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Contributing to the Documentation

modxuser edited this page Feb 22, 2017 · 14 revisions

If you would like to add to the general documentation, Extras (Snippets + Modules) documentation and tutorials then please use the following as a guide:


In general if you want to create a page or add information to an existing page, headlines need to be nested as:

  • H2 - Main section heading
  • H3 - Sub-heading

Note: H1 is declared by the system and shouldn't be used within the page content


HTML "section" and "article" are not required and as such shouldn't be used


Tables when used should use the following set-up:


If headers are not used, the following applies:


Code / Code Blocks

Code can be displayed in two ways: using HTML "pre" or "code" tags

In general, "code" is used inline whereas "pre" is used for blocks of code.

When creating snippet calls, php code, css etc. the code elements need to be changed to their entity numbers. This is to ensure that Evo doesn't run the code that is on the page.

If for example a call is made to Ditto, to demonstrate a call and Ditto is installed, Evo will run the call and not render the code, it will where possible render the output to the page. This is why certain elements need to be changed.

Please use the following table, element to the left, with its number to the right:

! &#33; ` &#96;
@ &#64; = &#61;
+ &#43; ~ &#126;
[ &#91; ] &#93;
{ &#123; } &#125;
( &#40; ) &#41;

When creating a code block, you need to surrounded it using a "pre" tag, for example:

<pre class="brush: xml"></pre>

Brushes ("brush: xml") that can be used are:

  • php
  • xml
  • jscript

So an example ditto call could be something like this:

<pre class="brush: xml">&#91;&#33;Ditto? &amp;parents&#61;&#96;5&#96; &amp;extenders&#61;&#96;summary&#96;&#33;&#93;</pre>

Which is then rendered on the page as:

[!Ditto? &parents=`5` &extenders=`summary`!]


Lists: "ol" + "ul" can be used

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