Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
First, create a fork of the modernweb-dev/rocket repo by hitting the fork
button on the GitHub page.
Next, clone our repository onto your computer with this command (replacing YOUR_USERNAME with your actual GitHub username)
git clone [email protected]:modernweb-dev/rocket.git
Once cloning is complete, change directory to the repo.
cd web
Now add your fork as a remote
git remote add fork [email protected]:<YOUR_NAME>/rocket.git
Create a new local branch
git checkout -b my-awesome-fix
Now that you have cloned the repository, ensure you have yarn installed run the following commands to set up the development environment.
yarn install
This will download and install all packages needed.
Make your changes to the project. Commits are linted using precommit hooks, meaning that any code that raises linting error cannot be committed. In order to help avoid that, we recommend using an IDE or editor with an eslint plugin in order to streamline the development process. Plugins are available for all the popular editors. For more information see ESLint Integrations
If you're making cross-package changes, you need to compile the typescript code. We recommend executing tsc:watch
from the root of the package and keeping that running while you make your changes.
To run the tests of a package, it's recommended to cd
into the package directory and then using yarn test
to run them. This way you're only running tests of that specific package.
To see how your changes integrate with everything together you can use the test-runner
package. There are different commands in this package which you can execute to trigger different scenarios in the test runner.
For all projects the tsconfig/jsconfig configuration files are auto generated. You need to add an entry to the ./workspace-packages.ts to let it generate a config for you. After adding an entry, run yarn update-package-configs
to generate the files for you.
If you made changes for which you want to trigger a release, you need to create a changeset. This documents your intent to release, and allows you to specify a message that will be put into the changelog(s) of the package(s).
More information on changesets
yarn changeset
And use the menu to select for which packages you need a release, and then select what kind of release. For the release type, we follow Semantic Versioning, so please take a look if you're unfamiliar.
In short:
- A documentation change or similar chore usually does not require a release
- A bugfix requires a patch
- A new feature (feat) requires a minor
- A breaking change requires a major
- For alpha (<1.0.0), bugfixes and feats are both patches, and breaking changes are allowed as minors.
- For release-candidate and other special cases, other rules may follow.
Commit messages must follow the conventional commit format
Modern-web uses package name as scope. So for example if you fix a terrible bug in the package @web/test-runner
, the commit message should look like this:
fix(test-runner): fix terrible bug
Now it's time to push your branch that contains your committed changes to your fork.
git push -u fork my-awesome-fix
After a successful push, if you visit your fork on GitHub, you should see a button that will allow you to create a Pull Request from your forked branch, to our main branch.