issues Search Results · repo:moja-global/FLINT.Cloud language:Python
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inmoja-global/FLINT.Cloud (press backspace or delete to remove)After the end message SQLite insert complete , which implies the simulation is finished, I found the status did not get
updated. I keep seeing the in progress message
{ finished : In Progress } instead ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 19, 2023
- #217
Implement helm chart to manage Kubernetes manifest file for Flint Example. As we will be using the same structure of
Kubernetes for Flint Example and GCBM, it would be great if we can implement helm to ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 24, 2022
- #214
Refactor the following test-case for different endpoints:
good first issue
- 1
- Opened on Dec 23, 2022
- #212
Currently when you run curl -d title=run4 -X POST http://localhost:8080/upload/title to get the simulation title for
GCBM implementation of FLINT you get { data : New {sim_title} simulation started. Please ...
- 1
- Opened on Nov 3, 2022
- #209
Currently, running the /dynamic endpoint without uploading data returns a 500 server error with no helpful error
message. This can be very confusing for users. Creating a better error message would be ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 30, 2022
- #207
looking through some files, and endpoints of the gcbm rest API, and looking through the FLINT-UI, noticed the /upload
and /dynamic endpoints need to be refactored to separate the configuration files to ...
- Opened on Oct 27, 2022
- #205
Recently /getConfig endpoint was added . Update the file with the /getConfig endpoint.
- 7
- Opened on Oct 3, 2022
- #193
Currently Flint.Cloud project doesn t use any package manager to manage Kubernetes manifest files.We can think of using
Helm charts for this purpose.
- 2
- Opened on Sep 26, 2022
- #192
The GCBM has been continually updated to make it more dynamic and flexible. Many endpoints were renamed for new features
and updates. Some of the recent endpoints were added to the GCBM simulation(check ...
good first issue
- 2
- Opened on Sep 16, 2022
- #191
You can find all the instructions for the Flask example REST API Setup in the repository readme. Instructions on how to
run the APIs can be found here: ...
good first issue
- Opened on Sep 16, 2022
- #190

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