XXX switch to BCW binning?
- [ ] Label all equations
- latexsym
- See RevTeX docs
- textcomp
- manyfoot
- hyphenat
- array/tabularx/supertabular/tabu: tabular*
- ragged2e
- changepage
- sidenotes/marginnote
- enumitem/paralist
- titlesec/fancyhdr
- tufte
- Table vertical spacing
- More table vertical spacing (google: latex table add vertical spacing)
- Margin notes
- More margin notes, also this
- Widebar and etc.
- Basic table spacing
- Paragraphs in tabular(x) (google: latex paragraphs in tabular)
- Side-by-side figures (subfig, subfigure, floatrow)
- Unnumbered chapters
- Page styles
- addbibresource
- parencite(s)?
- multicite
- autocite; \let\cite\autocite
- textcite, smartcite
- parencite: no effect unless citestyle=authoryear
- JUST USE cite!!! (or autocite)
- natbib=true: citep, citet
- address -> location
- journal -> journaltitle
- date
- blockcquote
NB: Looks like it’s not necessary to explicitly set TeX-master. AUCTeX and RefTeX are clever enough to figure things out.
;; (setq reftex-default-bibliography '("/home/mkramer/physics/thesis/biblio.bib"))
;; (setq org-ref-default-bibliography reftex-default-bibliography)
(dolist (v '(org-ref-default-bibliography bibtex-completion-bibliography))
(set v (cdr (assq 'bib (symbol-value reftex-docstruct-symbol)))))
(setq bibtex-completion-library-path '("/home/mkramer/physics/thesis/refs"))
(setq org-ref-pdf-directory (car bibtex-completion-library-path))
;; (setq helm-bibtex-full-frame nil)
(add-hook 'pdf-view-mode-hook #'pdf-view-midnight-minor-mode)
cite:An_2017 ,An_2017 label:sdf
Total height of stack has natural interpretation. Within each bin, the total height is divided up between components, such that equal contributors will have equal heights after unstacking and placing side-by-side. For unequal contributors, the heights (after unstacking) will reflect their logarithmic difference, i.e., each major axis increment corresponds to a factor of ten.
- Take far site data
- Use inverse square law to predict near site rate for θ13 = 0
- Draw random subsample of near site data, matching predicted rate above
- Ensure fit recovers θ13 = 0 and is stable against variations in cuts, repeat for other values of θ13
- The time constant T’ = 1/(R_mu + R_nu) applies when we’re considering only IBD candidates that are preceded “immediately” by a muon, i.e. requiring no intervening IBD candidate (so we’re throwing away cases where the IBD was preceded more recently by another IBD than by a muon). See reMarkable. If we ignore intervening IBDs and just take the time-to-last-muon for all IBDs, we just get T = 1/R_mu, regardless of the IBD rate.
- Interaction of neutrons with matter
- Fermi and Gamow-Teller transitions
- Theoretical study of forbidden unique and non-unique beta decays of medium-heavy nuclei
- Future opportunities in accelerator-based neutrino physics
- Beta spectrum of unique first-forbidden decays as a novel test for fundamental symmetries
- doc-7434 (Xin) - Summary (including bibliography)
- doc-7537 (Xin) - Inefficiency
- doc-7946 (Xin) - Inefficiency update
- (Baobiao, BeijingMtng2018)
- doc-7334 (center of charge; energy)
- doc-7536 (templates)
- email to Sam on 2020/8/4
- doc-7709 (rate fitter)
- doc-8769 (toy MC)
- doc-8774 (shape fitter)
- doc-9999 (P14A update)
- docs 10330 10254 10260? 10268 10269 10274; history of unification 10061?
- consModel_450itr.root is Soeren’s energyModel_march2015.root from doc-10330
- doc 11486, 11611, 11646 (Yongbo)
- We use the root files from doc-11611
- How do those differ from the ones in 11646?
- doc-11724 (P17B, Beda)
- doc-10804 (P15A, Henoch)
- docs 8774, 9999 (shapefit technotes)
- A Unified Approach to the Classical Statistical Analysis of… (FC, 1997)
- Modified frequentist analysis of search results (Read, 2000)
- Presentation of search results: The CLs technique (Read, 2002)
- LHC Statistics for Pedestrians (Gross, 2008)
- Asymptotic formulae for likelihood-based tests of new… (Cowan+, 2010)
- The Gaussian CL_s Method for Searches of New Physics (Qian+, 2014)
- Practical Statistics for the LHC (Cranmer, 2015)
- Practical Statistics for Particle Physics (Cranmer lecture, 2011)
- Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals/Limits (Frequentist: Classical, FC, PCL ; Bayesian ; CLS) (Schumacher lecture, 2014)
- Frequentist Hypothesis Testing with Background Uncertainty (Cranmer, 2003)
- Intuitive explanation of Neyman-Pearson Lemma
- Lagrange Multipliers Without Permanent Scarring
- statistics - Why do we use a Least Squares fit? - Mathematics SO
- Raster scan? See Feldman-Cousins paper.
- Definition and Treatment of Systematic Uncertainties (PhyStat2003)
- MINUIT package parallelization and applications using the RooFit package (mirror)
- {1909.03885} A new Monte Carlo-based fitting method
- Neutrino Oscillation - History of the Neutrino
- Neutrino Oscillation - RESONANCE Magazine (S. Beri) [g neutrino oscillation history/timeline]
- A Neutrino Timeline (KamLAND) + U Hawaii update [g reactor neutrino timeline]
- {1802.05781} The formalism of neutrino oscillations: an introduction (p6 Majorana figure)
- {1710.00715} Neutrino oscillations: the rise of the PMNS paradigm
- Brave nu World (de Gouvea slides)
- Slides on theory/pheno (Pascoli) [g history of neutrino oscillations slides]
- {hep-ex/0301017} Search for neutrino oscillations on a long base-line at the CHOOZ nuclear power station
- {hep-ex/0003022} Results from the Palo Verde Neutrino Oscillation Experiment
- {2005.08745} TAO Conceptual Design Report
- {1507.05613} Neutrino Physics with JUNO [g juno neutrino experiment]
- Atmospheric neutrinos and discovery of neutrino oscillations [g atmospheric neutrino anomaly]
- 2019/2018 PDG reviews of neutrino mixing (different authors)
- {hep-ph/0202058} Neutrino Masses and Mixing: Evidence and Implications (Gonzales-Garcia)
- {0704.1800} Phenomenology with Massive Neutrinos (Gonzales-Garcia)
- {1303.4667} Reactor On-Off Antineutrino Measurement with KamLAND
- The discovery of neutrino oscillations (Zuber) [g history of neutrino oscillation experiments]
- If $U$ determines the mixing between fields and $U^*$ detetermines the mixing between states - Why? [g pmns matrix complex conjugate]
- {hep-ph/0107277} Reactor-based Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
- {1212.1305} Determining the Neutrino Mass Hierarchy with INO, T2K, NOvA and Reactor Experiments
- DYB-doc-8769-v5: A Toy Monte-Carlo for the Oscillation Analysis
- DYB-doc-8774-v10: A Measurement of sin2(2theta13) and Delta-m2 at Daya Bay Using Rate and Shape Information
- DYB-doc-7709-v8: A Measurement of the Mixing Parameter sin2(2theta13) at Daya Bay (tech note)
- DYB-doc-10843-v1: LBNL Oscillation analysis (P15A)
- DYB-doc-8134-v3: Updates on Berkeley Oscillation Analysis
- DYB-doc-10956-v2: Inputs for P15A oscillation analysis
- DYB-doc-7621-v11: BCW Theta13 Oscillation Analysis (TechNote)
- DYB-doc-7616-v2: Anti-neutrinos detection for theta13 analysis (TechNote) (IHEP)
- DYB-doc-8925-v2: IHEP rate plus shape analysis technote
- DYB-doc-7508-v2: IBD analysis (TechNote) (IHEP)
- DYB-doc-10497-v1: Why Delta m^2_ee is used by Daya Bay
- doc-10421 (yury/pedro AdSimple collab mtng)
- JuliaLang/julia#30052 list of available methods in REPL
- JunoLab/Juno.jl#199 Method autocompletion for given argument type
- My mental load using Julia is much higher than, e.g., in Python. How to reduc…
- ANN: InteractiveCodeSearch.jl — Interactively search Julia code - Package a…
- How to discover functions which apply to a given object? - First steps - Juli…
- JuliaLang/julia#24990 RFC: curry underscore arguments to create anonymous fun…
- display(Base.Multimedia.displays[1], goodcols)
- Base.Multimedia.displays[2].repl.options.iocontext[:displaysize] = (100, 80)
- Try using Base.active_repl to simplify ^ (Base.active_repl.options.iocontext…)
- show(IOContext(stdout, :limit => true, :displaysize => (100, 80)), MIME”text/plain”(), thing)
- display - Julia: which environment variable/setting controls the number of el…
- Histogram bars become line when many observations? - Visualization - JuliaLang
- JuliaPlots/Plots.jl#141 Specify text labels for xticks and yticks
- JuliaPlots/Plots.jl#833 Axis failure with log `xscale`
- GitHub - bkamins/Julia-DataFrames-Tutorial: A tutorial on Julia DataFrames pa…
- JuliaData/DataFrames.jl#123 pairwise functions (OLD)
- DataTables or DataFrames? - Data - JuliaLang
- Window like functions in DataFrames - Data - JuliaLang
- GitHub - mila/pyoo: PyOO allows you to control a running OpenOffice or LibreO…
- GitHub - stummjr/impress-code-highlighter: A simple tool to highlight source …
- Control Libreoffice Impress from Python - Stack Overflow
- GitHub - sonofeft/ODPSlides: Creates Opendocument Presentations For Microsoft…
- GitHub - eea/odfpy: API for OpenDocument in Python
- GitHub - T0ha/ezodf: ezodf is a Python package to create new or open existing…
- Zotero / zotxt / zotero-better-bibtex / pandoc-citeproc
- JabRef
Instead of the below, could just set org-ref-default-bibliography
(defun my//ad/thesis-find-bib (orig-fun &rest args)
(if (and (buffer-file-name)
(s-prefix? "/home/mkramer/physics/thesis" (buffer-file-name)))
(apply orig-fun args)))
(advice-add #'org-ref-find-bibliography :around #'my//ad/thesis-find-bib)
Should properly fix helm-bibtex and submit a PR (see #266, #267)
(defun my//ad/fix-bibtex-completion-author-abbrev (orig-fun &rest args)
(-let* (((old-field entry default) args)
(new-field (if (equal old-field "author-abbrev")
(apply orig-fun (list new-field entry default))))
(advice-add #'bibtex-completion-get-value :around #'my//ad/fix-bibtex-completion-author-abbrev)
- Google latex separate bibliography for figures
- biblatex - How to create two separate bibliographies in the same document? - …
- Google multibib, multibib biblatex
- Multiple bibliographies with biblatex – texblog
The caption of Table 1 in the long paper is wrong. It says that X is due north. Actually, X is due “west” and Y is due “south” (right-handed coordinates), and the axes are rotated an additional ~8.5deg clockwise from “true” (i.e. Google Maps) north, so that D1 and D2 have the same Y coordinate (i.e., we get these axes by rotating the “standard” axes by 188.5deg clockwise). Also, every published diagram I’ve seen of the site layout is totally not to scale. The only trusted source is Table 1 (mislabeled axes notwithstanding). I’ve (partially) verified that the coordinates in that table give the proper baselines.
An SPE pulse looks to be around 30 ns baseline-to-baseline (doc-6710). Meanwhile, misc_ana/TdcSep indicates that the minimum separation between hits is about 50~ns. Most “late light” hits arrive 75-125 ns after the early hit. Also see 1902.08241 (nonlinearity) and 1707.03699 (FADC).
Light is emitted stochastically with a fast (5 ns), medium (30 ns), and 5% slow (150 ns) component (doc-8732: Why Switch to Peak Charge?). Propagation, including reflection, can add up to 20 ns or so. See docs 8319 (Additional Sources of Non-Linearity), 8732, 8356 (Re-calculating the Gamma Energy Scale using Peak Charge), 6710 (me), 5612 (closely spaced hits), and Zeyuan’s doc-6926 (determination of time window; which hit to take).
- line 176: why do we use [0] instead of [j]