requirements =

with open(path.join(here, 'test-requirements.txt'), encoding='utf-8') as f:
with open(path.join(here, 'test-requirements.txt')) as f:
test_requirements =

author="Michele Tessaro",
author_email="[email protected]",
description="A PlantUML plugin for Markdown",
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/data/svg_inline_diag.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
<p><ns0:svg alt="uml diagram" class="uml" title="">...</ns0:svg></p>
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/data/svg_object_diag.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
<p><object alt="uml diagram" class="uml" data="" title="" /></p>
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,30 @@ def _load_file(self, filename):
def _stripImageData(cls, html):
return cls.BASE64_REGEX.sub(r'\1%s' % cls.FAKE_IMAGE, html)

FAKE_SVG = '...svg-body...'
SVG_REGEX = re.compile(r'<(?:\w+:)?svg(?:( alt=".*?")|( class=".*?")|( title=".*?")|(?:.*?))+>.*</(?:\w+:)?svg>')

def _stripSvgData(cls, html):
Simplifies SVG tags to easy comparing.
:param html: source HTML
:return: HTML code with simplified svg tags
def sort_attributes(groups):
Sorts attributes in a specific order.
:param groups: matched attributed groups
:return: a SVG tag string source
alt = next(x for x in groups if x.startswith(' alt='))
title = next(x for x in groups if x.startswith(' title='))
classes = next(x for x in groups if x.startswith(' class='))

return "<svg{}{}{}>{}</svg>".format(alt, title, classes, cls.FAKE_SVG)

return cls.SVG_REGEX.sub(lambda x: sort_attributes(x.groups()), html)

def test_arg_title(self):
Test for the correct parsing of the title argument
Expand All @@ -38,6 +62,15 @@ def test_arg_title(self):
'<p><img alt="uml diagram" class="uml" src="data:image/png;base64,%s" title="Diagram test" /></p>' % self.FAKE_IMAGE,

def test_arg_title_inline_svg(self):
Test for setting title attribute in inline SVG
text = self.text_builder.diagram("A --> B").format("svg_inline").title("Diagram test").build()
'<p><svg alt="uml diagram" title="Diagram test" class="uml">%s</svg></p>' % self.FAKE_SVG,

def test_arg_alt(self):
Test for the correct parsing of the alt argument
Expand All @@ -47,6 +80,15 @@ def test_arg_alt(self):
'<p><img alt="Diagram test" class="uml" src="data:image/png;base64,%s" title="" /></p>' % self.FAKE_IMAGE,

def test_arg_alt_inline_svg(self):
Test for setting alt attribute in inline SVG
text = self.text_builder.diagram("A --> B").format("svg_inline").alt("Diagram test").build()
'<p><svg alt="Diagram test" title="" class="uml">%s</svg></p>' % self.FAKE_SVG,

def test_arg_classes(self):
Test for the correct parsing of the classes argument
Expand All @@ -56,6 +98,15 @@ def test_arg_classes(self):
'<p><img alt="uml diagram" class="class1 class2" src="data:image/png;base64,%s" title="" /></p>' % self.FAKE_IMAGE,

def test_arg_classes_inline_svg(self):
Test for setting class attribute in inline SVG
text = self.text_builder.diagram("A --> B").format("svg_inline").classes("class1 class2").build()
'<p><svg alt="uml diagram" title="" class="class1 class2">%s</svg></p>' % self.FAKE_SVG,

def test_arg_format_png(self):
Test for the correct parsing of the format argument, generating a png image
Expand All @@ -72,6 +123,22 @@ def test_arg_format_svg(self):

def test_arg_format_svg_object(self):
Test for the correct parsing of the format argument, generating a svg image
text = self.text_builder.diagram("A --> B").format("svg_object").build()

def test_arg_format_svg_inline(self):
Test for the correct parsing of the format argument, generating a svg image
text = self.text_builder.diagram("A --> B").format("svg_inline").build()

def test_arg_format_txt(self):
Test for the correct parsing of the format argument, generating a txt image
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