diff --git a/source/_posts/Generate-unique-links.md b/source/_posts/Generate-unique-links.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e3a1e05f..00000000
--- a/source/_posts/Generate-unique-links.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-title: Hexo 生成文章唯一永久链接
-abbrlink: 6a24c2b
-date: 2023-12-29 10:27:37
- - Hexo
- - 优化
-### 1. 安装插件
-npm install hexo-abbrlink --save
-### 2. 配置插件
-修改 `_config.yml` 文件 `permalink` 为:
-permalink: posts/:abbrlink/
-# abbrlink config
- alg: crc32 #support crc16(default) and crc32
- rep: hex #support dec(default) and hex
- drafts: false #(true)Process draft,(false)Do not process draft. false(default)
- # Generate categories from directory-tree
- # depth: the max_depth of directory-tree you want to generate, should > 0
- auto_category:
- enable: true #true(default)
- depth: #3(default)
- over_write: false
- auto_title: false #enable auto title, it can auto fill the title by path
- auto_date: false #enable auto date, it can auto fill the date by time today
- force: false #启用强制模式,在此模式下,插件将忽略缓存,并计算每篇文章的 abbrlink,即使它已经有了 abbrlink。这只会更新 abbrlink,而不会更新其他前置变量。
-### 3. 清除缓存再生成
-hexo clean && hexo g
-插件将会在你所有文章的 `Front-matter` 开头生成一个 `abbrlink` 属性,这个变量就是你文章的唯一永久链接。
-### 4. 前后效果对比
diff --git a/source/_posts/Recording-the-Good-Life-1.md b/source/_posts/Recording-the-Good-Life-1.md
index 5cf21e7a..4c43aee3 100644
--- a/source/_posts/Recording-the-Good-Life-1.md
+++ b/source/_posts/Recording-the-Good-Life-1.md
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ date: 2024-04-02 19:01:33
diff --git a/source/videos/output.webm b/source/videos/output.webm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f8a31f2..00000000
Binary files a/source/videos/output.webm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/videos/output2.webm b/source/videos/output2.webm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a3d8da2..00000000
Binary files a/source/videos/output2.webm and /dev/null differ