Please check the bug hasn't already been reported by looking here: Issues. It makes it harder to solve issues.
If you're unable to find an issue that's currently open, open a new one. Make sure to include a title and clear description, steps to reproduce bug, versions used - Minecraft version, Mod Version, Forge Version - and or crashlogs.
If you can, use the bug report templates to create the issue. Follow the instructions there.
Open a new GitHub pull request with the patch.
Ensure the PR description clearly describes the problem and solution. Include the relevant issue number and or issue link if there is one.
Before subbmitting, please check below for code-formatting guidelines.
If you have a feature you've been dying to see in this add an issue using the feature request template.
Give a clear and consise description on exactly what you'd want added and how it'd function.
If you have any java and forge modding knowledge suggest a way you think it could be implemented.
Open a new GitHub pull request with this feature.
Describe what has been added and how it works in the pr description
follow the code-formatting guidelines found below.
Please always indent using tabs of 4 spaces
Please type 1 line of code per physical line.
Please don't use raw json data. When possible use data generation. Good datagen video.
Please always put spaces after list items and method parameters ([1, 2, 3], not [1,2,3]).
Please try your best to match formatting to existing stuff I have done. (Most likely you are an intelligent person and can figure it out for yourself)
Thanks for any contributions made to this or any of my other projects, 😃