zPermissions more or less implements 100% of the Vault APIs for both permissions and chat. Currently, zPermissions support is built-in to Vault.
- Permissions support was added at around Vault 1.2.13.
- All API methods are supported.
- All player-related methods should work on offline players.
- Due to restrictions I've placed on the zPermissions API, all Vault API methods that modify permissions or membership will execute equivalent commands as console.
- zPermissions groups are universal — they apply to all worlds. Therefore, the world argument to playerAddGroup() and playerRemoveGroup() is ignored.
- zPermissions has no real concept of a "primary group." By default, the primary group of a player is the highest-weight group assigned to that player, i.e. the first group returned when doing a
/permissions player ... groups
or/permissions mygroups
Starting with Vault 1.2.26, the primary group can also be controlled by using a metadata property on a player.
For example:
/permissions player Alice metadata set Vault.primary-group.track Admin
Or alternatively:
/permissions player Alice settrack Admin
Assuming Alice has been previously promoted on the Admin track, her primary group will be the highest-ranked group from that track regardless of assignment priorities.
If Alice is not on the Admin track then the behavior returns to the default, i.e. the highest-weight assigned group.
- Chat support was added in Vault 1.2.25.
- The primary group is determined as explained above.
- All Vault API "player info" and "group info" methods are supported. They map directly to zPermissions metadata properties.
- All Vault API methods that set prefix/suffix/infos will execute an equivalent command as console.
- Prefixes and suffixes are set by the
(string) metadata properties on both players and groups.
/permissions group VIP md set prefix [VIP]
/permissions player Bob metadata set prefix &f
/permissions group Mod prefix "[Mod: "
/permissions group Mod suffix ]