title: Workflows and Components
{{ .EditURL }}
import FrontendWorkflow from '@site/src/components/FrontendWorkflow'; import BackendComponent from '@site/src/components/BackendComponent';
For details on how each type of component integrates with Clutch please visit the Architecture reference.
Frontend workflows are written using React and registered and configured in the frontend config file at build time.
{{ range $p := .WorkflowPackages }} <FrontendWorkflow packageName="{{ $p.PackageName }}" to="{{ $p.URL}}" workflows={ {{ toJson $p.Workflows | }} } /> {{ end }}
Backend components are written in Go and registered and configured in the backend config file at runtime.
{{ range $c := .Services }} {{ end }}
{{ range $c := .Modules }} {{ end }}
{{ range $c := .Resolvers }} {{ end }}
{{ range $c := .Middleware }} {{ end }}