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Terms, Expressions and Acronyms (TEA) must be organized alphabetically.

(To complete according the provided example)

TEA (EN) TEA (PT) Description (EN)
AGES AGES Acronym for "Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde"
ARS ARS Acronym for "Administração Regional de Saúde"
Administrator Administrador(a) Person responsible for configuring and managing the core information required for this application to be operated daily
Astra Zeneca vaccine Vacina Astra Zeneca Type of Covid-19 vaccine
Brute Force Algorithm Algoritmo de Força Bruta An algorithm which examines all the contiguous subsequences to determine the contiguous subsequence with maximum sum
Benchmark Benchmark Is the methodology of comparing learners or algorithms with respect to a certain performance measure
Benchmark Algorithm Algoritmo de referência This algorithm is used to do learning benchmarking
Coordinator Coordenador(a) Person responsible for managing the Covid-19 vaccination process
Computational complexity Complexidade computacional In computer science, the computational complexity or simply complexity of an algorithm is the amount of resources required to run it.
Covid-19 Covid-19 SARS-CoV-2 disease
DGS DGS Acronym for "Direção-Geral da Saúde"
Dengue Dengue Dengue virus
EU COVID Digital Certificate Certificado Digital Covid UE Covid-19 vaccination certificate.
FIFO FIFO Is a computer science term that refers to a first-in first-out queue
Moderna vaccine Vacina Moderna Type of Covid-19 vaccine
Nurse Enfermeira(o) Person responsible for administering the vaccine
Pfizer vaccine Vacina Pfizer Type of Covid-19 vaccine
Receptionist Recessionista Person that registers the arrival of a user, verifies their appointment and notifies the system
Smallpox Varíola Variola virus.
SMS message Mensagem SMS Refers to the short message service
SNS User Utilizador SNS It refers to the person scheduling taking a vaccine
SNS SNS Acronym for "Serviço Nacional de Saúde"
Tetanus Tétano Tetanus disease
Time complexity Complexidade temporal Time complexity is the amount of time taken by an algorithm to run, as a function of the length of the input
User manual Manual do utilizador A user manual is a technical communication document intended to give assistance to people on how to use a product.
Vaccine Vacina It refers to a clinical analysis test
Vaccine dosage Dose de vacina Refers to the quantity of vaccine that is used in a vaccine application