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Before sending out a pull request, please ensure that the following pre-requisites are taken care of
An integration test is added/updated to test the new feature developed/bug-fix being made
The pull request has a Jira issue associated with it. Details for creating issues on Jira are located at
The Relevant Jira number (Ex: MIFOSX-1454) is present as a part of the commit message. Refer for details
Newly added code has been formatted and cleaned up as per our preferences at
Your work is present in a single commit rather than several broken up commits. This helps us maintain a cleaner commit history. has instructions for squashing multiple commits or resetting head and recommiting your work as a single commit
Your work is rebased on top of the latest code from develop branch to make life easier for our Committers
"gradlew licenseFormatMain licenseFormatTest licenseFormatIntegrationTest" has been run to apply the Mozilla License on all newly added files (your pull requests are verified to ensure compliance with this since openMF#1053)