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clean up RANSAC
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niwhsa9 committed Jul 30, 2021
1 parent 803adfa commit a0df51d
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Showing 3 changed files with 100 additions and 128 deletions.
15 changes: 6 additions & 9 deletions jetson/percep_obs_detect/include/plane-ransac.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class RansacPlane {
* \brief RansacPlane constructor
* \param axis Unit vector giving the axis normal to the plane we're trying to find
* \param epsilon How far off-angle a plane can be from the input axis and still be considered. Unit of degree
* \param epsilon How far off-angle a plane can be from the input axis and still be considered. Unit of degrees
* \param iterations The number of randomly selected models to attempt to fit to the data, must be less than 1024
* \param threshold The maximum allowed distance from the model for a point to be considered an inlier
* \param pcSize The maximum expected size of a point cloud passed to this algorithm (use the frame resolution area)
Expand All @@ -77,24 +77,21 @@ class RansacPlane {
void selectOptimalModel();

//user given model parms
// user given model parms
GPU_Cloud pc;
float3 axis;
float epsilon;
int iterations;
float threshold;
float removalRadius;

//internal info [GPU]
float* inlierCounts;
int* modelPoints;
// internal info [GPU]
int* inlierCounts;
int3* candidatePlanePoints;
Plane* selection;
int* inlierListGPU;
int* optimalModelIndex;

//internal info [CPU]
Plane* selectedModel;
//int* inlierList;
Plane* selectionCPU;

29 changes: 1 addition & 28 deletions jetson/percep_obs_detect/src/obs-detector.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,42 +132,15 @@ void ObsDetector::update(sl::Mat &frame) {
GPU_Cloud pc;
getRawCloud(pc, frame);

int size = 8;
float4 testCPU[size] = {
GPU_Cloud testCPUpc {
testCPU, size
cout << "Constructed\n";
float4* testGPU;
cudaMalloc(&testGPU, sizeof(float4)*size);
cudaMemcpy(testGPU, testCPU, sizeof(sl::float4)*size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
GPU_Cloud testPC = { testGPU, size};
cout << "Copied over \n";
// Processing

cout << "Original Size: "<< pc.size << "\n";
cout << "Pass-Through ran\n";
std::cout << "pre ransac:" << pc.size << endl;
std::cout << "post ransac:" << pc.size << endl;


Bins bins;

Expand Down
184 changes: 93 additions & 91 deletions jetson/percep_obs_detect/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,203 +7,205 @@

#define DEBUG

// TODO: move this into common
// does ceiling division
__device__ int ceilDivGPU(int a, int b) {
return (a + b - 1) / b;

* Launch with iteration [aka, number of candidate models] many blocks and MAX_THREADS
* \brief Runs through RANSAC 'iterations' and computes the number of inliers for each iteration's candidate
* \param pc Point cloud to process
* \param candidatePlanePoints Array len(iterations) of randomly generated candidate planes. Each elt is an int3 containing
* the INDICIES of three points from the point cloud data array which form a candidate plane
* \param threshold How far a point may be from the candidate plane to be considered an inlier
* \param axis The axis normal to the plane we are looking for
* \param epsilon How far off the given axis a candidate plane can be without being rejected
* \param inlierCountOut An output array len(iterations) where the number of inliers for each candidate tried is stored

- [Block] # iterations [aka, randomly selected models] to try
- [Thread] MAX_THREADS
- GPU point cloud
- A buffer to write inlier counts for each attempted model
- A buffer that tells the kernel what the randomly selected points were for each model
- Threshold distance for a pt to be considered an inlier
Each block represents an "iteration" of the traditional RANSAC algorithm.
That is, every block has a different set of randomly chosen 3 points that define the
model (a plane is minimally defined by 3 points). The threads in the block then check
every point in the point cloud against the model for that block.
Threads are used to decide how many points are inliers to the model. If
thread max = 1024 and there are 2048 points, each thread will process 2
points. Each thread will write the number of inliers in the set of points it evaluated
to its specific spot in shared memory. Threads are synced, and then threads will
participate in a parallel reduction to give the total number of inliers for that block/model,
which will be returned from the kernel in the inlierCounts buffer.
The threads in the block then check every point in the point cloud against
the candidate for that iteration. Each thread is responsible for
total_points/num_threads many points. The thread computes how many of its
own points are inliers. It then participates in parallel reduction to give
the total number of inliers for that iteration in the output buffer
__global__ void ransacKernel(GPU_Cloud pc, float* inlierCounts, int* modelPoints, float threshold, float3 axis, float epsilon) {
__shared__ float inlierField[MAX_THREADS];
inlierField[threadIdx.x] = 0;

int iteration = blockIdx.x; //which "iteration" of RANSAC
float inliers = 0; //number of inliers in this thread
__global__ void ransacKernel(GPU_Cloud pc, int3* candidatePlanePoints, float threshold, float3 axis, float epsilon, int* inlierCountsOut) {
// Set up internal inlier counts for each thread of this block to write to
__shared__ float inlierCountInternal[MAX_THREADS];
inlierCountInternal[threadIdx.x] = 0;

// Which "iteration" of RANSAC
int iteration = blockIdx.x;
int3 candidateModelIndicies = candidatePlanePoints[iteration];

// select 3 random points from the cloud as the model that this particular block will evaluate
int randIdx0 = modelPoints[iteration*3 + 0];
int randIdx1 = modelPoints[iteration*3 + 1];
int randIdx2 = modelPoints[iteration*3 + 2];
// Number of inliers in this thread
float inliers = 0;

if(randIdx0 >= pc.size || randIdx1 >= pc.size || randIdx2 >= pc.size) {
inlierCounts[iteration] = 0;
// Verify that this candidate plane is actually valid and doesn't consist of a point that goes out of bounds
if(candidateModelIndicies.x >= pc.size || candidateModelIndicies.y >= pc.size || candidateModelIndicies.z >= pc.size) {
// Mark as an invalid model so its not chosen
inlierCountsOut[iteration] = -1;

float3 modelPt0 = make_float3([randIdx0].x,[randIdx0].y,[randIdx0].z);
float3 modelPt1 = make_float3([randIdx1].x,[randIdx1].y,[randIdx1].z);
float3 modelPt2 = make_float3([randIdx2].x,[randIdx2].y,[randIdx2].z);
float3 modelPt0 = make_float3([candidateModelIndicies.x]);
float3 modelPt1 = make_float3([candidateModelIndicies.y]);
float3 modelPt2 = make_float3([candidateModelIndicies.z]);

// Create a plane from the 3 points
// Create the candidate plane from the 3 points
Plane plane(modelPt0, modelPt1, modelPt2);

//check that n dot desired axis is less than epsilon, if so, return here
// Verify that the candidate plane's normal is within epsilon of desired axis
if(abs(dot(normalize(plane.normal), normalize(axis))) < epsilon) {
if(threadIdx.x == 0) inlierCounts[iteration] = 0; //make it -1 to show invalid model?
// Mark as an invalid model so its not chosen
inlierCountsOut[iteration] = 0;

// Construct predicate to chek if a point is an inlier in the plane
NotInPlane pred(plane.normal, modelPt1, threshold);

// figure out how many points each thread must compute distance for and determine if each is inlier/outlier
// Figure out how many points each thread must check
int pointsPerThread = ceilDivGPU(pc.size, MAX_THREADS);
for(int i = 0; i < pointsPerThread; i++) {
// select a point index or return if this isn't a valid point
// Select a point index or return if this isn't a valid point
int pointIdx = threadIdx.x * pointsPerThread + i;
if(pointIdx >= pc.size) continue; //TODO Should this be return???
if(pointIdx >= pc.size) continue;

// point in the point cloud that could be an inlier or outlier
float4 curPt = make_float4([pointIdx].x,[pointIdx].y,[pointIdx].z, 0);
// Point in the point cloud that could be an inlier or outlier
float4 curPt =[pointIdx];

//add a 1 if inlier in plane, 0 if not
inliers += (pred(curPt)) ? 0 : 1; //very probalmatic line, how can we reduce these checks
// Add a 1 if inlier in plane, 0 if not
inliers += (pred(curPt)) ? 0 : 1;

//parallel reduction to get an aggregate sum of the number of inliers for this model
//this is all equivalent to sum(inlierField), but it does it in parallel
inlierField[threadIdx.x] = inliers;
// Load the inliers for this thread into the shared memory that all threads can access
inlierCountInternal[threadIdx.x] = inliers;

// Parallel reduction to get an aggregate sum of the number of inliers for this model
// This is all equivalent to sum(inlierCountInternal), but it does it in parallel
int aliveThreads = (blockDim.x) / 2;
while (aliveThreads > 0) {
if (threadIdx.x < aliveThreads) {
inliers += inlierField[aliveThreads + threadIdx.x];
if (threadIdx.x >= (aliveThreads) / 2) inlierField[threadIdx.x] = inliers;
inliers += inlierCountInternal[aliveThreads + threadIdx.x];
if (threadIdx.x >= (aliveThreads) / 2) inlierCountInternal[threadIdx.x] = inliers;
aliveThreads /= 2;

//at the final thread, write to global memory
// At the final thread, write the number of inliers for this iteration's model to global memory
if(threadIdx.x == 0) {
inlierCounts[iteration] = inliers;
inlierCountsOut[iteration] = inliers;

* \brief Updates the plane selection from the cloud using the given model index
__global__ void getOptimalModelPoints(GPU_Cloud pc, Plane &selection, int idx, int* modelPoints, float* maxCount) {
int pt = threadIdx.x;
float4 point =[modelPoints[3*idx + pt]];
selection[pt] = make_float3(point.x, point.y, point.z);
__global__ void getOptimalModelPoints(GPU_Cloud pc, Plane &selection, int optimalCandidateIndex, int3* candidatePlanePoints, int* maxInliersCount) {
// Each thread is responsible for one point in the output candidate plane, there will be 3 threads
int candidatePtNum = threadIdx.x;

// Copy the point from the cloud into the output plane object
float4 point;
if(candidatePtNum == 0) point =[candidatePlanePoints[optimalCandidateIndex].x];
if(candidatePtNum == 1) point =[candidatePlanePoints[optimalCandidateIndex].y];
if(candidatePtNum == 2) point =[candidatePlanePoints[optimalCandidateIndex].z];

selection[candidatePtNum] = make_float3(point);

// Use one thread to compute the normal
if(threadIdx.x == 0) {

#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Winner model inlier count: %f \n", *maxCount);
printf("Winner model inlier count: %d \n", *maxInliersCount);

void RansacPlane::selectOptimalModel() {
float* maxCount = thrust::max_element(thrust::device, inlierCounts, inlierCounts + iterations);
// Pointer arithmetic gives us the model index with most inliers
int maxIdx = maxCount - inlierCounts;
// Send the index to GPU
cudaMemcpy(optimalModelIndex, &maxIdx , sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
// Now launch a kernel to write the Plane of this model into selection
getOptimalModelPoints<<<1, 3>>>(pc, *selection, maxIdx, modelPoints, maxCount);
// Get a pointer to the elt in inlierCounts that is the greatest
int* maxCount = thrust::max_element(thrust::device, inlierCounts, inlierCounts + iterations);
// Pointer arithmetic gives us the optimal model index with most inliers
int optIdx = maxCount - inlierCounts;
// Now launch a kernel to construct the Plane object 'selection'
getOptimalModelPoints<<<1, 3>>>(pc, *selection, optIdx, candidatePlanePoints, maxCount);

RansacPlane::RansacPlane(float3 axis, float epsilon, int iterations, float threshold, int pcSize, float removalRadius)
: pc(pc), axis(axis), epsilon(epsilon), iterations(iterations), threshold(threshold), removalRadius(removalRadius) {

//Set up buffers needed for RANSAC
cudaMalloc(&inlierCounts, sizeof(float) * iterations);
cudaMalloc(&modelPoints, sizeof(int) * iterations * 3);
cudaMalloc(&inlierCounts, sizeof(int) * iterations);
cudaMalloc(&candidatePlanePoints, sizeof(int3) * iterations);
cudaMalloc(&selection, sizeof(Plane));
cudaMalloc(&optimalModelIndex, sizeof(int));

//Generate random numbers in CPU to use in RANSAC kernel
int* randomNumsCPU = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * iterations* 3);

int3* randomNumsCPU = (int3*) malloc(sizeof(int3) * iterations);
for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
int a = 0;
int b = 0;
int c = 0;
// Prevent duplicate points in a particular model
while(a == b || b == c || a == c) {
a = rand() % pcSize;
b = rand() % pcSize;
c = rand() % pcSize;

randomNumsCPU[i*3] = a;
randomNumsCPU[i*3 + 1] = b;
randomNumsCPU[i*3 + 2] = c;
randomNumsCPU[i].x = a;
randomNumsCPU[i].y = b;
randomNumsCPU[i].z = c;

cudaMemcpy(modelPoints, randomNumsCPU, sizeof(int) * iterations * 3, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(candidatePlanePoints, randomNumsCPU, sizeof(int3) * iterations, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

// Generate a buffer for retreiving the selected model from CUDA Kernels
selectedModel = (Plane*) malloc(sizeof(Plane));
// Generate a CPU buffer for retreiving the selected model from CUDA Kernels
selectionCPU = (Plane*) malloc(sizeof(Plane));

Plane RansacPlane::computeModel(GPU_Cloud &pc) {
if(pc.size == 0) return {make_float3(0,0,0), make_float3(0,0,0), make_float3(0,0,0)};
if(pc.size == 0) {
std::cout << "[WARNING] Can't run RANSAC on empty plane." << std::endl;
return {make_float3(0,0,0), make_float3(0,0,0), make_float3(0,0,0)};

// Copy vars locally
this->pc = pc;
int blocks = iterations;
int threads = MAX_THREADS;

// Get a list of models and corresponding inlier count
ransacKernel<<<blocks, threads>>>(pc, inlierCounts, modelPoints, threshold, axis, cos(epsilon*3.1415/180));
ransacKernel<<<blocks, threads>>>(pc, candidatePlanePoints, threshold, axis, cos(epsilon*3.1415/180), inlierCounts);

// Choose the model with the greatest inlier count


// Copy selected plane to CPU
cudaMemcpy(selectedModel, selection, sizeof(Plane), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
cudaMemcpy(selectionCPU, selection, sizeof(Plane), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

// Filter out all the points in the plane
NotInPlane predicate(selectedModel->normal, selectedModel->p1, threshold);
NotInPlane predicate(selectionCPU->normal, selectionCPU->p1, threshold);
Filter<NotInPlane>(pc, predicate, FilterOp::REMOVE, 0);

return *selectedModel;
return *selectionCPU;

RansacPlane::~RansacPlane() {

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