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Web interface for Captain's Log Puller application. This is a Rails app with
application workers for pulling in data and pushing it to the main CL app.

=== Requirements

- Ruby 2.6.1
- PostgreSQL 10.3

=== Development

    bundle                        # install dependencies
    bundle exec rake db:setup     # setup database
    bundle exec spec              # run tests
    bundle exec lint              # run linters

    bundle exec rails s           # start the web server process
    bundle exec rake jobs:work    # start the worker process

=== Configuration

The application needs to know what database it should read and write from and
where the external services live:

    CAPTAINSLOG_APPLICATION_URL # example http://localhost:3001
    CAPTAINSLOG_REDIRECT_URL    # example http://localhost:3000/connection/callback/captainslog
    DATABASE_URL                # example postgres://[email protected]:5432/captainslog
    FITBIT_REDIRECT_URL         # example http://localhost:3000/connection/oauth/fitbit
    JAEGER_HOST                 # example localhost
    JAEGER_PORT                 # example 6831

=== Container

    # Build base image with rails application and all dependencies. Make sure
    # to run this from the root directory of this repository.
    docker build -t minond/captainslog-puller-base -f puller/Dockerfile .

    # Build and run server application. Make sure you have a .env file with
    # the required environment variables in the directory where you run this
    # command.
    docker build -t minond/captainslog-puller-web -f puller/Dockerfile.web .
    docker run -d --env-file .env --name cl-puller-web -p 8080:3000 minond/captainslog-puller-web

    # Build and run worker application.
    docker build -t minond/captainslog-puller-worker -f puller/Dockerfile.worker .
    docker run -d --env-file .env --name cl-puller-worker minond/captainslog-puller-worker

    # Push to container repo.
    docker push minond/captainslog-puller-web:latest
    docker push minond/captainslog-puller-worker:latest