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Flotilla backend

The backend of flotilla is created using ASP.NET. Useful documentation of concepts and features in the .NET frameworks can be found here.


To set up the backend on Windows/Mac, install Visual Studio and include the "ASP.NET and web development" workload during install. If you already have Visual Studio installed, you can open the "Visual Studio Installer" and modify your install to add the workload.

To set up the backend on Linux, install .NET for Linux here. You need to also install the dev certificate for local .NET development on Linux. Follow this guide, for each of the browser(s) you wish to trust it in. NB: You probably need to run the commands with sudo prefixed to have permission to change them.

For the configuration to be able to read secrets from the keyvault, you will need to have the client secret stored locally in your secret manager.

For the MQTT client to function, the application expects a config variable in the MQTT section called Password, containing the password for the MQTT broker. This must either be stored in a connected keyvault as "Mqtt--Password" or in the ASP.NET secret manager as described in the configuration section.

Automatic environment setup

See Flotilla readme

Manual environment setup

Add the client secret as described in the Configuration Section.


To build and run the app, run the following command in the backend folder:

dotnet run --project api

To change the ports of the application and various other launch settings (such as the Environment), this can be modified in launchSettings.json. Read more about the launchSettings.json file here

Run in Docker

For the backend to work when dockerized, you need to have the client secret exposed as an environment variable named FLOTILLA_CLIENT_SECRET. The best way to do this is to store it in an .env file in the root of the flotilla repository. See Using the “--env-file” option for more information.

To run the backend in docker, run the following command in the root folder of flotilla:

docker compose up --build backend


To unit test the backend, run the following command in the backend folder:

dotnet test


MQTT Client

The MQTT client is implemented in MqttService.cs and runs as an ASP.NET BackgroundService. Each MQTT message has its own class representation, and is linked to its respective topic pattern in MqttTopics.cs. To match incoming topic messages against the topic patterns we use helper functions to convert from the MQTT wildcards to regEx wildcards for the dictionary lookup.

Each topic then has its respective event which is triggered whenever a new message arrives in that topic. The list of topics being subscribed to is defined as an array in appsettings.Development.json.

An example of the subscriber pattern for an MQTT event is implemented in MqttEventHandler.cs.


The project has two appsettings files. The base appsettings.json file is for common variables across all environments, while the appsettings.Development.json file is for variables specific to the Dev environments, such as the client IDs for the various app registrations used in development.

The configuration will also read from a configured Azure keyvault, which can then be accessed the same way as any other config variables. For this to work you will need to have the client secret stored locally in the secret manager as described below. The client secret (and MQTT password if not connected to keyvault) should be in the following format:

  "AzureAd": {
    "ClientSecret": "SECRET"
  "Mqtt": {
    "Password": "PASSWORD"

Any local secrets used for configuration should be added in the ASP.NET Secret Manager.

Database model and EF Core

Our database model is defined in the folder /backend/api/Database/Models and we use Entity Framework Core as an object-relational mapper (O/RM). When making changes to the model, we also need to create a new migration and apply it to our databases.

Installing EF Core

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

Adding a new migration

NB: Make sure you have fetched the newest code from main and that no one else is making migrations at the same time as you!

  1. Set the environment variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to Development:

     export ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development
  2. Run the following command from /backend/api:

      dotnet ef migrations add AddTableNamePropertyName

    add will make changes to existing files and add 2 new files in backend/api/Migrations, which all need to be checked in to git.


  • The your-migration-name-here is basically a database commit message.
  • Database__ConnectionString will be fetched from the keyvault when running the add command.
  • add will not update or alter the connected database in any way, but will add a description of the changes that will be applied later.
  • If you for some reason are unhappy with your migration, you can delete it with:
    dotnet ef migrations remove
    Once removed you can make new changes to the model and then create a new migration with add.

Applying the migrations to the dev database

Updates to the database structure (applying migrations) are done in GitHub Actions.

When a pull request contains changes in the backend/api/Database/Migrations folder, a workflow is triggered to notify that the pull request has database changes.

After the pull request is approved, a user can then trigger the database changes by commenting /UpdateDatabase on the pull request.

This will trigger another workflow which updates the database by applying the new migrations.

By doing migrations this way, we ensure that the commands themselves are scripted, and that the database changes become part of the review process of a pull request.

Applying migrations to staging and production databases

This is done automatically as part of the promotion workflows (promoteToProduction and promoteToStaging).

Database setup

If resetting database, but still using PostgreSQL (removing old migrations and adding them manually again).

Database backup and cloning

You can use pg_dump to extract a PostgreSQL database into an SQL file and psql to import the data into the target database from that file. Have the server running on pgAdmin and then execute the following commands.

Extract the entire database:

pg_dump -U Username -d postgres -h host_name_or_address -p port -f output_file_name.sql

Extract specific tables:

pg_dump -U Username -d postgres -h host_name_or_address -p port -t '"table_name"' -t '"second_table_name"' -f input_file_name.sql

Upload file information to new database:

psql -U Username -d postgres -h host_name_or_address -p port -f output_file_name.sql



The formatting of the backend is defined in the .editorconfig file.

In everyday development we use CSharpier to auto-format code on save. Installation procedure is described here. No configuration should be required. To run CSharpier locally, go to the backend folder and run: dotnet csharpier . --check


We use SignalR to asynchronously send event updates to the frontend. Currently we only support sending events and not receiving them, and all transmissions are sent using the SignalRService class. When doing so it is important to make sure that the event name provided corresponds with the name expected in the frontend.

It is also crucial that we do not await sending SignalR messages in our code. Instead we ignore the await warning. In the current version of the SignalR library, sending a message in an asynchronous thread may cause the thread to silently exit without returning an exception, which is avoided by letting the SignalR code run asynchronously after the current thread has executed.


We use Azure Application Insights to monitor the backend of our application.

We have one application insight instance for each environment. The connection strings for the AI instances are stored in the keyvault.

Custom Mission Loaders

You can create your own mission loader to fetch missions from some external system. The custom mission loader needs to fulfill the IMissionLoader interface. If your mission loader is an external API you might need to add it as a downstream API in Program.cs


We use role-based access control (RBAC) for authorization.

The access matrix looks like this:

Read Only User Admin
Area Read Read CRUD
InspectionArea Read Read CRUD
Plant Read Read CRUD
Installation Read Read CRUD
MissionLoader Read Read CRUD
Missions Read Read CRUD
Robots Read Read CRUD
Robot Models Read Read CRUD
Start Missions Directly ✔️
Stop/Pause/Resume Missions ✔️ ✔️
Send Robot to Dock ✔️ ✔️