- Requires python_version > 3.6
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- docker pull mmartin4972/ubuntu20:langkit
- docker run -dt -v ${pwd}:/jaseci -p 5000:5000 mmartin4972/ubuntu20:langkit
- Attach visual studio code to docker container
- Jaseci enables you to perform 3 nlp tasks:
- Sentence Encoding: Given 2 sentences can tell you how similar they are to each other
- Named Entity Recognition: Given a sentence pull out predefined entities from the sentence
- Summarization: Provided a body of text generate a summary of it
- We can make either sentence encoding or named entity recognition work for our purposes
- We are going to use named entity recognition, since sentence encoding is all pre-trained we won't learn as much if we use sentence encoding
- We are going to extract 2 entities from all sentences:
- Function: What you want the application to do. This can be thought of as specifying a function to run.
- Parameters: Parameters that configure how the action executes. This can be thought of as specifying the parameters we will use to run a function(action).
- Training data is in ner_train.json
- Run these commands to train:
actions load module jaseci_ai_kit.tfm_ner
- Example
- I tried a bit to learn Jaseci, but the documentation is very lacking, and it abstracts many things away without explanation, so it is very hard to understand how to use them
- I am just going to use Python to create this server and some general python functions and models. Jaseci is too much of a pain
- I am going to switch to spacy since this is the first library that appeared online that is recommended for solving NER problems
- https://spacy.io/usage/training
- Using spacy version 2.3.8 just because it is far easier to use than latest version of Spacy
- Train model:
python3 train.py
python3 -wsgi.py
- In order to get Heroku working properly the Procfile, wsgi.py, runtime.txt, and requirements.txt files had to be added
- The requirements.txt should only include requirements for the server code, since only the server code is running on Heroku
- Tensorflow Hub takes too much time to download the file. Consequently, I am going to upload the model directly to Heroku and then just read the file from memory
- Heroku server was running out of memory when using use
- By switching to use-lite memory constraints were able to be met and code base was easier to manage
- Unfortunately, using the tensorflow-text caused my slug size to be over 500mb
- I am continually limited by this constraint and it is frustrating my use of interesting models
- Consequently I am going to transition the server to run entirely inside a Docker container so as to avoid this Slug size issue
- Small Bert required preprocessing and did a far worse job at detecting word embedding similarity than use_lite did
- For these reasons I switched back to use_lite
- I could not use just normal universal sentence encoder since it took up too much memory
- Tensorflow hub is a very cool site
- It has pre-trained models that let you solve complex ML tasks with incredibly limited amounts of knowledge about Tensorflow
- Tensorflow 2 is far easier to use than Tensorflow 1 and is far more intuitive. Do your best to always opt for Tensorflow 2 models
- Tensorflos library is very large, so make sure that you keep this in mind when developing
- Modelling Behavior under JAC Language overview is spelled wrong
- b change to be
- Modelling Structures
- ass to as
- excetuable to executable
- Register Sentinel examples under action modules Jaseci actions is incorrect
- Google has Automatic Credential Detection
- It requires a CLI tool be installed on your local dev environment, and then uses the CLI to log you in and set the environment variables: https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/provide-credentials-adc#local-dev
- For Google translate you have to explicitly activate the API here: https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/setup
- You have to have Billing enabled in order for the Cloud Translation API to work properly and do so by linking a Billing account
- Project ID: langkit-368114
- Need to enable Google IAM which supplies Service Accounts and then create key pair with service accounts for credentials
- This guide is really helpful for then creating service accounts and API keys: https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/setup
- I was running into a serious issue when deploying to Heroku because Google sucks and don't just read their API key from an env variable but from a file
- To solve this problem I ended up following this article: https://www.yeti.co/blog/authorizing-google-cloud-platform-service-accounts-from-a-docker-container-running-in-heroku
- However, I didn't realize that in the process of echoing out the credential json from an environment variable to a file all of the newlines were being removed, and the newline characters are required in the private rsa key.
- To solve this problem I added an extra backslash in front of each of the \n, so that it wasn't rendered as a newline and so that all newlines in the actual private_key are not being filtered out
- https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/164508/why-do-newline-characters-get-lost-when-using-command-substitution
- To add Google credentials to your local environment, go to the Heroku application and copy the environment variable text into a local environment into an environment variable of the same name
- Run the translate/add-google-creds.sh file to create the credentials.json
- Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to point at credentials.json
- export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/langkit/server/translate/google-credentials.json
- set the OPENAI_KEY environment variable to the secret key value on Heroku
- Simply utilize their python library
- Documentation can be found here: https://beta.openai.com/docs/api-reference/models/retrieve?lang=python
- The only tricky part is that you need to copy the environment variable in the Dockerfile during setup
- Can really fine tune the parameters of the completion endpoint here: https://beta.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions
- The completion endpoint is what we want