Matthew Kay 2022-09-24
We’ll generate some data with one categorical predictor (x
) and an
outcome variable (y
df = data.frame(x = c("a","b"), y = rlnorm(100, c(0, 1), c(0.5, 0.25)))
It looks like this:
df |>
ggplot(aes(y = x, x = y)) +
We’ll fit a lognormal model to the data:
m = brm(bf(y ~ x, sigma ~ x), data = df, family = lognormal, backend = "cmdstanr", cores = 4, chains = 4, file = "linpred_epred_m.rds")
If x = "b"
is encoded as
this model is as follows:
This model has:
- Outcome variable
- Predictor
- Linear predictor
with an identity link function
- Linear predictor
with a log link function
We can also define the mean of
as follows:
That is,
is the mean of a lognormal distribution with parameters
We could ask for the posterior for the variables in the model:
m |>
gather_draws(`b_.*`, regex = TRUE) |>
ggplot(aes(x = .value, y = .variable)) +
Here we have:
The posterior quantifies uncertainty in our model parameters given the
We can also get the posterior for the linear predictors,
either transformed or not.
df_new = data.frame(x = c("a", "b"))
# Could also do this using this tidybayes shortcut:
# df_new |> add_linpred_rvars(m, dpar = c("mu", "sigma"), transform = TRUE)
df_linpred_trans = df_new |>
mu = rvar(posterior_linpred(m, newdata = df_new, dpar = "mu", transform = TRUE)),
sigma = rvar(posterior_linpred(m, newdata = df_new, dpar = "sigma", transform = TRUE))
## x mu sigma
## 1 a 0.1073847 ± 0.06411203 0.4548776 ± 0.04761424
## 2 b 1.0693297 ± 0.04631977 0.3327120 ± 0.03488217
Here we have:
The posterior distribution for the transformed linear predictor
conditional on the new predictors (
) and the data we observed originally (). This is
posterior_linpred(m, df_new, dpar = "mu", transform = TRUE)
The posterior distribution for the transformed linear predictor
conditional on the new predictors (
) and the data we observed originally (). This is
posterior_linpred(m, df_new, dpar = "sigma", transform = TRUE)
We could similarly get the untransformed linear predictors:
df_new = data.frame(x = c("a", "b"))
# Could also do this using this tidybayes shortcut:
# df_new |> add_linpred_rvars(m, dpar = c("mu", "sigma"), transform = FALSE)
df_linpred_untrans = df_new |>
mu = rvar(posterior_linpred(m, newdata = df_new, dpar = "mu", transform = FALSE)),
`log(sigma)` = rvar(posterior_linpred(m, newdata = df_new, dpar = "sigma", transform = FALSE))
## x mu log(sigma)
## 1 a 0.1073847 ± 0.06411203 -0.7930788 ± 0.1030348
## 2 b 1.0693297 ± 0.04631977 -1.1058586 ± 0.1033407
Here we have:
The posterior distribution for the linear predictor
conditional on the new predictors (
) and the data we observed originally (). This is
posterior_linpred(m, df_new, dpar = "mu", transform = FALSE)
. Because the link function foris the identity function, we get exactly the same result for
dpar = "mu"
regardless oftransform
. -
The posterior distribution for the linear predictor
conditional on the new predictors (
) and the data we observed originally (). This is
posterior_linpred(m, df_new, dpar = "sigma", transform = FALSE)
We could also plot these:
plot_mu = df |>
ggplot(aes(y = x)) +
stat_halfeye(aes(xdist = mu), data = df_linpred_trans) +
xlab("mu\n(transform = TRUE or FALSE)")
plot_sigma = df |>
ggplot(aes(y = x)) +
stat_halfeye(aes(xdist = sigma), data = df_linpred_trans) +
xlab("sigma\n(transform = TRUE)") +
plot_log_sigma = df |>
ggplot(aes(y = x)) +
stat_halfeye(aes(xdist = `log(sigma)`), data = df_linpred_untrans) +
xlab("log(sigma)\n(transform = FALSE)")
plot_mu + plot_sigma + plot_log_sigma +
title = "Posterior distributions of linear predictors (posterior_linpred)",
subtitle = "for model: y ~ LogNormal(mu, sigma)\nmu = alpha_mu + beta_mu * x\nlog(sigma) = alpha_sigma + beta_sigma * x"
We can see that while log(sigma)
is unconstrained, sigma
must always
be positive.
We may also be interested in the uncertainty in new observations,
conditional on predictors,
). This is the posterior predictive distribution, available
with posterior_predict()
# Could also do this using this tidybayes shortcut:
# df_new |> add_predicted_rvars(m)
df_pred = df_new |>
y_new = rvar(posterior_predict(m, newdata = df_new))
## x y_new
## 1 a 1.231339 ± 0.5843741
## 2 b 3.072402 ± 1.0872871
Here we have:
- The posterior predictive distribution new observations
conditional on the new predictors (
) and the data we observed originally (). This is
posterior_predict(m, df_new)
We can compare this against the observed data and see the distribution roughly matches the distribution of observed data (it better! the model type we fit is the same as the model type used to generate the data):
plot_pred = df |>
ggplot(aes(y = x)) +
stat_halfeye(aes(xdist = y_new), data = df_pred, fill = "#1b9e77", point_interval = mean_qi, position = position_nudge(y = 0.1), scale = 0.5) +
geom_point(aes(x = y)) +
annotate("text", y = 2.35, x = 3.5, label = "posterior predictive distribution\np(y_new|x_new,y)\nposterior_predict()", color = "#1b9e77", hjust = 0, lineheight = 1, vjust = 0) +
annotate("text", y = 2, x = max(df$y) + 0.25, label = "original data = y", hjust = 0, vjust = 0.35) +
x = "outcome variable (y)",
y = "predictor (x)"
plot_pred +
ggtitle("Posterior predictive distribution (posterior_predict)")
Notice that these means do not match up with the values of
is not the mean of these distributions.
Also notice that while this plot includes the mean of the posterior
predictive distribution, the uncertainty being displayed is the
uncertainty in new observations
not the uncertainty in the mean itself. For that, we need the
distribution of the expectation of the posterior predictive.
If we want the uncertainty in the means above, we first need to define
precisely what they are. If we have the definition of
from before, then we are looking for the posterior distribution for
conditional on the new predictors,
and the data already observed
which is
posterior_epred(m, df_new)
# Could also do this using this tidybayes shortcut:
# df_new |> add_epred_rvars(m)
df_epred = df_new |>
M = rvar(posterior_epred(m, newdata = df_new))
## x M
## 1 a 1.238944 ± 0.08427582
## 2 b 3.084627 ± 0.14816418
Plotting this with the data:
plot_epred_pred = plot_pred +
stat_halfeye(aes(xdist = M), data = df_epred, fill = "#d95f02", point_interval = mean_qi, position = position_nudge(y = -0.1), side = "bottom", scale = 0.5) +
annotate("text", y = 1.85, x = 3.5, label = "distribution of the expectation of the posterior predictive\np(M|x_new,y) where M = E(y_new|mu,sigma)\nposterior_epred()", color = "#d95f02", hjust = 0, vjust = 1, lineheight = 1)
plot_epred_pred +
title = "posterior_predict versus posterior_epred",
subtitle = "for model: y ~ LogNormal(mu, sigma)\nmu = alpha_mu + beta_mu * x\nlog(sigma) = alpha_sigma + beta_sigma * x"