The following options are used to change the build configuration
Choose whether to include a sample at build time.
- Build Sample -
- Exclude Sample
Default: ON
Choose whether to build the samples.
- Build All Samples -
- Skip building Samples
Default: ON
Choose whether to build the tests
- Build All Tests -
- Skip building Tests
Default: OFF
Enable GPU assisted validation layers, used primarily for VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing.
Default: OFF
Enable VK_EXT_debug_utils or VK_EXT_debug_marker, if supported. This enables debug names for Vulkan objects, and markers/labels in command buffers. + See the debug utils sample for more information.
Default: ON
We use a small set of tools to provide a level of quality to the project. These tools are part of our CI/CD process. If your local environment does not have the same versions of the tools we use in the CI you may see some errors or warnings pop-up when pushing.
For up-to date version information please see the repositories for the individual tools
Doxygen Doxygen Repository
Clang Format / Clang Tidy Clang Tools Repository
Snake Case Check Snake Case Check Repository
Android NDK Android NDK Repository
Most of the samples require 3D models downloaded from
That repository is referenced as a git submodule by this project so if you followed the clone instructions in the project readme you will already have the models locally under ./assets/
On Android, Gradle will run CMake which will sync assets to the device if there has been a change.
However, to sync them manually you may run the following command to ensure up to date assets are on the device:
adb push --sync assets /sdcard/Android/data/com.khronos.vulkan_samples/files/ adb push --sync shaders /sdcard/Android/data/com.khronos.vulkan_samples/files/
In order for performance data to be displayed, profiling needs to be enabled on the device. Some devices may disable it by default.
Profiling can be enabled via adb:
adb shell setprop security.perf_harden 0
Performance data is captured using HWCPipe. For details on this project and how to integrate it in your pipeline, visit:
CMake v3.12+
Python 3
Visual Studio 2017 or above
It is recommended to use clang-format-15
, which is compatible with the styles in our .clang-format
It is also used by CI and is a basic version installed with Visual Studio 2022.
The minimum version that supports our current .clang-format
file is clang-format-9
Go to the LLVM downloads page to get clang.
Please make sure, when running any sample, that you either:
Enable Developer Mode
Run Command Prompt or Visual Studio as administrator
Step 1.
The following command will generate the VS project
cmake -G"Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -S . -Bbuild/windows
(Prior to CMake v3.13)
cmake -G"Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" . -Bbuild/windows
(New in CMake v3.14. Visual Studio 2019 must be installed)
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -S . -Bbuild/windows
(New in CMake v3.21. Visual Studio 2022 must be installed)
cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -S . -Bbuild/windows
Step 2.
Build the Visual Studio project
cmake --build build/windows --config Release --target vulkan_samples
Step 3.
Run the Vulkan Samples application
CMake v3.12+
C++17 Compiler
sudo apt-get install cmake g++ xorg-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
Step 1.
The following command will generate the project
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -Bbuild/linux -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Step 2.
Build the project
cmake --build build/linux --config Release --target vulkan_samples -j$(nproc)
Step 3.
Run the Vulkan Samples application to display the help message
./build/linux/app/bin/Release/x86_64/vulkan_samples --help
CMake v3.12+ (Apple Silicon requires at least 3.19.2)
XCode v12 for Apple Silicon
Command Line Tools (CLT) for Xcode
xcode-select --install
Vulkan SDK
Step 1.
The following command will generate the project
cmake -Bbuild/mac -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Step 2.
Build the project
cmake --build build/mac --config Release --target vulkan_samples -j4
Step 3.
Run the Vulkan Samples application to display the help message
./build/mac/app/bin/Release/x86_64/vulkan_samples --help
CMake v3.28+ (Apple xcframeworks require at least 3.28)
XCode v12 for Apple Silicon
Command Line Tools (CLT) for Xcode
xcode-select --install
Vulkan SDK
Vulkan at least version 1.3.278 to get the frameworks
Step 1.
edit ~/.bash_profile
Step 2.
add the environment variable
Step 3.
reload the bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
Step 1.
The following command will generate the project
NB: You MUST change the XXXX in the above to your TeamID for code signing. iOS will Not allow the application to run without code signing setup.
Step 2.
Build the project
cmake --build build/mac --config Release --target vulkan_samples -- -j 6 -sdk iphoneos -allowProvisioningUpdates
It’s recommended to open the XCode project that is generated inside build/mac; building can be handled with command-B.
Step 3.
Run the Vulkan Samples application
To run Vulkan Samples, one must have an iOS device provisioned and working with XCode. Open the XCode project and ensure that can build/install to a device through XCode normally. Once the bundle is created from the build command in Step 2, use the edit-scheme selection in XCode and set the arguments to have --help Click the "Play" button and you should see the help output in the terminal. For convenience, the default setting is to run the hello_triangle sample; just edit that to your desired sample to run
For all dependencies set the following environment variables:
JDK 8+
Android SDK
CMake v3.16+
Android NDK r23+
We use this environment in the CI Android NDK Repository
It is highly recommended to install Android Studio to build, run and trace the sample project. Android Studio uses the following plugins/tools to build samples:
Android Gradle Plugin
CMake Plugin, which installs and uses Ninja
Their versions are configured in the and files; when updating these versions, refer to the official documentation for the recommended combinations.
To generate the gradle project, run the following command:
./scripts/ android
A new folder will be created in the root directory at build\android_gradle
Android Gradle Plugin (used by Android Studio) may not auto install dependencies. You will need to install them if they have not been installed:
Find the configured versions in
, or its template filebldsys/cmake/template/gradle/
Install them with Android Studio or sdkmanager command line tool. For example, to install AGP port CMake 3.22.1 and NDK version 25.1.8937393 on Linux, do the following:
yes | ${your-sdk}/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager --licenses ${your-sdk}/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager --install "ndk;25.1.8937393" --channel=3 ${your-sdk}/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager --install "cmake;3.22.1" --channel=3
cd build/android_gradle
Prefer a release build for better performance unless you want to actively debug the application.
For a release build:
gradle assembleRelease
For a debug build:
gradle assembleDebug
With Android Studio you can open the build/android_gradle/build.gradle
project, compile and run the project from here.
The lastest Android Studio release is recommended.
If you have agreed with the licenses previously on your development system, Android Studio will automatically install, at the start up time, CMake and NDK with the version configured in your build/android-gradle/build.gradle
Otherwise (or if the installation failed), you need to install the required CMake and NDK manually, refer to the official instructions for the detailed steps.
The default installed locations are:
$SDK-ROOT-DIR/ndk/$ndkVersion for NDK.
$SDK-ROOT-DIR/cmake/$cmake-version for CMake.
Android Studio will use the above default locations without any environment variable requirement; if you want to use the same NDK and CMake versions for other purpose, you can simply configure your environment variables to these locations. If you do set up the NDK and CMake environment variables, Android Studio will use them instead of the default locations.