Uses RUDDER on PPO to solve environments with delayed rewards.
Please note that in this implementation the reward redistribution model is not optimized and computed sequentially for each game.
See for a quick tutorial on reward redistribution with tensorflow implementation and code-snippets that you can run on your CPU.
- Original paper:
- Requires Tensorflow Layer Library (TeLL) package (v1.0)
python3 -m --config ppo2_rudder/configs/Venture.json
runs the algorithm with configuration file "ppo2_rudder/configs/Venture.json".
We use json configuration files to make adjustments to PPO2 agent and RUDDER easier. Examples are provided in baselines/ppo2_rudder/configs. Available settings are:
specs : str
Name of the current run
cuda_gpu : int
GPU to use (-1 for CPU-only)
tensorflow_allow_growth : bool
Allow tensorflow to dynamically allocate memory? (if not, the full memory will be allocated)
random_seed : int
Random seed to use for tensorflow and numpy
max_n_frames : int
Max. number of frames to have per game
policy : "cnn", "lstm", or "lstmdense"
Architecture to use for PPO2 (see baselines/ppo2_rudder/
working_dir : str
Working directory path, e.g. "workingdir/ppo2_rudder"
plot_at : int
Create plots every plot_at updates
save_at : int
Create checkpoints after save_at PPO2 updates but only keep lates n_savefiles, besides permanent checkpoints
and checkpoints for best runs
n_savefiles : int
Max. number of checkpoints to keep (besides permanent checkpoints and best runs)
load_file_dict : dict
Dictionary for paths to load checkpoints from
rr_buffer : str
Lessons buffer save-file, e.g. "/FOLDER/saves/state-3700.h5py"
states : str
General training state save-file, e.g. "/FOLDER/saves/",
model : str
Tensorflow variables for PPO2 model, e.g. "/FOLDER/saves/checkpoint-3700",
RR : str
Tensorflow variables for reward redistribution model, e.g. "/FOLDER/saves/checkpoint-3700"
bl_config : dict
Configuration concerning baselines package settings:
env : str
Name of environment, e.g. "VentureNoFrameskip-v4" for Venture with "NoFrameskip-v4" input preprocessing
num_timesteps : int
Number of frames to train
episode_reward : bool
Makes getting_reward == end-of-episode, but only reset on true game over.
Done for games like Bowling, where you get reward after 2 shoots, but the game
itself takes very long to finish. episode_reward/episode_life/episode_frame are mutually exclusive.
episode_life : bool
Standard deepmind environment for most games. episode_reward/episode_life/episode_frame are mutually
episode_frame : bool
Makes end-of-episode after 490 frames, but only reset on true game over.
Done for games like Enduro, Dubledunk, Icehockey... where you can stop the game
and continue as a new episode. episode_reward/episode_life/episode_frame are mutually exclusive.
temperature_decay : bool
Decay temperature of softmax to sample actions from with average game lenght?
num_actors : int
Number of parallel actors to use
lr_coef : float
Scaling factor for original baselines learning rate
ent_coef : float
Entropy coefficient for loss
rudder_config : dict
Configuration concerning RUDDER:
write_histograms : false
Write histogram of weights/activations to tensorboard? (expensive but good for debugging)
exploration_config : dict
Dictionary containing config for exploration:
sample_actions_from_softmax : bool
True: Apply softmax to policy network output and use it as probabilities to pick an action
False: Use the max. policy network output as action
temporal_safe_exploration : bool
User RUDDER safe exploration
save_pi_threshold : float
Threshold value in range [0,1] for safe actions in RUDDER safe exploration
reward_redistribution_config : dict
Dictionary containing config for reward redistribution:
lambda_eligibility_trace : float
Eligibility trace value for redistributed reward
vf_contrib : float
Weighting of original value function (vf) vs. redistributed reward (rr), s.t.
:math:`reward = vf \cdot vf\_contrib + rr \cdot (1-vf\_contrib)`
use_reward_redistribution_quality_threshold : float
Quality of reward redistribution has to exceed use_reward_redistribution_quality_threshold to be used;
use_reward_redistribution_quality_threshold range is [0,1]; Quality measure is the squared prediction
error, as described in RUDDER paper;
use_reward_redistribution : bool
Use reward redistribution?
rr_junksize : int
Junksize for reward redistribution; Junks overlap by 1 half each
cont_pred_w : float
Weighting of continous prediciton loss vs. prediction loss of final return at last timestep
intgrd_steps : int
Stepsize for integrated gradients
intgrd_batchsize : int
Integrated gradients is computed batch-wise if intgrd_batchsize > 1
observation_network_config : dict
Dictionary containing config for observation network that processes observations and feeds them to LSTM
show_states : bool
Show frames to network?
show_statedeltas : bool
Show frame deltas to network?
prepoc_states : list of dicts
Network config to preprocess frames, see example files
prepoc_deltas : list of dicts
Network config to preprocess frame deltas, see example files
prepoc_observations : list of dicts
Network config to preprocess features from frame and frame-delta preprocessing networks, see example
lstm_network_config : dict
Dictionary containing config for LSTM network:
show_actions : bool
Show taken actions to LSTM?
reversed : bool
Process game sequence in reversed order?
layers : list of dicts
Network config for LSTM network and optional additional dense layers, see example files
initializations : dict
Initialization config for LSTM network, see example files
timestep_encoding : dict
Set "max_value" and "triangle_span" for TeLL.utiltiy.misc_tensorflow.TriangularValueEncoding class
lessons_buffer_config : dict
Dictionary containing config for lessons buffer:
type : str
Type of lessons buffer to use;
"constant" is the buffer described in RUDDER paper;
"off" to use not buffer;
n_replay_updates : int
Number of updates on lessons buffer per update on a new episode
buffer_size : int
Number of lessons to store in lessons buffer;
traina2c : bool
Train a2c model on samples from lessons buffer?
training_config : dict
Dictionary containing config for training and update procedure:
n_no_rr_updates : int
Number of updates to perform without training or using reward redistribution network
n_pretrain_games : int
Number of games to pretrain the reward redistribution network without using it;
downscale_lr_policylag : bool
Downscale learningrate permanently if policy lag gets too large?
optimizer : tf.train optimizer
Optimizer in tf.train, e.g. "AdamOptimizer"
optimizer_params : dict
Kwargs for optimizer
l1 : float
Weighting for l1 weight regularization
l2 : float
Weighting for l2 weight regularization
clip_gradients : float
Threshold for clipping gradients (clipping by norm)