All notable changes to this project (fork) will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project (fork) adheres to Semantic Versioning since version 4.1.0.
- heap-buffer-overflow when binding a shared IPV4 and IPV6 [Alexandre Freitas]
- unwanted SIGPIPE signal upon OS-directed socket closure on recent Apple devices [Pedro Almeida]
- android arm64 compilation error [Alexandre Freitas]
- very slow RakPeer::Startup() calls (lasting 5 seconds or more) on recent versions of macOS due to local machine names having become unresolvable in most setups
- support for customizing RakPeer UDP socket buffer sizes on GNU/Linux and macOS (or any other platform for which RakNet uses Berkeley sockets.)
- ability of building on Android
- ability of building on iOS
- broken reassembly of fragmented packets [Joerg Boehnel]
- build errors on macOS+clang