The construction process of the domain model is based on the client specifications, especially the nouns (for concepts) and verbs (for relations) used.
To identify domain conceptual classes, start by making a list of candidate conceptual classes inspired by the list of categories suggested in the book "Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development".
Business Transactions
- VaccineAdministration
Transaction Line Itemss
- Vaccine
Product/Service related to a Transaction or Transaction Line Item
- VaccineAdministration, Vaccine, ScheduleVaccine, VaccinationProgram
Transaction Records
- Message, SmsMessage, EmailMessage, VaccinationCertificate, EuDigitalCertificate
Roles of People or Organizations
- Admin, User, Employees, Receptionist, Coordinator, Nurse, Company, ARS, AGES
- VaccinationCenter, MassVaccinationCenter, HealthcareCenter, RecoveryRoom
Noteworthy Events
- ScheduleVaccine
Physical Objects
- Vaccine, VaccinationCertificate
Descriptions of Things
- VaccineType
- VacinationProgram
- VaccinationCenter, Message
Elements of Containers
- MassvaccinationCenter, HealthcareCenter, EmailMessage, SmsMessage
- Company, ARS, AGES
Other External/Collaborating Systems
Records of finance, work, contracts, legal matters
- VaccinationCertificate, EuDigitalCertificate
Financial Instruments
Documents mentioned/used to perform some work/
- VaccinationCertificate, EuDigitalCertificate
###Rationale to identify associations between conceptual classes###
An association is a relationship between instances of objects that indicates a relevant connection and that is worth of remembering, or it is derivable from the List of Common Associations:
- Admin manages Employees
- Admin manages VaccinationCenter
- Admin manages Vaccine
- Admin manages VaccineType
- Company has User
- Company owns VaccinationCenter
- Company owns VaccinationProgram
- Coordinator is an Employees
- Coordinator coordinates VaccinationCenter
- EmailMessage is a type of Message
- Employees work in VaccinationCenter
- Employees work with VaccinationProgram
- EuDigitalCertificate is a VaccinationCertificate
- HealthCareCenter associated to AGES
- HealthCareCenter associated to ARS
- HealthCareCenter has an RecoveryRoom
- HealthCareCenter is a VaccinationCenter
- MassVaccinationCenter is a RecoveryRoom
- MassVaccinationCenter is a VaccinationCenter
- Message acknowledge ScheduleVaccine
- Message sent to User
- Nurse is an Employee
- Nurse uses ScheduleVaccine
- Nurse acknowledge User
- Nurse deliver VaccinationCertificate
- Nurse acknowledge VaccineType
- Receptionist is an Employee
- Receptionist knows ScheduleVaccine
- Receptionist registers User
- ScheduleVaccine schedules VaccinationAdministration
- ScheduleVaccine schedules VaccinationCenter
- ScheduleVaccine schedules VaccineType
- SmsMessage is a type of Message
- User goes to RecoveryRoom
- User schedules ScheduleVaccine
- User goes to VaccinationCenter
- User has a VaccinationCertificate
- VaccinationCertificate refers to Vaccine
- VaccinationProgram contain Vaccine
- Vaccine is VaccineType
- VaccinationAdministration administrated on User
- VaccinationAdministration administrates VacineType
Concept (A) | Association | Concept (B) |
Admin | manages | Employees |
Admin | manages | VaccinationCenter |
Admin | manages | Vaccine |
Admin | manages | VaccineType |
Company | has | User |
Company | owns | VaccinationCenter |
Company | owns | VaccinationProgram |
Coordinator | is an | Employees |
Coordinator | coordinates | VaccinationCenter |
EmailMessage | is a type of | Message |
Employees | work in | VaccinationCenter |
Employees | work with | VaccinationProgram |
EuDigitalCertificate | is a | VaccinationCenter |
HealthCareCenter | associated to | AGES |
HealthCareCenter | associated to | ARS |
HealthCareCenter | associated to | RecoveryRoom |
HealthCareCenter | associated to | VaccinationCenter |
MassVaccinationCenter | associated to | RecoveryRoom |
MassVaccinationCenter | associated to | VaccinationCenter |
Message | associated to | ScheduleVaccine |
Message | associated to | User |
Nurse | is an | Employee |
Nurse | uses | ScheduleVaccine |
Nurse | acknowledge | User |
Nurse | deliver | VaccinationCertificate |
Nurse | acknowledge | VaccineType |
Receptionist | is an | Employee |
Receptionist | knows | ScheduleVaccine |
Receptionist | registers | User |
ScheduleVaccine | schedules | VaccinationAdministration |
ScheduleVaccine | schedules | VaccinationCenter |
ScheduleVaccine | schedules | VaccineType |
SmsMessage | is a type of | Message |
User | goes to | RecoveryRoom |
User | schedules | ScheduleVaccine |
User | goes to | VaccinationCenter |
User | has a | VaccinationCertificate |
VaccinationCenter | refers to | Vaccine |
VaccinationProgram | contain | Vaccine |
Vaccine | is | VaccineType |
VaccinationAdministration | administrated on | User |
VaccinationAdministration | administrates | VacineType |
Do NOT forget to identify concepts atributes too.
Insert below the Domain Model Diagram in a SVG format