Enhancing DID Privacy through shared Credentials using merkle trees of DIDs and Claims with multiple presentation proofs
by Frédéric Martin, myDID SA
and Imad El Aouny, myDID SA
RWOT XI, 2022, September
We developed a DID+VC Wallet following W3C specifications and were not fully satisfied how Identifiers are used by default everywhere all the time and how easily different actors like credential verifiers (or even websites only using authentication) can match / correlate / link / trace users between services.
User with this DID = did:OWND:ID4242...
- presents a verifiable credential about his age and nationality in order to bet on nop.net gambling website
- presents two verifiable credentials about his name and diploma on qrs.com site in order to postulate
- presents a verifiable credential about his age and home address on tuv.com in order to buy alcohol online
- uses his DID wallet just to be authenticated, no credential asked, during registration on xyz.io metaverse website where he chose a fancy avatar...
Websites databases can accumulate data to enable correlations between sensible personal information / attributes through stored DID "did:OWND:ID4242" Service owners can choose to do this willingly or they can be forced to do so and or even simply ignore it can be done behind their backs (stolen/leaked databases).
- Verifiers, website/application owners can avoid to store DIDs -> no guarantee, not always so easy -> it probably won't happen.
- Trusted Third Parties can be involved to anonymize identity and proof -> aren't we supposed to be able to get rid of TTP?
- ZKP/MPC based solutions can help sometimes but usually with some drawbacks -> not always well understood and well implemented, it may involve new constraints about client-side cryptography support and new protection mechanism for the private key storage and usage -> it may involve other smart contracts, other parties...
- As a wallet solution provider, we can incite users to create several "accounts / DIDs" to separate / isolate digital identities -> if it is not done transparently and nearly automatically, we doubt it will become reality (People can create several accounts on Metamask wallets for their own sake and they mostly don't)
*Note: it may have been already proposed and even implemented somewhere we are not aware of
We will be required to attribute several derived key pairs to each users: we probably should adopt Hierarchical Deterministic wallets standards like BIP32, BIP44 and "extensions" SLIP44.
Example assumptions:
- Issuer is a KYC processor, requested credentials are citizenship and year of birth (YoB).
- Issuer DID is did:example:155cadf51fa199664e6f31aa13b.
- Alice is from UK, Bob is from USA, Carol is from Australia.
- Year of birth for Alice is 1998 years old, Bob 1974 and Carol 1942.
These are Merle Trees: ──A── means (hash of associated data), ──AB── means (hash of (hash of A + hash of B)) and so on.
┌──A──< Alice Derived Public key 1, Claim (YoB = 1998)
│ └──B──< Alice Derived Public key 2, Claim (YoB = 1998)
│ │ ┌──C──< Bob Derived Public key 1, Claim (YoB = 1974)
│ └──CD──┤
│ └──D──< Alice Derived Public key 95, Claim (YoB = 1998)
│ ┌──E──< Carol Derived Public key 1, Claim (YoB = 1942)
│ ┌──EF──┤
│ │ └──F──< Bob Derived Public key 2, Claim (YoB = 1974)
│ ┌──G──< Carol Derived Public key 2, Claim (YoB = 1942)
└──H──< Alice Derived Public key 96, Claim (YoB = 1998)
┌──I──< Carol Derived Public key 1, Claim (citizenship = AU)
│ └──J──< Bob Derived Public key 1, Claim (citizenship = US)
│ │ ┌──K──< Bob Derived Public key 2, Claim (citizenship = US)
│ └──KL──┤
│ └──L──< Carol Derived Public key 2, Claim (citizenship = AU)
│ ┌──M──< Alice Derived Public key 1, Claim (citizenship = UK)
│ ┌──MN──┤
│ │ └──N──< Alice Derived Public key 2, Claim (citizenship = UK)
│ ┌──O──< Carol Derived Public key 50, Claim (citizenship = AU)
└──P──< Bob Derived Public key 87, Claim (citizenship = US)
As shown here, the two Merkle trees for the two credentials contains a few derived keys
It could be useful if you are still required to at least have the same key / DDO during the presentation of several credentials.
We chose above here to directly reference users public derived keys but it could be a DDO (DID Document) reference containing a derived key
(Assuming having multiple DID Documents is not too expensive and by the way credentials costs are largely reduced here)
With indirect DDO reference beginning of example above would be:
┌──I──< Carol DDO 1 (containing Carol Derived Public key 1), Claim (citizenship = UK)
│ └──J──< Bob DDO 1 (containing Bob Derived Public key 1) Claim (citizenship = US)
In this new model, credentials are still signed by the issuer as the credential "proof" part but:
- user DID (credentialSubect / id) is the root of the
Tree of accumulated associations of derived public keys (or DDO) and claim contents
- direct claim assertion is empty.
if we take all example assumptions described above,
"Year of Birth" credential would be:
"@context": [
"id": "http://example.edu/credentials/1121",
"type": ["VerifiableCredential", "SharedCredential"],
"issuer": "did:example:155cadf51fa199664e6f31aa13b"
"issuanceDate": "2022-09-01T02:21:42Z",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "did:example:ABCDDECGH",
"SharedCredential": {
"name": [{
"value": "Year of Birth",
"lang": "en"
}, {
"value": "Année de naissance",
"lang": "fr"
"proof": {
"type": "RsaSignature2018",
"created": "2022-09-01T04:14:03Z",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"verificationMethod": "did:example:155cadf51fa199664e6f31aa13b#key-1",
"jws": "eyJh[...]BBPM"
... and "Citizenship" credential would be:
"@context": [
"id": "http://example.edu/credentials/1121",
"type": ["VerifiableCredential", "SharedCredential"],
"issuer": "did:example:155cadf51fa199664e6f31aa13b"
"issuanceDate": "2022-09-01T03:14:21Z",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "did:example:IJKLMNOP",
"SharedCredential": {
"name": [{
"value": "Citizenship",
"lang": "en"
}, {
"value": "Citoyenneté",
"lang": "fr"
"proof": {
"type": "RsaSignature2018",
"created": "2022-09-01T07:03:02Z",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"verificationMethod": "did:example:155cadf51fa199664e6f31aa13b#key-1",
"jws": "imHm[...]CKZA"
User requests Verifiable Credential from Issuer
- User sends a sublevel master public key to the issuer
- Issuer accumulates user requests (from other users)
- Issuer derived public keys from users sublevel master public keys and create several associations of user derived public key and claim contents
- Issuer uses accumulates data assocations to build a Merkle Tree
- Issuer creates Verifiable Credential marked as issued "to" a "shared" DID referenced by Merkle Tree Root
- Issuer sends the same shared credential reference to each user but with additional Merkle proofs and associated key derivation paths
- User wallet stores shared Credential references with additional info (key derivation paths, Merkle proofs and claims)
User sends Verifiable Presentation to Verifier
- User signs and sends Verifiable Credential as Verifiable Presentation to Verifier with an additional information: a claim content, a public key and associated Merkle proof
- Verifier uses credential and additional information to check if (Claim and derived public key) association is present inside the Merkle tree
- Verifier checks original Issuer Credential signature
- Verifier checks User Presentation signature
- Enhanced DID Privacy
- a same credential content can be claimed/proven by a user through different keys and proofs
- a same credential can contain different claims for different users
- some "shared" claims can be publicly stored with less cost and less privacy concerns
- some new "shared claims" can be added to a bigger Merkle by an issuer
Drawbacks / to be discussed
- AFAWK, not present yet inside any standards / specifications
- If we want to take advantage of an updated growing Merkle tree for existing users, we have to inform previous users about the update, meaning keeping a kind of opened communication channel between Issuers and their previous users (Anyway, we think this kind of channel opportunity between issuers and users is important -users should be able to closed/ignore these channels on their user side at any time- and we are working on it)
- Issuers have to send each credential with additional information: a group of Merlkle proofs (note: it can be encrypted with the first derived public key)
- Users have to send each presentation with additional information: Claim content, public key and Merkle proof