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Releases: mongodb/node-mongodb-native


07 Jun 14:09
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 4.7.0 of the mongodb package! Happy MongoDB World Day!

Release Highlights

Support for ZSTD Compression

zstd compression is now supported by the NodeJS driver. To enable zstd compression, add it as a dependency in your project: npm install –save @mongodb-js/zstd. The add the option to your URI options: mongodb://host:port/db?compressors=zstd.

Improved Connection Storm Avoidance

The Node driver has improved connection storm avoidance by limiting the number of connections that the driver will attempt to open to each server at a time. The number of concurrent connection attempts is set to 2 by default, but can be configured with a new MongoClient argument, maxConnecting. The following code example creates a new MongoClient that configures maxConnecting to 5.

const client = new MongoClient('MONGODB_URL', { maxConnecting: 5 });

Expanded Change Stream Events

The function now supports a new option, showExpandedEvents. When showExpandedEvents is enabled, change streams will report the following events on servers 6.0 and later:

  • createIndexes
  • dropIndexes
  • modify
  • create
  • shardCollection

On servers 6.1.0 and later, showExpandedEvents will also show change stream events for the following commands:

  • reshardCollection
  • refineCollectionShardKey

As an example, the following code creates a change stream that has expanded events enabled on a collection:

const client = new MongoClient('MONGODB_URL');
await client.connect();

const collection = client.db('example-db').collection('example-collection');
const changeStream =[], { showExpandedEvents: true });

Change Stream Support of Pre/Post Images

Change streams now support pre and post images for update events. To enable pre and post images, the collection must be created with the changeStreamPreAndPostImages option enabled:

const collection = await db.createCollection(‘collectionName’, { changeStreamPreAndPostImages: { enabled: true }} )

Pre and post images can then be enabled on the change stream when the change stream is created:

const changeStream =[], { fullDocumentBeforeChange: ‘required’ })

See the documentation on pre and post images for more information:

Improved Performance in Serverless Environments

The driver now only processes the most recent server monitoring event if multiple heartbeat events are recorded in sequence before any can be processed. In serverless environments, this results in increased performance when a function is invoked after a period of inactivity as well as lower resource consumption.

Estimated Document Count uses the Count command

The 5.0 server compatible release unintentionally broke the estimatedDocumentCount command on views by changing the implementation from the count command to aggregate and a collStats stage. This release fixes estimatedDocumentCount on views by reverting the implementation to use count.

Due to an oversight, the count command was omitted from the Stable API in server versions 5.0.0 - 5.0.8 and 5.1.0 - 5.3.1, so users of the Stable API with estimatedDocumentCount are recommended to upgrade their MongoDB clusters to 5.0.9 or 5.3.2 (if on Atlas) or set apiStrict: false when constructing their MongoClients.

MongoClient.connect is now optional

If an operation is run before MongoClient.connect is called by the client, the driver will now automatically connect along with that first operation. This makes the repl experience much more streamlined, going right from client construction to your first insert or find. However, MongoClient.connect can still be called manually and remains useful for learning about misconfiguration (auth, server not started, connection string correctness) early in your application's startup.

Note: It's a known limitation that explicit sessions (client.startSession) and initializeOrderedBulkOp, initializeUnorderedBulkOp cannot be used until MongoClient.connect is first called. Look forward to a future patch release that will correct these inconsistencies.

Support for Clustered Collections

Clustered Collections can now be created using the createCollection method in the Node driver:

const client = new MongoClient('MONGODB_URL');
// No need to connect anymore! (see above)
const collection = await client.db(‘example-db’).createCollection(‘example-collection’, { 
    key: _id,
    unique: true

More information about clustered indexes can be found on the official documentation page.

Automatic Encryption Shared Library

To enable the driver to use the new Automatic Encryption Shared Library instead of using mongocryptd, pass the location of the library in the auto-encryption extra options to the MongoClient. Example:

const client = new MongoClient(uri, {
  autoEncryption: {
    keyVaultNamespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
    kmsProviders: {
      local: { key: 'localKey' }
    extraOptions: {
      cryptSharedLibPath: "/path/to/mongo_crypt_v1.dylib",
    encryptedFieldsMap: {
      "default.secretCollection": {
            keyId: '_id',
        	path: 'ssn',
        	bsonType: 'string',
        	queries: { queryType: 'equality' }

Queryable Encryption Preview

Queryable Encryption is a beta feature that enables you to encrypt data in your application before you send it over the network to MongoDB while still maintaining the ability to query the encrypted data. With Queryable Encryption enabled, no MongoDB-managed service has access to your data in an unencrypted form.

Checkout the documentation:

ATTENTION: This feature is included in this release as a beta preview. All related APIs marked with @expiremental in the documentation. There are no guarantees that the APIs will not undergo breaking changes without prior notice.


Bug Fixes


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11 May 19:27
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 4.6.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Highlights

TypeScript: ChangeStreamDocument

Our change stream document type and watch API have undergone some improvements! You can now define your own custom type for the top level document returned in a 'change' event. This is very useful when using a pipeline that significantly changes the shape of the change document (ex. $replaceRoot, $project operators). Additionally, we've improved the type information of the default change stream document to default to union of the possible events from MongoDB. This works well with typescript's ability to narrow a Discriminated Union based on the operationType key in the default change stream document.

Prior to this change the ChangeStreamDocument inaccurately reflected the runtime shape of the change document. Now, using the union, we correctly indicate that some properties do not exist at all on certain events (as opposed to being optional). With this typescript fix we have added the properties to for rename events, as well as lsid, txnNumber, and clusterTime if the change is from within a transaction.

NOTE: Updating to this version may require fixing typescript issues. Those looking to adopt this version but defer any type corrections can use the watch API like so: .watch<any, X>(). Where X controls the type of the change document for your use case.

Check out the examples and documentation here.

Performance: Consider Server Load During Server Selection

Operations will now be directed towards servers that have fewer in progress operations. This distributes load across servers and prevents overwhelming servers that are already under load with additional requests.


This release includes some experimental features that are not yet ready for use. As a reminder, anything marked experimental is not a part of the official driver API and is subject to change without notice.


Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


04 May 21:00
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v4.6.0-alpha.0 Pre-release

The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version v4.6.0-alpha.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Highlights

This release is for internal testing - NOT intended for use production.


Bug Fixes



04 Apr 20:32
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 4.5.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Highlights

This release includes a number of enhancements noted below.

comment option support

The comment option is now widely available: by setting a comment on an operation you can trace its value in database logs for more insights.

  { name: 'spot' },
  { comment: { started: new Date() } }

An example of a log line, trimmed for brevity. We can see the timestamp of the log and the time created on our client application differ.

  "t": { "$date": "2022-04-04T16:08:56.079-04:00" },
  "attr": {
    "commandArgs": {
      "documents": [ { "_id": "...", "name": "spot" } ],
      "comment": { "started": { "$date": "2022-04-04T20:08:56.072Z" } } }

Socket timeout fixes for FaaS environments

This release includes a fix for serverless environments where transient serverHeartBeatFailure events that could be corrected to serverHeartBeatSucceeded events in the next tick of the event loop were nonetheless handled as an actual issue with the client's connection and caused unnecessary resource clean up routines.

It turns out that since Node.js handles timeout events first in the event loop, socket timeouts expire while the FaaS environment is dormant and the timeout handler code is the first thing that runs upon function wake prior to checking for any data from the server. Delaying the timeout handling until after the data reading phase avoids the sleep-induced timeout error in the cases where the connection is still healthy.

TS fixes for 4.7

Typescript 4.7 may not be out yet but in preparation for its release we've fixed issues compiling against that version. The main new obstacle was defaulting generic arguments that require that the constraining condition enforce similarity with the defaulted type. You may notice that our change stream watch<T extends Document = Document>() methods now requires that T extends Document, a requirement that already had to be met by the underlying ChangeStreamDocument type.


Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


03 Mar 17:03
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 4.4.1 of the mongodb package!

Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


17 Feb 22:10
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 4.4.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Highlights

This release includes a few new features described below.


KMIP can now be configured as a KMS provider for CSFLE by providing the KMIP endpoint in the kmsProviders option.


new MongoClient(uri, { autoEncryption: { kmsProviders: { kmip: { endpoint: 'host:port' }}}})


Custom TLS options can now be provided for connection to the KMS servers on a per KMS provider basis.


new MongoClient(uri, { autoEncryption: { tlsOptions: { aws: { tlsCAFile: 'path/to/file' }}}})

Valid options are tlsCAFile, tlsCertificateKeyFile, tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword and all accept strings as values: a string path to a certificate location on the file system or a string password.


Hostname canonicalization when using GSSAPI authentication now accepts 'none', 'forward', and 'forwardAndReverse' as auth mechanism properties. 'none' will perform no canonicalization (default), 'forward' will perform a forward cname lookup, and 'forwardAndReverse' will perform a forward lookup followed by a reverse PTR lookup on the IP address. Previous boolean values are still accepted and map to false -> 'none' and true -> 'forwardAndReverse'.


new MongoClient('mongodb://user:pass@host:port/db?authMechanism=GSSAPI&authMechanismProperties=CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME=forward');

For cases when the service host name differs from the connection’s host name (most likely when creating new users on localhost), a SERVICE_HOST auth mechanism property may now be provided.


new MongoClient('mongodb://user:pass@host:port/db?authMechanism=GSSAPI&')

⚠️ collection.count() and cursor.count()

In the 4.0.0 release of the driver, the deprecated collection.count() method was inadvertently changed to behave like collection.countDocuments(). In this release, we have updated the collection.count() behavior to match the legacy behavior:

  • If a query is passed in, collection.count will behave the same as collection.countDocuments and perform a collection scan.
  • If no query is passed in, collection.count will behave the same as collection.estimatedDocumentCount and rely on collection metadata.

We also deprecated the cursor.count() method and will remove it in the next major version along with collection.count(); please use collection.estimatedDocumentCount() or collection.countDocuments() instead.


Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


18 Jan 21:01
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 4.3.1 of the mongodb package!

Release Highlights

In this patch release, we address the limitation introduced in 4.3.0 with the dot notation Typescript improvements and recursive types.
Namely, this fix removes compilation errors for self-referential types.

Note that this fix still has the following limitations:

  • type checking defaults to any after the first level of recursion for self-referential types
interface Node {
  next: Node | null;

declare const collection: Collection<Node>;

// no error here even though `next` is of type `Node | null`
  next: {
    next: 'asdf'
  • indirectly self-referential types are still not supported
interface A {
  b: B;

interface B {
  a: A;

declare const mutuallyRecursive: Collection<A>;

// this will throw an error because there is indirect recursion 
// between types (A depends on B which depends on A and so on)

Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


06 Jan 23:54
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 4.3.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Highlights

This release includes SOCKS5 support and a couple of other important features and bug fixes that we hope will improve your experience with the node driver.

The SOCKS5 options can be configured via the proxyHost, proxyPort, proxyPassword and proxyUsername options in the connection string passed to the MongoClient instance. Big thanks to @addaleax for helping with this feature!

The other notable features address performance and TypeScript as detailed below.


The original release of the 4.x driver relied on a new version of the BSON library that enables UTF-8 validation by default, resulting in noticeable performance degradation over the 3.x driver when processing over string data. This release introduces an option to opt out of this validation by specifying enableUtf8Validation: false at the client, database, collection, or individual operation level.

For example:

// disable UTF-8 validation globally on the MongoDB client
const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017', { enableUtf8Validation: false });

// disable UTF-8 validation for a particular operation
const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017');
const db = client.db('database name');
const collection = db.collection('collection name');

await collection.find({ name: 'John Doe'}, { enableUtf8Validation: false });


Type inference for nested documents

Thanks to an amazing contribution from @avaly we now have support for key auto-completion and type hinting on nested documents! MongoDB permits using dotted keys to reference nested keys or specific array indexes within your documents as a shorthand for getting at keys beneath the top layer. Typescript's Template Literal types allow us to take the interface defined on a collection and calculate at compile time the nested keys and indexes available.

For example:

interface Human {
  name: string;
  age: number;

interface Pet {
  name: string
  bestFriend: Human

const pets = client.db().collection<Pet>('pets');
await pets.findOne({ 'bestFriend.age': 'young!' }) // typescript error!

Here's what autocomplete suggests in VSCode:
Screen Shot 2022-01-06 at 5 29 17 PM

WARNING: There is a known shortcoming to this feature: recursive types can no longer be used in your schema. For example, an interface that references itself or references another schema that references back to the root schema cannot be used on our Collection generic argument. Unlike at runtime where a "recursive" shaped document has an eventual stopping point we don't have the tools within the language to declare a base case enumerating nested keys. We hope this does not cause friction when upgrading driver versions: please do not hesitate to reach out with any feedback you have about this feature.

Consistent type inference for the _id type

We have also enhanced the type inference for the _id type. Now, when performing operations on a collection, the following holds true based on the type of the schema:

  • If no _id is specified on the schema, it is inferred to be of type ObjectId and is optional on inserts.
  • If an _id is specified on the schema as required, then the _id type is inferred to be of the specified type and is required on inserts.
  • If an _id is specified on the schema as optional, it is inferred to be of the specified type and is optional on inserts: this format is intended to be used with the pkFactory option in order to ensure a consistent _id is assigned to every new document.


Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


13 Dec 20:44
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 4.2.2 of the mongodb package!

Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


30 Nov 18:15
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 4.2.1 of the mongodb package!

Release Highlights

This release fixes an issue with the dbName being overridden by the authSource option. Additionally, we have ensured that cursors re-run server selection when fetching additional batches, which should reduce issues encountered in long running function as a service environments.

Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.